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RT Darius Rochebin
de Gaulle: "Madame ou Mademoiselle?"
G.Halimi: "Appelez-moi Maître."
G.Halimi, sa tenue, son allure, son humour extraordinaires, quand elle racontait l'échange devenu légendaire.
Mémoire, 3 ans après sa mort, le 28 juillet 2020.


waiting in line in NY airport with the ESTA -visa during 3(!!!) hours...
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Dave Keating: Translation: ‘I, as president, will end NATO very quickly.’
BTW, EU citizens have been having to pay for a visa to travel to America since 2009. It will probably not surprise you to learn that pretty much no Americans know this.


RT Tsipi Ben-Haim
Re @JustinTrudeau @VivianeRedingEU @vonderleyen We’re proud of you Dr Viviane Reding for presenting the Peace through law award! A light to the young leaders of the future! We’ll celebrate you with a great dinner reception tomorrow with impactful people in Justice, art and education! @giladerdan1 @jerevandyk1 @KevinHSharp


World Law Congress in NY: Ursula von der Leyen ,President of the EU-Commission,recieves the"World Peace and Liberty Award"


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Cremades&amp;CalvoSotelo: Segunda jornada del , que se celebra en @UN, se hizo entrega del World Peace &amp; Liberty Award a @EU_Commission, que recoge personalmente @vonderleyen, presidenta de la institución, con laudatio de @JustinTrudeau, primer ministro de Canadá.


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World Jurist Association: @VivianeRedingEU WLF Vice-President, reads the Act granting the World Peace &amp; Liberty Award to @EU_Commission:
"The EU is an institution based on respect for the laws contained in the EU Treaties, based on international law instruments, such as the Universal Dec of Human Rights"


Peace through Law
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World Law Foundation: .@VivianeRedingEU, Vicepresidenta de la , hace la Presentación del World Peace &amp; Liberty Award.


For a world ruled by law ,not by force! of Law
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World Jurist Association: The Closing Ceremony at @un is about to begin!
@JustinTrudeau PM of Canada; WJA president @JavierCremades ; Dominican Supreme Court @HenryMolina ; @WorldLawFound Vice-President &amp; Strategic Advisor @VivianeRedingEU &amp; @juanluiscebrian; and US Amb. Alan Solomont


NY Bar Association :Jurist ,Scholars and political Leaders from 60 counrtries meet at the#world law congress.For a world ruled by law and not by force of law


RT World Jurist Association
Egil Levits, President of Latvia, asks: Who will, which entity will regulate speeches provided online once we stablish laws? If we manage to stablish them...
Panel "Judges of the World: Solving Problems Inherent to Digital Freedom of Speech"


RT Cremades&amp;CalvoSotelo
.@VivianeRedingEU, primera comisaria de Justicia de la UE, ha sido la maestra de ceremonias de esta jornada que trató la , la y la de las democracias y su efecto en el de la real y terrible guerra en .


RT New York City Bar
300 panelists from around the world will discuss topics such as electoral law, new technologies, human rights, sustainability and international arbitration. Opening remarks by @JavierCremades, @VivianeRedingEU and @NYCMayor. City Bar July 20 and UN July 21


RT Darius Rochebin
(2/2) «La France n’a pas d’excuses à donner. C’est l’entretien de la haine.» La France, si longtemps divisée sur les excuses pour le Vel d’Hiv, Mitterand invoquant la tradition gaullienne et la réconciliation. Tradition qui évita si longtemps à Bousquet la révision de son procès.
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Darius Rochebin: «Mitterrand à Vichy!» 16 juillet 1992, commémoration du Vel d’Hiv. Rappeler combien la France s’est divisée sur la question des excuses pour la participation française au crime. Mitterrand hué pour son refus de le faire et Badinter réagissant à la tribune. (1/2)


Re @MikeBre14267200 @CrossBriton @EmmaAgyemang @PreetKGillMP @kalyeena @SharonHodgsonMP @RuthCadbury @SophieintVeld @aliciakearns I have not written the regulation.I have neither negotiated FACTA.But I always,as an elected Member of Parliament,beiing fighting the unfair effect on "AccidentalAmericans" and the sometimes ridiculos treatment of socalled PEP's


Debanking hashappened to me as a politician in Switzerland.Debanking is an injustice I have been fighting against before it happened to me personnally....
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Jenny❤️🐱🐝 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: Debanking is a terrible thing when it impacts politicians. It has also impacted ordinary people for years. But who cares about them? @EmmaAgyemang @PreetKGillMP @kalyeena @SharonHodgsonMP @RuthCadbury @SophieintVeld @VivianeRedingEU @aliciakearns


RT Tsipi Ben-Haim
Re @NYCBarAssn @VivianeRedingEU @JavierCremades @NYCMayor Viviane, we're looking forward to welcoming you in NYC to continue spreading Justice through art and education @jerevandyk1 @SenatorLeahy @brianschatz @JonOssoff @Astro_Flow @MARCMORIAL @MarkLevineNYC @jerrysaltz @barbarakopple @cspanSusan @SusanSarandon @jbendery @SusanHarris26


For lives built on justice,beauty and fairness....
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Tsipi Ben-Haim: @NYCBarAssn @VivianeRedingEU @JavierCremades @NYCMayor Viviane, we're looking forward to welcoming you in NYC to continue spreading Justice through art and education @jerevandyk1 @SenatorLeahy @brianschatz @JonOssoff @Astro_Flow @MARCMORIAL @MarkLevineNYC @jerrysaltz @barbarakopple @cspanSusan @SusanSarandon @jbendery @SusanHarris26


RT New York City Bar
300 panelists from around the world will discuss topics such as electoral law, new technologies, human rights, sustainability and international arbitration. Opening remarks by @JavierCremades, @VivianeRedingEU and @NYCMayor. City Bar July 20 and UN July 21


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