Already 100 European Citizens' Initiative have been registered.
The latest one is on connecting all European capitals through a high-speed train network.
We empower EU citizens to actively participate in shaping the EU policies.
Busy day in Strasbourg, thank you for the discussions on
🔹 #MediaFreedomAct @DianaRibaGiner
🔹 #ViolenceAgainstWomen & transparency @MaxovaRadka
🔹statute and funding of 🇪🇺 political parties & foundations @GDelbosCorfield
🔹 institutional reform, disinformation @vladobilcik
We're building up the infrastructure, skills and capacities that we need to face our common growing cybersecurity threat in Europe.
👉 budget of EUR 1.1 billion, of which 2/3 will be financed through the Digital Europe Programme.
We address the need for everyone everywhere in Europe to have access to digital education.
We need to do much better on digital skills and treat them with the same importance as school basics.
An important discussion with 🇨🇿 Minister of Education @VladimirBalas.
We touched upon the steps taken by the Czech authorities to address the segregation of Roma children in education and plans to support media literacy under the Czech National Recovery Plan.
Looking forward to our cooperation @ivana_karaskova.
RT @ivana_karaskova: Personal news: I am happy to share that I was appointed a Special Advisor to Vice-President of the European Commission and a Commissioner for Values and Transparency, @VeraJourova. I am very much looking forward to consult on the preparation of the Defense of Democracy package.
Odešla Dana Němcová.
Pro mě je a bude symbolem obrovské statečnosti a neokázalé skromnosti.
Je mi to moc líto. Upřímnou soustrast jejím blízkým.
Veselé a radostné Velikonoční pondělí.
Přeji vám, ať ho prožijete s blízkými dle vašeho přání.
Happy Easter Monday !
Wishing you to enjoy it with your loved ones the way you like it.
We celebrate #InternationalRomaDay.
The progress on #UnionOfEquality is too slow and too little.
We have to continue working together on all levels and always together w/ Roma, to achieve real #equality in their every day lives.
RT @RadioPragueFr: Liberté de la presse, Hongrie, Babiš : entretien de @ThibMAILLET avec @VeraJourova, "Madame démocratie" de Bruxelles
We are picking up action on the ‘Save bees and farmers’ initiative for more bees-friendly agriculture.
European citizens’ initiatives can impact the EU policy-making process.
We strengthen judicial cooperation in Europe.
Common rules on transfer of criminal proceedings from one 🇪🇺 State to another will
🔹ensure the best-placed state investigates/ prosecutes
🔹prevent unnecessary parallel proceedings
🔹avoid cases of impunity
RT @jensstoltenberg: Thirty-one flags flying together as a symbol of our unity and solidarity.
#Finland is safer and #NATO is stronger with Finland as an Ally
Welcome to our Alliance 🇫🇮
Nevyhýbám se odpovědím na osobní otázky.
Díky za ně @lindabartos a @SpotlightCz 👇
Pro Ukrajince a Ukrajinu je to obrovsky silné gesto, že poměrně rychle dostali status kandidátské země pro členství v 🇪🇺.
Není v tom žádná výjimka, žádné promíjení čehokoli.
We need 🇪🇺 response to European problems on setting rules for media market.
🙏@DavidSmoljak for organizing @SenatCZ roundtable on #MediaFreedomAct proposal.
We listen to different stakeholders' views; useful to hear representatives of small publishers & media organisations.
Je to obrovský paradox, že Rusko předsedá Radě bezpečnosti OSN. Pravidla nejsou připravena na to, že se člen stane agresorem.
Zvyšujeme diplomatickou aktivitu v Africe a Latinské americe, hlavně bojujeme proti ruským dezinformacím, abychom neztráceli podporu pro 🇺🇦.
Substantial discussion w/ high representatives of 🇨🇿 media houses under @Unie_vydavatelu.
Useful to dispel some myths around #MediaFreedomAct.
It respects national specificities, takes media economic sustainability into account, will not regulate how media organise themselves.
Cold but beautiful day in Prague and busy agenda ahead. 🇨🇿
Will discuss mainly the issues faced by the independent media in Europe and how they are concretely addressed in our #MediaFreedomAct,
🔹with @Unie_vydavatelu
🔹at the roundtable debate at @SenatCZ
EU will not compromise our values, #RuleOfLaw & #democracy especially in the context of 🇷🇺’s aggression in 🇺🇦.
The multilateral system is under pressure and we need a well-functioning, rules-based international order based on the international rule of law.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Vice-President for Values and Transparency at the @EU_Commission. Account managed by me and my team.