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An important proposal from the European Commission to grant and candidate status is expected to come today. This is an important political but also a practical step.


Eeldatavalt on täna tulemas Euroopa Komisjoni oluline ettepanek anda ELi kandidaatriigi staatus Ukrainale ja Moldovale. See on oluline poliitiline, aga ka praktiline samm.


RT @franakviacorka: A touching video of a Ukrainian soldier meeting his son. I wish all the kids of Ukraine whose parents are now on the frontline of the fights will eventually meet their moms and dads.


Juuniküüditamise mälestuspäev on väga vale ajastus umbusaldusavalduste ja kurjusega vehkimiseks Eesti riigikogus.


81 aastat tagasi. Ka tuleviku pärast ei tohi unustada, mida kuritegelik režiim meie inimestega tegi.


RT @DefenceU: This girl is marking her birthday at the grave of her father, a serviceman of the 93 Brigade of the , who was killed in action. Thousands of children are no longer awaiting their parents’ return from the war. Support 🇺🇦 to give hope to the millions who are still waiting.


RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️UN: Death sentence for Ukraine foreign fighters is a war crime.

The UN human rights office on June 10 condemned the death sentence handed down to three foreign fighters in Ukraine by a court in Russian-occupied Donetsk Oblast.


RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Japan PM: Russia’s war in Ukraine will affect every country in the world.

Fumio Kishida said during Asia’s top security summit Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore that the ongoing war in Ukraine could provoke a war in East Asia.


RT @AFP: US and Chinese defence ministers clashed over Taiwan in their first face-to-face talks, with Beijing vowing to "smash" any "independence plot" on the island while Washington urged an end to "destabilizing actions"

📸 Taiwanese soldiers stage drills near Hualien in 2018


The IISS Shangri-La Dialogue started today in . The keynote address by Kishida Fumio, the Prime Minister of . It will be a packed weekend of debate on global and Asia's most pressing security issues.


RT @EPinASEAN: The IISS Dialogue begins today, with the participation of MEPs Reinhard Bütikofer @bueti and Urmas Paet @Urmaspaet Security & defence in the Indo-Pacific is high on the agenda of @europarl_en, which this week voted a major report on this topic


Singapuris Shangri-La Aasia julgeolekukonverentsil on Aasia julgeolekuteemade juures kõne all ka Vene Ukraina-vastase agressiooni temaatika. Vene esindajaid sel aastal konverentsile ei kutsutud, küll on aga kohal USA ja Hiina kaitseminister ning paljud teised.


and have to help their brave citizens. And the international community as well. is just killing war prisoners.
RT @mrsorokaa: Russian-led Donbas militants have just “sentenced to death” three captured foreigns who had fought for Ukraine – two Britons Aidan Aslin and Sean Pinner and Moroccan Saadoun Brahim.

Russia is about to execute prisoners of war.


RT @AKurkov: The graduates of Kharkiv School 134 still decided to take photos in front of their school that was destroyed by Russians. There are 111 schools that are completely destroyed by Russia in Ukraine. This number will grow unless Ukrainian army can stop them.


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