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RT @KadriSimson: We are going to cap revenues for lower cost electricity producers & allow exceptional measures on regulation of prices for businesses & households.

This will enable Member States to raise & redirect revenues to those in need in this difficult time!


RT @EC_AVService: 🗣️ Press conference on proposals for an emergency intervention to address high prices by EVP @TimmermansEU & Commissioner @KadriSimson 💡

🔴 LIVE ⏰ 14:30 CET



As we deal with the immediate crisis we must also look forward.

The current electricity market design does not allow consumers to reap the benefits of low-cost renewables.

We will carry out a deep and comprehensive reform.



We have to ensure the security of supply and at the same time our global competitiveness.

We will develop with the Member States a set of measures on prices which take into account the different gas suppliers.



Energy companies are making profits they never even dreamt of.

In these times, profits must be shared and channeled to those who need it most.



Reducing energy demand during peak hours will make supplies last longer and bring prices down.



We have to get rid of the dependency on Russian fossil fuels all over Europe, says @vonderleyen
RT @EU_Commission: Europe is united and determined.

We should be proud of that.

We have brought Europe’s inner strength back to the surface.

🔴 Watch LIVE President @vonderleyen speech in International Sign


RT @EU_Commission: Europe is united and determined.

We should be proud of that.

We have brought Europe’s inner strength back to the surface.

🔴 Watch LIVE President @vonderleyen speech in International Sign


RT @EU_Commission: Few hours to go until !

Join us here to watch President @vonderleyen address before the European Parliament in International Sign!

🔴 LIVE at 9.00 a.m. CEST


More green mobility infrastructure is coming to Europe.

Today the @EU_Commission is investing €292.5 million for projects contributing to greener mobility.!DXYVvg


Well worth a read, and not just because it includes my new favourite energy saving tip 👇

"Move your light switches up 3ft (91cm), that way the kids can’t turn on every bloody light in the house."

🤣 Thanks Philip Fitzgerald - I feel you!
RT @HannahEDaly: Very good article on cutting household energy use to lower bills @TomEHalpin @SEAI_ie @Conorpope

One tip I’d add: if you have a smart meter, consider moving to a smart tariff,…


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