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THIS is the sound of the Hungarian veto against financial aid for Ukraine:

"Hungary is not in favor of the amendment of the financial regulation."

Orban is going into full escalation.


Gestern Nacht haben sich Parlament und Rat auf das Gesetz zu entwaldungsfreien Lieferketten geeinigt. Auch wenn die Mitgliedsstaaten bei einigen Themen auf die Bremse getreten sind, ist das Gesetz dennoch ein neuer Goldstandard im so dringenden Kampf gegen weltweite Entwaldung!


RT @euromove: Dark forces? We're right here, openly trying to reverse the calamity of Brexit.

Why? Because it's a total failure and is damaging our country.


A United Europe. A green Europe. A social Europe. A democratic Europe.

This is what Greens are fighting for in many different roles and ways.

This weekend @europeangreens came together and showed what a political force we are.

We are ready to shape this continent.




RT @daniel_freund: "The Council must not succumb to Orban's attempts at holding vital measures hostage in exchange for European funds. This pure political blackmail cannot be tolerated. It is now your turn to defend our shared values."

Our call on EU member states ⤵️


Democrats working together to defend rule of law.

European Parliament leaders have sent a letter to the ECOFIN ministers.

We call on them to follow the Commission and stand firm on the proposal to freeze funds for the Hungarian government.

EU values are our shared foundation.


We just unanimously adopted a strong resolution calling to fight for the right to abortion everywhere.

Well-done 💪🏼✨💚

The Green family across Europe clearly stands up for sexual self-determination.




@Die_Gruenen ready to vote at the in Copenhagen.

So amazing to be part of a big European family 😘🌈✨


RT @DanijelMajic: Serbische Fans in Wien singen..

"Töte, schlachte, auf dass es den Albaner nicht mehr gibt."

Ein Großteil dieser jungen Menschen ist vermutlich in Österreich geboren und aufgewachsen.

Falls Ihr Euch mal wieder fragt, warum ich über diese Themen schreibe...


RT @emilybuening: 2024 wird das EU-Parlament neu gewählt und wir sind seit Wochen mit unseren europäischen Freund*innen im strategischen Austausch, um als grüne Parteienfamilie bestmöglich aufgestellt zu sein. Grüße aus Kopenhagen vom mit vielen klugen grünen Köpfen 💚


RT @rafael_pinto10: É com muito gosto que assinei esta carta aberta à Comissão Europeia em nome do @Partido_PAN a pedir o congelamento de fundos europeus para a Hungria.

No rule of law, no funds!


WE DID IT 💚✨🇪🇺

We got Greens from all the around EU to call for freezing EU funds to the Hungarian government - and to find ways to give it to local governments and NGOs instead.

We stand up against Orbán’s corruption and his attack on the rule of law:


RT @AnAudretsch: Gestern @janboehm zu Verbindungen von Beatrix v. Storch zum russischen Oligarchen Malofejew.

Ich führe seit Monaten Prozesse zum Thema. Nun hab ich vorm Oberlandesgericht Hamburg gewonnen.

Thread über die "Demo für alle", v. , Kalbitz-Anwalt Schoemakers...🧵(1/X)


RT @Slowik_pl: Mocna ekipa z @Zieloni na Kongresie @europeangreens💪 W naszej zielonej rodzinie łączą nas wspólne wartości, wizja bezpiecznej i odpowiedzialnej europejskiej wspólnoty.Zawsze możemy liczyć na wsparcie zielonych w EP. @TerryReintke jest jedną z naszych sojuszniczek🤝


RT @GreensEFA: Heat homes, not the planet! 🏘️🌡️🌍

With hundreds of Green representatives at the @europeangreens , we’re calling for during the .

Warm, insulated and energy efficient homes, affordable energy and no energy cuts!♨️🏡⚡️


RT @europeangreens: Green Family statement at

"Autocrats, oligarchs and far-right are seeking to undermine the pillars of democracy, the rule of law & the freedoms we cherish.

That's why it is essential that EU member states stand firm on the rule of law."



RT @europaverde_it: Questa guerra energetica ha conseguenze in tutta Europa ma noi Verdi le risposte.

Il futuro sarà costruito sul sole e sul vento.

Il futuro sarà costruito sulle energie rinnovabili.


RT @j_bartelt: We start the second day at the with the keynote of @TerryReintke the Co-President of the Greens/EFA with clear words:”Social justice is and was always a core value of green politics!”💚💚💚


RT @europeangreens: @GreensEFA @marietouss1 @TerryReintke @msaraswati @javorbenedek @EstherLynchs @BasEickhout 🇺🇦 @TerryReintke at on her recent trip to :

"I want to pay tribute to the resilience of the Ukrainian people because even in these dark times they are standing up for freedom and democracy. This should give us hope & strength. We will stand with ."


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