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Solidarity with UK workers 💪🏼🇬🇧

As 121 MPs from across the world we wrote a statement about plans of the UK gov to restrict the right to strike.

The right to strike is not just a bargaining tool to protect workers, it is a safeguard on democracy itself.



A day marking the defeat of Fascism in Italy and the end of a long lasting ditatorship in Portugal.

We must never forget the past.

We have to stand up to Fascism and work towards a future where peace, freedom and solidarity will prevail.



A green and sustainable future.
Equal rights for all.
Good wages and fair working conditions.
A strong and united EU.

There is still so much to do. 💚💚💚

This Thursday, I will ask my local Green group @gruene_ge to support my candidacy for the European elections in 2024.


Eine Grüne und klimagerechte Zukunft. Gleiche Rechte für alle.
Gute Löhne und faire Arbeitsbedingungen.
Eine starke und handlungsfähige EU.

Ich habe noch viel vor. 💚💚💚

Deshalb bitte ich am Donnerstag den besten Kreisverband @gruene_ge um ein Votum zur Europawahl 2024.


RT @FrantaNejedly: Andrej Babiš as a speaker on CPAC Hungary branded as conservative leader, while being member of the ALDE party and Renew Group in the European Parliament. Very fascinating.


@dansobov @LGBTIintergroup @NELFA_LGBT @ILGAEurope @AllOut @Pierre_Ka @CBeaune @VeraJourova @LGBTforEurope @samesexparents 😘😘😘


@Mariana_Schuett @GreensEFA @Melanie_Vogel_ Nur am besten ohne Ohrenentzündung. 😘


@ClementFavaron @poyventu @GreensEFA @Melanie_Vogel_ Apparently, the federal government in Belgium is planning a night train Brussels-Barcelona from 2025.

Which would be FANTASTIC.


Hey there 😘

This is still Terry Reintke.

Co-President of @GreensEFA.
Committed European.
Girlfriend of the most amazing @Melanie_Vogel_ ❤️🌈

And I still love night trains and otters.



My nephew is two years old.

He will be 35 in 2056.

What the world looks like by then, will be decided by people in power today.

The IPCC report gives us reason to panic. But also reason to hope for change.

Let us use our power for concrete actions. Not just abstract debates.


An Italian agriculture minister talking about “not giving in to ethnic replacement”.

Let me be clear:

We will never accept far right conspiracy theories based on lies and hate like ‘the great replacement theory’ to become part of democratic political discourse.


80 years ago, the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto began.

The bravery of the Jewish resistance fighters who rose up against the Nazis is unforgotten.

Their strength is an inspiration.

To stand up to Fascism.

Fight Nazis. Every day.



Yesterday, the European Parliament took a crucial step for the climate 💚

We voted to move forward with the Green Deal and bring down CO2 emissions with a reform of the trading system.

But for @GreensEFA it is clear:

We have to make this a just transition and support citizens.


RT @FaireMobilitaet: Heute war Thema im Parlament. @TerryReintke machte deutlich, dass @IKEA, @VW u. @DeutschePostDHL zu den Auftraggebern von gehören.
@dgb_news @_verdi @SKoerzell @gabischoff @AtemaEdwin @RadtkeMdEP


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