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RT by @TerryReintke: Hungarian national security services raided my attorney’s office and several others' homes. This abuse of power aims to discredit me w manipulated propaganda. Budapest deserves better. On 9 June, we will show them our strength and values.

[2024-05-24 14:31 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Es ist nicht sonderlich glaubwürdig, wenn CDU und CSU Hitlergrüße auf verurteilen, aber in Brüssel mit Parteien koalieren wollen, bei denen Hitlergrüße auf Veranstaltungen zum guten Ton gehören. Warum gibt das keinen großen Aufschrei?

[2024-05-24 13:31 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Europa ist Euer Zuhause!
Eine klare Ansage von @TerryReintke bei der . Wir lassen nicht zu, dass Rechte Unsicherheit & Angst verbreiten. Wir stellen uns gemeinsam & solidarisch dagegen & verteidigen unsere gemeinsamen europäischen Werte: Gleichheit und Vielfalt!

[2024-05-24 13:59 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 🇪🇺 Europe loves you! 💚

🇫🇮 Today we're in beautiful Helsinki with our lead candidate @TerryReintke and the Finnish Greens @vihreat.

⏰ 2 weeks before the EU elections, we are mobilising every single vote for a Green, just & democratic Europe.

🗳️ On 6-9 June, !

[2024-05-24 11:31 UTC]

The European Union 🇪🇺 has brought peace, freedom and prosperity to countries shaken by centuries of brutal war.
We can never take that for granted.
These elections are about our future:
Defending democracy.
Defending strong climate action.
Strengthening Europe.

[2024-05-24 08:18 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “I know many people in Europe who are afraid right now. We see in queer communities, among black people, migrant communities, poor people that they are afraid of the future. I want to be absolutely clear: Europe is your home!”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 15:02 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 🚜 "We need to change how we distribute subsidies in Europe," says @TerryReintke about the farmers' protests.
🌿 Up to 60% of the EU’s CAP funding—over €32 billion every year—is harmful to nature and doesn't support farmers. It's time for a major policy shift!

[2024-05-23 14:06 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: There must be consequences when democratic parties go into coalition with the far-right!

[2024-05-23 14:46 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “The European elections are crucial for the future of our continent. I come from a country where in the 1920s and 1930s, Conservatives & Liberals underestimated the threat of the far-right. We can never let that happen again!”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 14:47 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “We need to end the dying in the Mediterranean. Let’s bring across an EU-wide search & rescue operation in the Mediterranean.”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 14:29 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: In the Netherlands, the Liberals @VVD went into government with the far-right of Geert Wilders.

“I know that @RenewEurope is committed to the European project. Send a very clear signal: Have an extraordinary group meeting and expel VVD!”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 14:21 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: ⚠️ The biggest threat to our security is the far-right.

🚨 “We cannot have the extended arm of Vladimir Putin sitting in the European Parliament!”

@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 14:14 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “We see that farmers can no longer live on what they produce. We need sustainability when it comes to the environment, but also when it comes to farmers’ incomes. We need to change the way we distribute subsidies in Europe.”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 14:05 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “I come from an industrial area in Germany, so I can see the potential of the Green Deal. For companies who see opportunities in green technology. We need to continue what we have started and enable them to put it into practice.”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 14:03 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 🌍 The last 11 months have been the hottest on record. The climate crisis is here. Europe must act now!

☀️ We want to phase out all fossil fuels and transform our energy system to 100% solar, water, wind and geothermal energy by 2040.

[2024-05-23 13:41 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “We finally have to end unanimity in the European Council when it comes to foreign & security policy. We cannot give Viktor Orbán a veto right on our security!”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 13:31 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: “We must break the contradiction between climate and economy. The Green Deal was the first step towards a Green economy, but now we must make it a reality. That’s why we need investment – not austerity.”
@TerryReintke at the

[2024-05-23 13:11 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 🇪🇺 Who run the world? 😎

💚 Our lead candidate @TerryReintke is more than ready for the 2024!

🔴 Watch the debate live from Brussels at 15.00 CET ➡️

[2024-05-23 12:32 UTC]

Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar.

[2024-05-23 06:33 UTC]

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