Only together - as Europeans - we can stand up to the brutal Russian imperialism.
Our unwavering solidarity goes to Ukraine.
But we also have to take the necessary steps at home:
Make the EU strong and resilient with an ambitious Green Deal.
RT @europeangreens: Justyna Wydrzyńska has been sentenced to 8 months of restricted liberty after providing abortion pills to a woman in an abusive relationship in Poland.
That’s why Greens across Europe are working to ensure access to safe, legal, and free abortion.
RT @ippfen: 🇵🇱Statement: Today, Justyna Wydrzyńska was found guilty for helping a woman in an abusive relationship access abortion pills. She was sentenced to 8 months of community service for 30 hours/month and will now have a criminal record. #IAmJustyna #JakJustyna
RT @aborcyjnydream: Winna: udzielenia pomocy Annie, przez przekazanie paczkomatem mizoprostolu, art. 152 par. 2 KK. Osiem miesięcy ograniczenia wolności przez wykonywanie nieodpłatnej pracy przez 30h/msc.
The Polish activist Justyna Wydrzyńska was convicted today.
She was convicted because she helped others access abortion.
She was convicted because she cared.
She was convicted because she stood up for our rights.
We are all at your side.
Solidarity with Justyna 🖤
RT @TimesRadio: "The only act of a parliament that is has some kind of moral integrity is to rip up her illegal and immoral bill, which has no place on our statute book."
@CarolineLucas speaks out against the #IllegalMigrationBill
RT @JHillje: Auf Deutsch spricht die schwedische liberale EU-Abgeordnete @emmawiesner, Fraktionskollegin der FDP, zum #VerbrennerAus:
‘Ich spreche zu Ihnen als Liberale: Hören Sie auf, das zentrale Element unseres Klimapakets, das Ende des Verbrenners, zu blockieren’
President Erdoğan is trying to ban the Peopleʼs Democratic Party (HDP). A politically motivated trial against the party has been going on for 2 years.
We, @TheProgressives & @Left_EU express our solidarity with HDP & condemn the attempts to ban the party!
The UK government put forward an inhumane migration bill.
@GaryLineker criticised that they are using language „not dissimilar to that used in Germany in the 30s“.
And now the outrage is around this criticism instead of the bill?
Something is going terribly wrong here.
RT @HerrLuehmann: Die Vehemenz und Härte, mit der die Merz- und Söder-Union uns Grüne angreift, die würde ich mir im Kampf von Merz-CDU und CSU gegen die AfD Mal wünschen. Aber Klimaschutz scheinbar leider gerade der größere Gegner als der Partei gewordene Rechtsextremismus.
RT @BMWK: Heute fand der erste Photovoltaik-Gipfel statt. Das Ziel: mehr #PV-Anlagen auf Dächern und Freiflächen in Deutschland. #Energiewechsel #mehrdavon
RT @JN_Gesenhues: Heute jährt sich die schreckliche Atomkatastrophe von #Fukushima zum zwölften Mal. Die Erinnerung mahnt uns: Sicher ist nur das Risiko. Die Zukunft ist Erneuerbar. Gut, dass Deutschland am 15.4.2023 endgültig aus der Atomkraft aussteigt.
RT @DEonHumanRights: n #Hatay ist die Zerstörung kaum zu beschreiben. 85% der Häuser sind zerstört und unbewohnbar. Die Stadt verzeichnet die Hälfte aller türkischen Erdbebenopfer. Deutschlands Unterstützung wird hier nicht nur jetzt, sondern auch in den kommenden Jahren gebraucht werden.@stadt_kiel
Once again:
The European Convention on Human rights is not something that is imposed on the UK.
It actually represents the best about the UK.
You challenged power.
You fought for fundamental rights.
You stood up to Fascism.
Do not abandon that.
Receiving the European Western Balkans Award 2022 means so much ❤️
The region and its people will always be close to my heart.
And of course their struggle for democracy, fundamental rights and rule of law.
I will always be at your side.
“As of January 2023, more than a million refugees from Ukraine were recorded in Germany.”
That is not the highest number in the EU: In Poland in February 2023 around 1.6 million refugees from Ukraine were reported.
And this is of course not covered in a graphic from 2021 (!).
RT @implausibleblog: "If you include people from Ukraine, Germany for example would be way higher."
Jenrick tries to misrepresent the data on refugees and Fiona Bruce shames him #BBCQT
@anna_cavazzini @berndlange @rglucks1 @KarimaDelli @pcanfin @SLagodinsky @sabineverheyen @younousomarjee @CristianSBusoi @UdoBullmann @Pierre_Ka You have added all the committee names 😘😘😘
Happy to be in Bucharest with our newest member of @GreensEFA @nicustefanuta. If you want to know more about our common vision, please join our press conference which is starting now:
RT @FormulaGe: Tens of thousands rally in Tbilisi demanding the withdrawal of the Russia-style 'foreign agents' law' and the release of those detained during the last night's crackdown on yesterday's rally
RT @mari_nikuradze: Impressive scene on Rustaveli right now. The extremely large crowd came once again to express their support to Georgia's European future and protest the draft on foreign agents.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Feminism. Social justice. Fundamental Rights. Co-President of @GreensEFA in the European Parliament (she/her). 🌈🇪🇺✨