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RT @TETUmag: Séquence grave au Sénat aujourd'hui autour du harcèlement scolaire et des LGBTphobies à l'école, à l'occasion d'un échange entre @Melanie_Vogel_
et @PapNdiaye


I love the European Parliament.

Coming together in this house as directly elected representatives of EU citizens is one the greatest achievements of the EU.

And exactly because we love this house we have to deliver in the fight against corruption and for transparency.



RT @GDelbosCorfield: Today, when electing their new Vice-President, @europarl_en will have a choice.

➡️ Business as usual, despite backroom deals and corruption revelations,

➡️ Or standing up for transparency, accountability & restoring trust.

Vote at 12:00 🕛


RT @GDelbosCorfield: .@Europarl_FR doit urgemment regagner la confiance des citoyen·nes, avec les règles les + strictes possibles contre la corruption & la création d'un organe éthique.

Ce sont ces mesures que je souhaite porter en tant que candidate @GreensEFA à la vice-présidence du Parlement 🇪🇺.


RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 7 January 1938 | French Jewish boy Pierre Deutsch was born in Paris.

He arrived at on 10 December 1943 in a transport of 1,000 Jews deported from . He was among 661 of them murdered after selection in a gas chamber.


RT @Melanie_Vogel_: Yellow dots: remain in the EU vote share per country in 2016-2017

Black dots: remain vote share in 2020-2022.

And in between: the Brexit disaster, the demonstration that we were stronger in times of Covid as Europeans and the reminder that peace and freedom was not a given.


RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 2 January 1940 | Polish Jewish boy Aleksander Kleinman, was born in Będzin.

He was deported from the Będzin ghetto to in the summer of 1942 or 1943. He was murdered in a gas chamber in Auschwitz II-Birkenau.


RT @Bettina_Jarasch: Seit heute Nacht hängen in ganz Berlin Plakate mit unserem Angebot an die Stadt: ein grünes und gerechtes Berlin. In meinem Wahlkreis Spandau war ich beim Plakatieren und am Wahlkampfstand heute dabei. Vielen Dank an alle, die sich beim Plakatieren beteiligt haben.


RT @Melanie_Vogel_: Happy new year everyone. ❤️

2023 is probably not going to be the easiest one.

So I wish each of you to have someone they love as strongly as I love her to go through it and find the way 🌈


Already the third year without you 💔

To all our friends in the UK:

We still miss you.

And of course, we want you back.

Whenever you are ready.



RT @TerryReintke: My French girlfriend and I started a new tradition for New Years Eve this year.

Making an EU star for our friends in the UK, putting it into a box to keep it with us until your return.

Love and see you soon.

Your star is safe with us ⭐️💙


RT @Ula_Zielinska: with your 🏳️‍🌈 band and the message of unity with Jewish, African and lgbtq+ communities in @TelewizjaPolska of all places,
you’ve made my day😀


After 11 hours in the train finally arrived home for Christmas.

Wishing everyone a wonderful time🎄💖✨

We have to continue to fight for a peaceful, just, open and free Europe.


RT @reseauserhildan: 🌹 L’identité des victimes de l’attaque fasciste contre le centre kurde ce midi à Paris a été partagée.

Emine Kara était la responsable du Mouvement des femmes kurdes en France.


RT @CameronG_1702: Today the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill passed in the Scottish Parliament! 📝

Every one of our @scottishgreens dream team of MSPs voted for the bill 💚

We will always stand with our trans friends, organisations that support them and allies 🏳️‍⚧️


RT @SniperAlleyPhot: AIDA PERVIZ was badly injured on 19 December 1992. She was playing with her friends in front of the building when the Forces targeted them. She was hit in the head and was transferred to the hospital. She died on 21 December.

Aida was 7 years old.


RT @hungrychipmunk: An iconic image: A group of Jewish soldiers in the German Army gather on a frosty Chanukah in 1916 to kindle the menorah and warm themselves by its light. But who is the chaplain in the center?

I believe I have the answer.


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