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This picture was taken two years ago.
Two years now of war, bloodshed and mourning.
But also of resistance and bravery.
Putin must stop his brutal war and stop this insane killing.
We support Ukraine in its struggle for freedom. Their struggle is our struggle
Slava Ukraini

[2024-02-24 08:19 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Does Europe miss the UK? Or are they glad to have us gone? What would UK political conditions need to be like for accession discussions to start?

-- @catherinerowett interviews @GreensEFA Co-President @TerryReintke on

[2024-02-23 05:21 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 💚💗 In the 2024 European elections, we will campaign for a Green and Social Deal for Europe!

🇪🇺 @sumar is a great ally in our common fight for a socially just & sustainable future.

🤝 Thank you @Yolanda_Diaz_ and @ernesturtasun for your work and the great exchange today.

[2024-02-21 13:19 UTC]

Fighting for social justice, a green future and against austerity across Europe.
As always, it was inspiring and energising to meet the fantastic
Spain has shown: You can win against the Far Right.
Let’s do it all over Europe.

[2024-02-21 11:08 UTC]

Wir leben in einer Zeit voller Krisen und Konflikte.
💪Doch wir dürfen nicht resignieren. Wir dürfen nicht aufgeben, für unsere Demokratie zu kämpfen.
❤️ Danke an die GRÜNEN Kreisverbände Essen, Gelsenkirchen und Dortmund für die empowernden Veranstaltungen am Wochenende ❤️

[2024-02-20 11:21 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Hass im Netz hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen – das sagen auch 89 % der Befragten der heute mit uns veröffentlichten Studie "Lauter Hass – leiser Rückzug" @Das_NETTZ, @GMKnet, @HateAid & @NDMedienmacher.

Warum das unsere gefährdet, erklärt @lisapaus 🎥


[2024-02-13 09:00 UTC]

Today, first time in Polish TV, after 8 years of right-wing government, the LGBT+ activists appeared in live broadcast. I was seating there and heard journalist shaking voice. He made an apology after years of portraying LGBT-people a threat to Polish nation in the same studio. I was moved.. Apology an important part of reconciliation. This is Poland I want to fight for... Thank you...


[2024-02-11 21:48 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Es posible una 🇪🇺 social y ecológicamente justa, donde los agricultores puedan vivir de su trabajo y se proteja el clima y la biodiversidad.
La candidata de @europeangreens🌻 a las elecciones europeas @TerryReintke lo cuenta en @eldiarioes, vía @irecr👇


[2024-02-11 09:31 UTC]

Such a clear picture.
(This can and will not be missed by people across the EU.)


[2024-02-09 13:24 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: We need a new LGBTIQ Equality Strategy. Because we are still far away from a Europe where we are truly equal and safe:


[2024-02-08 18:22 UTC]

Gewerkschaften sind in unserer Fraktion immer willkommen - ganz besonders, wenn es
Wir kämpfen Hand in Hand für soziale Gerechtigkeit, gerechte Arbeitsbedingungen & nachhaltigen Umweltschutz.
Zusammen für ein faires Deutschland und Europa.


[2024-02-08 10:05 UTC]

In dialogue with protesting farmers & breeders outside the Parliament.
They delivered a petition signed by 92,000+ asking for labelling & strict regulation of genetically modified plants.
As Greens, we stand for European farmers & consumers' right to GMO-free products. 🌱🌍


[2024-02-07 07:42 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: "Jetzt ist die Zeit zu handeln, nicht sich gegenseitig zu beschimpfen", so @TerryReintke (@GreensEFA) zu den Sorgen der europäischen Bauern. Die europäische sei weder nachhaltig für die Umwelt, noch für die Bauern. @Europarl_DE @Die_Gruenen


[2024-02-06 10:45 UTC]

If there is one lesson to draw from the Council meeting, it is this:
Orbán alone is weaker than the 26 together.
And it is time to take action that should have been done earlier:
Advance the Article 7 procedure now.


[2024-02-06 15:01 UTC]

“Für ein Bundesland in dem niemand Angst haben muss“
Ich kann mir keine bessere Spitzenkandidatin für ein ökologisches, soziales und solidarisches Thüringen vorstellen als
Mutig gehen wir gemeinsam in die Wahlen in Thüringen und Europa. ⭐️


[2024-02-05 18:25 UTC]

…and how much I wish this campaign would still include UK citizens as well.
Someday, we will see MEPs from the UK being elected to the European Parliament again.


[2024-02-05 10:07 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Today, our Group sent a letter to the @EU_Commission to call for urgent action in response to the across Europe.

The root of the problem is clear: most farmers simply cannot make a living from their work. It is high time to
change course.


[2024-02-05 11:13 UTC]

More than 300 demonstrations against the Far right all over Germany - JUST last week.
The movement is moving into small towns and villages everywhere.
This is Sonneberg in Thüringen where 700 protested - surpassing the expected 200.
These people


[2024-02-05 11:19 UTC]

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