RT @why0hy: No, no, there is no irony at all in the EU institutions, the ones that adopted the Work Life Balance Directive, posing for photos at 1am announcing the end of #trilogue negotiations.
None at all.
RT @BertuzLuca: #DSA trilogue: after the negotiators split up in break out rooms, they are now close to agreeing on the first 'package': systemic risks. Additional work is needed on the other two: societal challenges and enforcement. Expect a packed dinner.
@TheDragneel224 Tweeted about it yesterday:
RT @Senficon: Rightsholders sneak their lobby proposals into the #DSA negotiations: Where have I read this headline before? Different acronym, same procedure as with the #DMA, apparently. 🙄 https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/dsa-rightsholders-make-final-push-for-takedown-obligations-on-search-engines/
@SilvanVerhoeven Not really. They are literally locked in a room right now and won't come out until they have an agreement.
Good move by the #CJEU, I know what I will be watching on Tuesday! #Article17
RT @hutko: 📺CJEU to webstream its session that will decide the faith of Article 17! 🍿🍿🍿 (from the 26th onward, the Grand Chamber sessions apparently go live) Coincidence? Academics, no more frantic refreshing of Curia web for PR! https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2022-04/cp220063en.pdf
RT @hutko: 📺CJEU to webstream its session that will decide the faith of Article 17! 🍿🍿🍿 (from the 26th onward, the Grand Chamber sessions apparently go live) Coincidence? Academics, no more frantic refreshing of Curia web for PR! https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2022-04/cp220063en.pdf
@why0hy @prabprab Yay, thanks! All the best for today, stay caffeinated.
@presroi @hutko @prabprab So this applies to civil servants’ photographs taken while on the job? What about the coffee break?
@_C4C_ @presroi @hutko @prabprab Well, trilogues are quite sensitive…
@RolfBly I think the informal trilogue procedure is structurally intransparent and problematic, even when the individuals participating in those negotiations are trustworthy and have the best intentions. We should use the ordinary legislative procedure instead.
@presroi @hutko @prabprab Oh! 😅
RT @nadia_z: Wichtiger Tag heute für digitale Rechte, also uns alle. Der Digital Service Act wird große Auswirkungen auf die digitale Sphäre haben, politische Player & Rechteinhaber bringen sich mit ihren Vorhaben in Stellung.
Nachlesbar bei @Senficon oder @digiges: https://digitalegesellschaft.de/2022/04/ausnahmezustand-im-digital-services-act/
@hutko @prabprab Yeah, please publish this under a CC license, not enough cool openly licensed pictures of trilogues out there that I can use in my articles about how trilogues suck. ;)
Potentially final #DigitalServicesAct negotiation today. I count on negotiators to reject these last-minute entertainment industry lobby proposals. And then we can hopefully start a conversation about whether trilogues are the best way to make laws. #DSA
RT @Senficon: Rightsholders sneak their lobby proposals into the #DSA negotiations: Where have I read this headline before? Different acronym, same procedure as with the #DMA, apparen…
RT @cwebbonline: The practice of cops blasting copyrighted music so that witnesses won’t post video to social media (risking copyright violation) is shady AF.
Police in Santa Ana, CA have been using this practice & the City Council is finally voting to ban it.
@3_justus @daphnehk Yep, this problem is structural and I’m every bit as mad about it. It’s a losing game for civil society.
RT @daphnehk: The DSA had a fairly open, democratic drafting process until the past few weeks.
But what is happening now is shameful. Interest groups are getting ideas tacked on — things that will become binding law for a generation — that never had any public airing, debate, or input at all.
@DanielHolznagel Ich kann mir vorstellen, warum der ursprüngliche Kommissionsentwurf keinen konkreten Vorschlag zu Suchmaschinen enthielt, auch wenn das proceduell absolut sinnvoll gewesen wäre. Das Trilogverfahren ist so kaputt.
@TheDragneel224 I write about it here: In the DMA, the rightholders did not get their way, so there is a decent chance that these DSA lobby proposals will be rejected as well.
RT @Senficon: How the @EU_Commission tried and failed to ambush legislators in the #DigitalMarketsAct trilogue with a lobby proposal from publishers to enforce the #LinkTax: My analysis originally published at @uebermedien is now available in English: https://fe…
In der Verhandlung zum #DigitalServicesAct zaubert der Berichterstatter des Rechtsausschusses auf den letzten Metern die Wunschliste der Musikindustrie aus dem Hut: Netzsperren, Filterpflichten für Suchmaschinen, Auslistung ganzer Domains… https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/dsa-rightsholders-make-final-push-for-takedown-obligations-on-search-engines/ #DSA
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