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RT @etuchtfeld: Zwei Jahrzehnte der Sicherheitspolitik am Rande der Verfassungsmäßigkeit (und oft darüber hinaus) haben Deutschland unsicherer gemacht. Es wird Zeit, dass der Kampf gegen Bürgerrechte aufgegeben und die Ursachen von Kriminalität bekämpft werden!


RT @Sabine_Jacques: Thank you @GFF_NGO and @communia_eu for organising such an insightful day into and .

I was kindly gifted this AI generated work of freedom of expression at the end of the event. So twitter sphere, how do we interpret this work? 😁


Ich kann mir keine bessere Kandidatin vorstellen! 💪
RT @TerryReintke: Ich habe gerade die beste Fraktion im EP informiert:

Ich möchte als Co-Vorsitzende der @GreensEFA antreten.

Europa steht vor vielen Herausforderungen. Die Grünen werden für eine nachhaltigere, gerechtere und demokratischere Zukunft gebraucht.

Ich möchte Teil davon sein.


After a lot of criticism of throughout the day, Till Kreutzer of @iRightsinfo is presenting his findings on an exciting consequence of the provision: The new provision. Towards a European Right to Remix(?)


Recent regulatory developments trend towards transforming into a censorship tool, parodies might be hit particularly hard by , criticizes @Sabine_Jacques


More ex-ante safeguards of the type of the German implementation of are necessary and the voice of the user must be strengthened, rather than prioritizing the efficiency promised by algorithms, argues @k_tosullivan


RT @AClorrain: The EU regulator has to take stock of the national implementations of the EU Directive: hope we can start with at least a public hearing on the topic in committee very soon!


RT @freiheitsrechte: Gleich startet Panel 3! Von 15:30-17 Uhr sprechen @k_tosullivan, @Sabine_Jacques und Till Kreutzer (@iRightsinfo) mit @tenobre über die Auswirkungen von auf die Meinungsfreiheit. Bringt das EuGH-Urteil uns weiter? Sind die Memes gerettet?


Starting now!
RT @GFF_NGO: Panel two starts soon! From 1:30 to 3pm, @nsmangal (Natasha Mangal), @DanielHolznagel and @hutko (Martin Husovec) will be discussing with @Senficon how fundamental rights violations can be prevented in practice when are used. Join us live at


RT @freiheitsrechte: " are a serious restriction of freedom of expression. If platforms are left with no other choice but to use them, this restriction is attributable to the state and the state must define fundamental rights safeguards in the law." @Senficon/ Konferenz


Christina Angelopoulos points out that in order for an EU directive to lend itself to verbatim transposition by Member States, it must be of sufficient quality. 😇 is not exactly known for its clarity.


RT @k_tosullivan: Delighted to be in Berlin today to discuss @communia_eu live streaming here ⬇️


RT @MariaScharlau: Für alle Fans eines freien Internets samt Memes, Pastiche & Satire (und falls Ihr zu Art.17 EU-RL fachsimpeln wollt🤓): Heute ist die -Konferenz in Berlin, organisiert vom großartigen @freiheitsrechte -Kollegen @Senficon: Zum Livestream 👇


When entered into force in Germany, most platforms introduced if they did not have them already. However, few implemented the mandatory user rights safeguards, research by Jasmin Brieske shows.


The Italian implementation of , which requires content to stay blocked until a complaint is resolved, is incompatible with the CJEU judgment, which requires that platforms don’t block content that requires an independent assessment, says Finn Hümmer at


Fundamental rights safeguards in must be taken seriously, filtering kept to an absolute minimum, says @bjjuette at conference. “Earmarking” content for which ex ante safeguards are ignored must be off the table.


RT @communia_eu: "We saw that academics & CSOs can have a strong impact on policy outcomes. That’s why we are here today at : to start a debate on the CJEU decision on ". @Senficon opening remarks


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