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RT @GFF_NGO: Starting now: From 10am to 12pm, @bjjuette, Finn Hümmer, Jasmin Brieske & Christina Angelopoulos will discuss with @paul_keller what the CJEU ruling on means for Member States’ implementations. Followthe conference live!


RT @freiheitsrechte: Gleich startet Panel eins! Von 10 bis 12 Uhr diskutieren @bjjuette, Finn Hümmer, Jasmin Brieske & Christina Angelopoulos mit @paul_keller bei der -Konferenz, wie die EU-Mitgliedstaaten das -Urteil umsetzen können. Zum Livestream:


RT @communia_eu: is about to start! At 09:15 am
@Senficon (@freiheitsrechte) & Susanne Zels–(@BoschStiftung) will open the conference on the ECJ ruling on . Watch it live:


RT @freiheitsrechte: Gleich geht’s los! Urheberrechtsexperte @Senficon u Susanne Zels (@BoschStiftung) eröffnen um 9:15 die -Konferenz über das EuGH-Urteil zu . Sind mit unserer Meinungs- und vereinbar? Schaut rein:


Join us today for Conference to discuss the impact of on following the European Court of Justice ruling on of the directive! Follow the live stream from 9:15


RT @TerryReintke: I am completely exhausted after .

I am happy with what 🌈 activists pulled off yesterday.

But I am also angry.

Angry with hateful political movements attacking us.

But also angry about a political context where many still do not understand what is at stake.


@rafbuff @avwgo @octopuscitizen @okfde @BMWK @fbrantner @Breitseiten @LauraCruche @r00tkate Thank you, excited for the things to come! 🙌


RT @rafbuff: Congratulations to the @sovtechfund team on the pilot-phase launch Sovereign Tech Fund! Read all about it in the below tweets and @SPRIND


Many problems with in enforcement arise because they blindly trust the information provided by (alleged) rightsholders. When they claim rights that belong to somebody else, or concern works, they face no sanctions.
RT @communia_eu: False ownership claims, trolling and misusing copyright as a tool of censorship are practices that decrease trust in the copyright system. Our Recommendation #19 asks…


@drikkes @sovtechfund @mspro @BMWK The t-shirt design is already in the drawer!


RT @sovtechfund: The Sovereign Tech Fund is made possible by @BMWK @SPRIND and the team @avwgo @octopuscitizen @r00tkate @tarakiyee @bumble_blue_


RT @bumble_blue_: It’s not a pipe dream, not a mirage, not a false prophecy, we’re very serious: the German government will fund open source infrastructure starting this year already. Stay tuned for more.


Es geht los, der nimmt seine Arbeit auf! Ich bin super stolz auf das Team, das diese Idee in Rekordzeit in die Tat umgesetzt hat.
RT @sovtechfund: It’s time to invest in open in the public interest. So here we go! The Sovereign Tech Fund will support developers and communities to sustainably strengthen the ecosystem @BMWK


RT @danieldrepper: Der „Patagonia“-Gründer überschreibt seine 3-Milliarden-Dollar-Firma einer Stiftung. Die kompletten Gewinne - etwa 100 Millionen im Jahr - sollen ab sofort dem Klimaschutz zu Gute kommen.


RT @TerryReintke: Thanks for everything, @SkaKeller ❤️

You are such a wonderful person, an inspiration and an amazing politician.

And it will always stay that way - no matter which position you hold or not.



Als ich frisch gewählter MEP war, hat @SkaKeller mich vom ersten Tag unterstützt, obwohl ich andere Schwerpunkte hatte und für ne andere Partei gewählt wurde. Ohne sie hätte ich nicht halb soviel auf die Reihe gekriegt.
RT @SkaKeller: It was an honour to serve the @GreensEFA Group, I thank you wholeheartedly for your continuous support and look back fondly on my time as Group President. I will use my two remaining years i…


RT @SkaKeller: It was an honour to serve the @GreensEFA Group, I thank you wholeheartedly for your continuous support and look back fondly on my time as Group President. I will use my two remaining years in @europarl_en to continue fighting for a greener future!


Ska is the best! Really excited for whatever you do next, @SkaKeller! for your amazing work. 💚💚💚
RT @GreensEFA: Our @SkaKeller is stepping down as Co-President of our Group.

Thank you Ska for co-leading our Group since 2016!💚💚With you in the lead we have grown as a Group in 2019 and defended a more social, green, and democratic Europe.

Thank you for being in the forefront of our fight!


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