@EU_Commission is planning to deregulate certain #GMOs so that consumers can no longer tell where they stand. My @GreensEFA colleagues & I demand that all #GMOs must be regulated, clearly labelled & assessed for their risks!
#IchooseGMOfree #NoNewGMO
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1552564524741324800
You also don't want to use cosmetic products for which animals had to suffer? 💄
Then sign the EU Citizens' Initiative #savecrueltyfreecosmetics until 31/08!
Let's stop this cruel practice! #EndAnimalTesting
@crueltyfreeeu @MetzTilly
Sign here 👉https://bit.ly/3uZYcfQ
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1551501452790697984
RT @CIWF_EU: New genomic techniques should not be labelled as sustainable because ⤵️
🌳It is NOT proven that these contribute to sustainability or that these are beneficial to the environment & biodiversity 🐝
🔬More research is needed in this field
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1549765777217159168
RT @Act4AnimalsEU: 🇪🇺🐮🐷🚛 EU Agri Ministers will today discuss #LiveTransport & put forward a position paper to better protect #AnimalWelfare.
If a majority of Member States support it, the @EU_Commission will be obliged to address the key issues in the EU transport regulation 🤞
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1548990118274400257
RT @CIWF_EU: The @EU_Commission is revising the 🇪🇺 scheme that distributes fruit, vegetables & milk in schools 📚
This is a great opportunity to include plant-based drinks on the menu!
🐮 Good for animals
🩺Good for our health
🌍Good for our planet
Our news article📰https://www.ciwf.eu/news/2022/07/eu-must-promote-healthy-and-sustainable-food-at-school
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1548944618171277312
RT @anna_cavazzini: BREAKING🔌 Gerade hat der EP-Binnenmarktausschuss sein "Go" für das einheitliche Ladekabel gegeben und damit den Weg zur finalen Plenarabstimmung im Herbst freigemacht.
Ein Ladekabel-Standard ist gut für die Umwelt (weniger Elektroschrott), unseren Geldbeutel & das Klima! 🌿
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1546772901612982273
REMINDER 👉🏻 in two hours time the Online Discussion about: Is the GDP still up to date? will start!
You can follow the event online today at 10 am using the following link:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1546736906171711488
Kick off meeting for the triloge on #CBAM - let the work begin! We need this new climate instrument to reduce CO2 emissions on a global level 💪
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1546478062400856064
⏰It's high time to act: the import of hunting trophies originating from rare & endangered species should be banned! As vice-president of the @AWintergroup I am advocating to protect wildlife from this absolutely unnecessary exploitation! #BanTrophyHunting
RT @ElephantsFuture: #bantrophyhunting #trophyhuntingisnotconservation #worthmorealive @MetzTilly @hildevautmans @RipaManuela @bhoffmann_mdb @SteffiLemke @JanaGenth @miriamk86 @No…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1545394027641667584
@CIWF_EU zeigt schockierende Realität der Käfighaltung von Tieren in der 🇪🇺 auf:
❌ Können sich kaum bewegen
❌ Schmerzhafte Druckgeschwüre
❌ Schmutzige Bedingungen
Wir rufen die @europeancommission auf, das Verbot der Käfighaltung nicht länger hinauszuzögern!
RT @CIWF_EU: The touch of a snout – a precious moment between a mother and her young. Through bars.
No mother, no one, should be treated in this way. Our under…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1545059178695180288
What a shame: Mehrheit im @europarl_en hat das größte #Greenwashing aller Zeiten mit der Aufnahme von #Atomkraft + fossilem #Gas in die 🇪🇺- #Taxonomie beschlossen.
Für uns #ÖDP & @GreensEFA ist klar: nachhaltig sind nur #ErneuerbarenEnergien!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1544628563042869250
Begrüßenswertes Urteil des Londoner High Court: Künftig dürfen Supermärkte Produkte, die für Kinder gesundheitsschädlich sind, nicht mehr an besonders sichtbaren Stellen aufstellen. Wir brauchen strengere Vorschriften für ungesunde Lebensmittel in ganz Europa! #Childhoodobesity
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1544309544381255680
RT @GreensEFA: The @EU_Commission’s #EUtaxonomy proposal would greenwash Putin’s gas & give more money to his war chest.⚠️🚫
📢We will vote against it on Wednesday. Ask your MEP to do the same: https://act.greens-efa.eu/stopgreenwashing?source=gg_twitter_climate_2022-07-04
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1544230628400537601
Nächste Woche werden wir als Fraktion Greens/EFA in Straßburg dagegen stimmen, dass die EU Investitionen in Atomkraft und Gaskraftwerke als „nachhaltig“ einstuft.
RT @GreensEFA: Cross-party group of MEPs against the #EUtaxonomy!
Next week, we'll vote on the objection to @EU_Commission's delegated act on taxonomy, which would label fossil gas & nuclear as 'sustainable' investments.
We call on all MEPs to vote agai…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1542481194268368901
Happy that at the annual conference of @Act4AnimalsEU the ECI for #furfreeeurope was presented! Sign up for it: 👉🏼 https://europa.eu/citizens-initiative/initiatives/details/2022/000002_de
Unterschreibt für ein pelzfreies Europa!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1542162820204306436
We will soon vote the EU #deforestation law in @EP_Environment. We need to protect our forests, natural ecosystems and human rights. Only sustainable, nature-destruction free products should enter the EU market! #Together4Forests
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1542155096536096775
Heute habe ich im Europäischen Parlament an der Sendung „Angst vor dem Scheitern“ von @Nrwtv_eu teilgenommen. Dabei ging es vor allem um Zukunftsängste von Jugendlichen. Eine spannende Diskussion. Das Video folgt bald.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1542151111288803333
RT @dorsie78: And here we go. #GiveKidsaBreak calling for an EU Action to protect children from harmful #foodmarketing to address #childhoodobesity & #beatNCDs. When countries act, the impact & progress are immiment. Regulation needed, voluntary measures largely ineffective, says @RipaManuela.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1541739637122678787
RT @milkasklvc: MEP @RipaManuela opens the #GiveKidsaBreak event:
"Voluntary commitment by food industry does not work, we must regulate! We, politicians must find solid ways to reduce the intake of foods high in salt, fat & sugar and protect children from marketing of nutritionally poor foods.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1541739625374433280
To protect #ChildrensRights and to fight against #ChildhoodObesity its indispensable to adopt a legally binding regulation on #Europe-Level.
#StopMarketingToKids #GiveKidsABreak
RT @PaulJBelcher: The EU response to #UnhealthyFoodMarketing has been "inadequate and insufficient" and failed in its obligations to protect #ChildrensRights
- Professor @AmandineGarde, NCD Unit @LivUni
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RipaManuela/status/1541739307899228160
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the @Europarl_DE committed to end factory farming, to better protect biodiversity, the climate & consumers | Vice-President of @AWintergroup | #ödp