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RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Avec le commissaire @PaoloGentiloni, nous avons parlé politiques budgétaires et comment l’UE peut les adapter au monde post Covid dans un contexte de tensions géopolitiques croissantes.


[2023-11-15 13:56 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: 🇪🇺EU-Wirtschaftskommissar @PaoloGentiloni spricht auf dem Vienna Economic Forum🇦🇹🎡 über die Wachstumsperspektiven Europas, die gemeinsame Bewältigung von Krisen, die in den kommenden Jahren bevorstehenden Erweiterungen der EU & den neuen EU-Wachstumsplan für den Westbalkan. “Es wird keine Deglobalisierung geben, aber mehr Regionalisierung der Lieferketten und near-shoring. Deshalb ist eine engagierte Erweiterungspolitik strategisch so wichtig.” “Eppur Si Muove, der Erweiterungsprozess ist in Bewegung.” Mit ihm am Panel die Premierminister aus Bulgarien, Nordmazedonien & Kosovo, die stv Premiers von Montenegro & Moldawien sowie Ivan , moderiert von @c_ultsch @DiePressecom. Europa wächst zusammen.


[2023-11-13 13:34 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Viladecans 🇪🇸 and Treviso 🇮🇹 are the winners of the 🇪🇺 European Green Leaf 2025 award

These cities have been recognised for their commitment to urban sustainability 🌿🌇

⬇️ as seen by 🇪🇺🛰️


[2023-11-12 12:08 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: 🚨 NEWS: New island appears after the eruption of an underwater volcano in Japan.


[2023-11-12 12:11 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Economy and Finance ministers of the European Union and of the countries of the European Free Trade Association () have met in Brussels to discuss common efforts to:

📌 address decarbonisation
📌 de-risk supply chains
📌 deal with geopolitical developments


[2023-11-09 09:18 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: @PaoloGentiloni "Investire in tecnologie pulite ci rende più forti e liberi. I benefici della transizione sono superiori ai costi. Ma quesi costi non devono cadere sulle fasce più deboli della popolazione. La transizione o è giusta o semplicemente non è"


[2023-11-07 11:12 UTC]

Don Dante Carraro saluta gli oltre mille volontari
a Milano. Bello incontrare Medici con l’Africa e ascoltare le loro storie di speranza


[2023-11-04 12:40 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Annual Meeting @Cuamm dal titolo "In Movimento. Con l’Africa tra emergenza e sviluppo"

Oggi ore 16 su
Tra gli interventi: card. Zuppi, Romano Prodi, @PaoloGentiloni e @NeriMarcore



[2023-11-04 07:00 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: In 2022, in the EU, the shares of taxes and social contributions as a percentage of GDP were highest in: 💰
🇫🇷France (48.0%)
🇧🇪Belgium (45.6%)
🇦🇹Austria (43.6%)

🇮🇪Ireland (21.7%)
🇷🇴Romania (27.5%)
🇲🇹Malta (29.6%)

Read the news article 👉!vtdP9q


[2023-10-31 10:03 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Romania has a huge economic potential & our budgetary measures will help us face the current global financial challenges. Glad to discuss with Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni ab our economic and budgetary plans & to have @EU_Commission as a partner in making Romanians lives better.


[2023-10-26 10:27 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: The @EU_Commission will pay €72.5 million in macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova 🇲🇩.

Today, Moldova received a €50 million loan. A further payment of €22.5 million in grants will follow by the end of the month.

ℹ️ More details 👉!4XMMdV


[2023-10-25 10:26 UTC]

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