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RT by @PaoloGentiloni: EU integration is Moldova's top priority.

Discussed w/ 🇪🇺Commissioner for Economy @PaoloGentiloni the Moldova-EU economic cooperation, our common ambitions & shared priorities, and the state of implementation of necessary reforms to align Moldova’s legislation to the EU acquis.


[2023-10-24 17:23 UTC]

Ecco la mappa sociale dell’Europa. Come cambiano condizioni di vita, inclusione e rischio povertà nei 37 Paesi.


[2023-10-22 16:52 UTC]

Ricordo con affetto
che con il suo pensiero critico ci ha aiutato a riconoscere i nostri difetti. Facendoci sorridere, ci spingeva a cambiare. Grazie Sergio, riposa in pace


[2023-10-21 11:13 UTC]

Aumenta la plastica nei rifiuti. Ogni europeo nel 2021 ha gettato nei rifiuti 36 Kg di contenitori di
. L’Italia tra i primi della classe nel riciclo: quasi la metà.


[2023-10-19 11:18 UTC]

Angoscia per le notizie che arrivano da
. Il terrore nel cuore dell’Europa. Condoglianze alle famiglie delle persone colpite e al


[2023-10-16 20:18 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Had a very productive meeting with EU Commissioner for Economy - @PaoloGentiloni. We talked about Georgia's progress on the EU accession path, as well as in terms of implementing the Commission's 12 recommendations. We also focused on the importance of enhancing economic bonds between 🇬🇪 and 🇪🇺.


[2023-10-03 08:59 UTC]

Mi unisco al dolore e al lutto per la tragedia di
. Un pensiero ai genitori, ai famigliari e agli amici delle vittime e delle persone ferite.


[2023-10-04 07:27 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: BREAKING NEWS
The 2023 in Literature is awarded to the Norwegian author Jon Fosse “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.”


[2023-10-05 11:00 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: Are internal divisions over economic policy, migration and the rise of populism undermining the credibility of the EU?

Listen to our interview with European economy commissioner @PaoloGentiloni



[2023-10-05 16:18 UTC]

Oltre quattro milioni di rifugiati ucraini hanno ricevuto protezione temporanea nell’Unione europea. Ecco i numeri paese per paese


[2023-10-06 11:01 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: We met with H.E. Paolo Gentiloni (@PaoloGentiloni), the European Commissioner for Economy, at the European Commission, where we exchanged views on the future of trade and economic relations between Türkiye and the EU, as well as our customs cooperation.

We emphasized the need for the Customs Union to be developed in a way that can respond to developments in the global economy and cover all areas of bilateral trade between Türkiye and the EU.

Thanks to the economic integration achieved through the Customs Union, our bilateral trade volume with the EU reached an all-time high of approximately 200 billion dollars in 2022. We will continue our joint efforts to further enhance trade and economic cooperation with the EU, Türkiye's largest trading partner, through mutual steps.


[2023-10-10 09:45 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: @KGeorgieva praised Ukraine’s people and the government’s resilience at the Ministerial Roundtable for 🇺🇦. Read remarks to learn about the progress made this year, risks ahead, and the next steps in the international community’s vital work with the country


[2023-10-11 18:13 UTC]

RT by @PaoloGentiloni: EU integration is a clear priority of Ukraine. Discussed with EU Commissioner for Economy and friend of Ukraine @PaoloGentiloni the state of implementation of necessary reforms to align Ukraine’s legislation with the EU. Keep working together🇺🇦🇪🇺 &gt;@ecfin &gt;@EU_Taxud


[2023-10-12 08:00 UTC]

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