RT @marietouss1: Prêt.e.s à voter CONTRE la vaste opération de #greenwashing de la Commission européenne qui s'apprête à attribuer le label "vert" au gaz et au nucléaire !!
#NotMyTaxonomy #zerofossile #stopecocide #urgenceclimatique #stopnucleaire
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1544625966215008256
RT @GreensEFA: Citizens don’t want gas & nuclear to be greenwashed!
Thank you to everyone demonstrating to stop this taxonomy.
The vote in the European Parliament is happening in 15 minutes. It will be tight.
Follow here ➡️ https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1544625901324967936
RT @GreensEFA: "Russian gas cannot be part of the solution.
The EU cannot be supporting #Ukraine and at the same time continue building an economy based on easy access to Russian gas"
Ukranian MP @InnaSovsun with cross-party coalition of MEPs opposing this #taxonomy
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1544221800527192066
RT @Europarl_DK: Europa-Parlamentet holder et minuts stilhed for ofrene for gårsdagens skyderi i Field's i København.
@EP_President Roberta Metsola indleder med ordene: "Vore tanker er hos ofrene, deres familier og alle i København. Danmark, vi står sammen med jer."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1544024746651787267
RT @TheProgressives: We welcome the decision to restore EU funding to Palestinian NGOs @alhaq_org & @pchrgaza.
✊We continue protecting civil society against smear campaigns across the world.
✊We will not allow Commissioner Várhelyi to undermine Palestinian civil society.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1543245766868746240
Jeg har altid elsket tog som rejseform. Og den kærlighed har mine børn heldigvis fået med.🚂
Det har @IdaAuken og jeg nu lavet en temmelig hyggelig podcast om som du kan finde ved at søge på ’Togtur’ i din podcast-app.
Jeg håber I vil lytte med! https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/togtur-dk-en-podcast-p%C3%A5-skinner/id1565311114?l=da #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1542385333991612416
RT @MartinKonecny: Ireland very clear about Israeli settlements and disregard for UN Security Council at its meeting yesterday
@irishmissionun https://www.dfa.ie/pmun/newyork/news-and-speeches/securitycouncilstatements/statementsarchive/statement-at-unsc-briefing-on-the-middle-east-incl-the-palestinian-question.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1541890777219039232
RT @MartinKonecny: Further in the Irish statement - putting the responsibility where it belongs - not just Israel but others for enabling it & not doing their part under UNSCR 2334
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1541890755647750144
Sidste onsdag fik vi endelig en 🇪🇺-lov for #NatureRestoration der komplementerer målet om 30 % beskyttet natur.🌱🐞
Men mange steder i verden er det forbundet med decideret livsfare at kæmpe for naturen. Skrækkeligt!
Vi må passe på dem der kæmper for naturen!🌍
#eudk #dkpol
RT @GreensEFA: Last week, Dom Phillips & Bruno Pereira were found dead in the Amazon. #JustiçaParaDomEBruno
Indigenous activists in Brazil resist land grabbi…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1541722553248628736
RT @birgitte_damm: Danske grise på vej til Ungarn. 35 grader i bilen.
Født af fikserede søer, halekuperede, kastrerede (mange uden bedøvelse), og taget fra moren længe før de er klar.
Vel og mærke dem, der overlevede den ekstreme pattegrisedødelighed i den danske svineindustri.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1537703437302898688
RT @BirdLifeEurope: Today, we handed over 40 000 km 🤸♀️🏊♀️🚴♀️🏃♂️ by citizens to the @EU_Commission! It is time to #RestoreNature, we need an ambitious Nature Restoration Law now!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1537035074176266240
RT @WWFEU: "If the restoration law is not focussing on forests and wetlands ecosystems, what is even its point?" Michal Wiezik MEP
We agree! We need strong targets for carbon rich ecosystems - for nature & climate!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1537010217812107265
Vi står midt i en naturkrise, og vores beskyttelsesstrategier rækker ikke!
Vi bliver simpelthen nødt til også at genoprette en masse af det vi allerede har ødelagt 🌱
Vi har brug for en EU-naturgenopretningslov nu!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536986832570916864
RT @WWFEU: "The Commission is letting us down and listening to the most primitive voices of the lobbyists" Margarete Auken MEP
Happening now: NGOs & MEPs gathering in front of European Commission to call for a strong & ambitious nature restoration law - NOW!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536962710155436033
RT @MartinKonecny: Shame on 6 EU countries incl. Germany and Netherlands for signing onto this statement.
Israel/Palestine needs more UN human rights scrutiny and accountability, not less - in particular with the UN Security Council blocked by US vetoes.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536730552870518784
RT @MartinKonecny: Over the past year (2021), Israel demolished 140 EU-funded structures for Palestinians in the West Bank and ignored European requests for compensation.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536720059086913541
RT @MartinKonecny: Here's the real "disproportionate treatment of Israel" at the UN in two charts:
UNSC, the primary UN body: c. 600 resolutions over last decade, only 1 on Israel/Palestine (due to US vetoes)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536718858224017409
I dag er afgørelsens time for naturgas og atomkraft i EU!
Jeg stemmer for at bremse EU-Kommissionens på at udvande den såkaldte taksonomi. Vi skal investere i vedvarende energi, ikke i fossiler og atomkraft.
#notmytaxonomy #eudk #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536638465646944256
Det er afgørelsens time for A-kraft og gas i EU, og Lynetteholmen tages op i EU-Parlamentet igen.
Læs om det og meget andet i ugens EU-nyhedsbrev fra @SFpolitik 👇🏼
https://mailchi.mp/34e1dc5b35a2/afgrelsens-time-for-gas-og-a-kraft-i-eu #eudk #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1536344792325423104
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament for SF/The Greens. I work on environment, health, Palestine relations and much more...