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Thank you Mario Draghi. After 5-star voted against the government it was impossible to continue with them. It is now for voters to decide as soon as possible. Europe needs a stable centre-right government in Rome. @forza_italia will be pro-European & @EPP will be by its side!


RT @rbb24Inforadio: Die -Kommission stellt heute ihren -Notfallplan für den Winter vor. EVP-Chef @ManfredWeber begrüßt das Vorhaben. Er fordert außerdem Solidarität der Staaten: "Es ist in unserem Gesamtinteresse, dass wir jetzt gemeinsame Lösungen finden", so Weber.


Ein chaotisches Vorgehen wie zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie darf den EU-Staaten bei möglichen -Engpässen im Winter nicht mehr passieren. Die Folgen wären verheerend. Deshalb sind verbindliche Maßnahmen für eine Energiesolidarität in der EU notwendig.


Bei den Volksfesten schlägt Bayerns Herz besonders laut. Politik im Bierzelt ist eine Herausforderung, aber auch ein besonders schönes Erlebnis. Heute bei der traditionellen Kundgebung am Parkfest in .


RT @SZ: "Schwarz-Grün wäre die interessanteste Konzeption“: Manfred , der Europapolitiker der , sieht in Schwarz-Grün das beste Zukunftsmodell für Deutschland. Die Union fordert er zur Erneuerung auf, sagt er im Interview mit Peter Fahrenholz.


RT @Doleschal: Starkes Zeichen für Grenzregionen - @EP_Regional beschließt unsere Forderung "Grenzlandmilliarde" zum Ausgleich struktureller Nachteile! Danke für gute Zusammenarbeit @ManfredWeber @pascal_arimont @Gertinger


I welcome the decision of our Estonian @EPP friends of Isamaa @Erakond to join the government and guarantee stability in these difficult times. Good to see our focus on protecting people against high energy prices & significantly increase defence spending!


Shocked and saddened by the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. He was a man of great vision for his country and the free democratic world. Our thoughts are with his loved ones and the good people of .


Only the British people can hold to account.
Whatever happens next, the EU must insist on the full implementation of the NI Protocol. There are no Brexit-opportunities, only Brexit-costs. The protocol exists to minimize the damage done by


Prices are exploding in Europe. Low-income families already struggling from the economic impact of the pandemic can't be the ones who pay for inflation. Let’s use our economic power against Putin’s blackmail attempts. The EU must set a common maximum price for buying Russian gas.


The Czech presidency comes at the right moment, thanks to you & the government, Europe is back in the Czech government. The Czech presidency is the best suited to lead Europe in supporting Ukraine for its fight for democracy, freedom, justice. @EU2022_CZ


We can only survive in confrontation with Putin if Europe is the lighthouse of free democracies. We must strengthen our democracies. We need a convention to prepare for the next crisis instead of only reacting to them.


Great to welcome Czech PM @P_Fiala to our @EPPGroup. Your leadership in support of Ukraine against the Russian aggression put the Czech Republic back in the heart of European decision making. You can count on our full support to make the @EU2022_CZ Presidency a success!


RT @EPP: Six words that define 🇬🇷 Prime Minister @kmitsotakis policy goals: less taxes, more jobs, better life.


Greece shows us how to deal with Turkey. We can't give in to Erdogan's attacks & provocations in the Mediterranean: using migrants to attack the 🇪🇺 external border, illegal hydrocarbon exploration in Greek & Cypriot waters, media attacks against 🇬🇷. We won't give in to blackmail!


Tsipras mainly cared about dictator Maduro, you care about our European interests in the Mediterranean. What Turkey is doing is unacceptable. It is not a matter between Greece & Turkey, but a matter between Europe and Turkey. Greek interests are European interests.


3 years ago, you won the Greek elections with a landslide victory. Greece was in bad shape after painful years of poor leadership by the left. You put Greece back on track & the Greek people have seen real progress. By making Greece stronger you made Europe stronger @kmitsotakis!


We commend the Greek government for its efforts to stabilise the economic situation after the disaster of left wing populism. The results are clear: higher economic growth, lower unemployment & increased investments. Economic stability & social progress go hand in hand in Greece!


Congratulations to @LMontenegroPSD for your election as @ppdpsd President. You will lead an ambitious & united party to offer a strong alternative & opposition to the socialists in . Special mention to @paulorangel_pt on your election as first Vice-President!
RT @LMontenegroPSD: A partir de hoje, assumo funções como Presidente do Partido Social Democrata. O meu compromisso é total com os militantes, com o Partido e com o …


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