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Ukraine needs weapons. The supplies we are currently providing are not enough. We need heavy weapons as well. If we are not ready to deploy a no fly-zone, then we need to provide Ukraine with air defense missiles so that they can protect the airspace themselves.


We need a stronger sanctions package. An embargo on coal is a good step. But we want to go further: immediately ban oil deliveries to the EU, close European ports for Russian ships, launch comprehensive sanctions for the banks, excluding all banks from .


RT @phoenix_de: Eine „besondere Verantwortung“ Deutschlands sieht der EVP-Fraktionsvorsitzende @ManfredWeber (@CSU). Dennoch bremse die Bundesregierung bei Sanktionen. Die mit dem Titel „Entsetzen über Butscha – muss Deutschland mehr tun?“
jetzt ansehen


Also, the EU must work towards granting candidate status without delay & the sanctions must stay in place until the last Russian soldier has left. After the horrors of Europe must take a next step to . For more information: 2/2


The @EPPGroup has agreed a united sanctions package for Russia. As the Russian war crimes continue, our resolve to stop the Putin system must continue aswell. We need an immediate embargo on oil & coal. Gas imports must be stopped as soon as possible. 1/2


.@NunoMeloCDS and @_CDSPP can count on our full support. Portugal and Europe need a strong centre right and Christian democratic voice in these challenging times!
RT @EPPGroup: 👏 Congratulations to our MEP @NunoMeloCDS on his election as the leader of @_CDSPP 🇵🇹!


[2022-04-03 19:36 UTC]

As the Russian army retreats, it is leaving behind horrific evidence of its war crimes. The images from are devastating. Putin’s friends abroad should take note. He must be held accountable for these atrocities.


[2022-04-03 10:11 UTC]

Eine gute Tradition: Gemeinsam mit @IlseAigner bei den des BR im Hofbräuhaus. Wieder einmal ein musikalischer und kabarettistischer bayerischer Hochgenuss mit Jürgen Kirner.


[2022-04-02 19:59 UTC]

We see serious times. The Centre-right is needed. Experience, values, responsibility, and a future orientation. We need a companionate, future orientated leader: Europe needs @FeijooGalicia! Your friends of the @EPP are with you. @populares


[2022-04-02 10:36 UTC]

The European recovery funds are for the future, for our youth, to overcome the crisis - not for party patronage! The  is for all Spaniards, Mr Prime Minister! Common Spirit, unity & a future oriented policy is more needed than ever! @populares


[2022-04-02 10:36 UTC]

Serious political times, are @EPP times. In times of crisis it is not about showing off but about responsibility, determination and serious ideas for the future. Serious political times, are @populares times.


[2022-04-02 10:36 UTC]

It is an honour to speak at the electoral congress of the @populares in , Spain today. Its new leader @FeijooGalicia is the credible alternative for the polarisation of the socialist government. Spain is ready for change!


[2022-04-02 10:36 UTC]

Who else, than us, Europeans, can defend our values? Putin wants to split, to divide, to separate. That was the reason why Putin has financed right-wing populists & separatists all over Europe. We have to stand united. Only then, will we be able to stop a war.


[2022-04-02 10:36 UTC]

Well done Madam President! @EP_President
RT @EP_President: Ukrainians' resistance and courage have inspired the world.

I am in Kyiv 🇺🇦 to give a message of hope.

We are with you.

Thank you @r_stefanchuk for the invite.


[2022-04-01 15:04 UTC]

RT @kmitsotakis: With @ManfredWeber as spitzenkandidat, the @EPP won the last European elections. He has been a reliable partner and stabilizing force as Chairman of the EPP group ever since. I cannot think of a better candidate to become the next EPP President.


[2022-03-30 08:35 UTC]

We are shocked by the terrorist attack near Tel Aviv yesterday evening and offer our unconditional support to our Israeli friends. This is the third attack to hit in a short time. We will never give in to this barbarism.


[2022-03-30 06:50 UTC]

Nous devons faire comprendre à la Chine qu'un soutien militaire chinois à Vladimir Poutine aurait des conséquences majeures sur les relations et le commerce sino-européens. Ma chronique dans @lopinion_fr en amont du sommet UE-Chine @EPPGroup


[2022-03-29 09:59 UTC]

RT @WBBayern: @ManfredWeber bei @ANiebler @WBBayern

Es ist Verantwortung Deutschlands der zur Seite zu stehen.


[2022-03-28 20:20 UTC]

RT @trzaskowski_: Dziś w @warszawa gościłem @ManfredWeber, przewodniczącego @EPPGroup - największej frakcji w europarlamencie. Odwiedziliśmy też punkt dla uchodźców przy Dworcu Wschodnim prowadzony przez @NRC_Norway i @FundacjaPCPM we współpracy z miastem.


[2022-03-28 15:44 UTC]

RT @AndrzejHalicki: Wspólnie z @ManfredWeber gościliśmy u Senatora @MarcinBosacki- Przewodniczącego Senackiej Komisji ds. . Nowo powstała komisja w PE musi współpracować z komisją Senacką. Sprawa nielegalnych podsłuchów i manipulacji musi zostać wyjaśniona.


[2022-03-28 13:41 UTC]


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