Spannende Fragen und gute Diskussion heute beim „Bürgerforum Europa“ in Bodenmais. Die Europapolitik muss näher zu den Menschen kommen - sie machen Europa aus. #eppgroup #WebervorOrt
Well done to @WBHoekstra for opening a Dutch embassy in #Chisinau, Moldova! We encourage all Member States to do the same. We're proud to support Moldova's reform agenda and the EU-integration efforts of @sandumaiamd. Your future is European!
RT @WBHoekstra: Thank you for the warm welcome in #Moldova FM @nicupopescu. After three decades of diplomatic relations, Dutch-Moldovan ties have grown ever closer. I expressed our support for the government's ambitious refor…
The 25 year-sentence for Russian opposition politician @vkaramurza is illegal and simply aimed to suppress another critical voice in Russia. His "crime" was his bravery to call out Putin's brutal war in Ukraine. We call for the immediate release of Kara-Murza!
Well done to the whole @EPPGroup team! You delivered ambitious and realistic reforms that doesn’t lose sight of the concerns of citizens and businesses. Without them we will not achieve our climate targets. @peterliese @Esther_de_Lange @DavidCasaMEP @JarubasAdam @SuncanaGlavak
We voted historic legislation today that will help us make the green transition. To succeed this enormous challenge Europe will massively invest in innovation, strengthen and protect our industry and take care of the social impact of climate policy. #FitFor55.
RT @EPPGroup: The @europarl_en has just adopted four major laws in the #FitFor55 package!
✅ ETS for aviation
✅ Social Climate Fund
"This is good for climate, good for people, and good for jobs…
Europe needs a coherent & comprehensive China strategy. We need Transatlantic solidarity, trade agreements among democracies, protecting our technology & innovation sovereignty from Chinese influence; an EU defence pillar complementing NATO; a real EU resources & energy union.
Taiwan stands for freedom & democracy. It is naïve to say that Taiwan is not our concern. The "Taiwan question" is the fate of some 25 million people! It is not Beijing that decides the future of Taiwan, but the people of Taiwan.
China wants to become the new global superpower, & it will do so at our expense. Dealing with China is the central geopolitical question of our decade, perhaps of the century. We must be united to protect our interests & our values around the world. #EUCO
RT @phoenix_de: #Straßburg | "Es ist [...] naiv zu sagen, #Taiwan sei nicht unsere Angelegenheit", so @EPP-Chef @ManfredWeber. Denn bei der Taiwanfrage gehe es um Wirtschaftsinteressen & demokratische Werte. Er fordert abweichend von #Macron eine enge Bindung zu #Washington. #EUParlament @csu
RT @rtl_direkt: Ein #Geflüchteten-Abkommen mit #Tunesien fordert #Weber, um die Zahl der Geflüchteten in Europa zu begrenzen. Und, um die "Sterbezahlen im Mittelmeer zu reduzieren." Italien habe bereits den Notstand ausgerufen. In Deutschland seien die Belastungsgrenzen erreicht. 1/2
Les propos d'Emmanuel #Macron au retour de Pékin ont divisé l'Occident et renforcé nos concurrents autocrates. Ce mardi, nous débattrons au @Europarl_FR de l’approche commune à adopter face à la #Chine. Un débat crucial. Mes pistes dans @lopinion_fr
RT @BILD: Tunesien soll Mittelmeer-Schlepper stoppen - Flüchtlings-Zustrom steigt um 300 Prozent
Macron's statements have divided the West and strengthened our autocratic competitors. It is a false start to an urgent debate about Europe's relations with China. We have asked for a plenary debate next week to assess the damage and find a more constructive way forward.
RT @Antonio_Tajani: Ringrazio @ManfredWeber che in apertura della riunione ha espresso auguri di pronta guarigione a Silvio #Berlusconi. Ho rassicurato la Presidenza del PPE sul miglioramento delle condizioni di salute del leader di @forza_italia.
RT @heutejournal: "Ich bin ziemlich fassungslos, was ich von Macron zum Thema Taiwan gehört habe", sagt der EVP-Vorsitzende Manfred Weber. Europa müsse für seine Werte einstehen.
RT @ZDFheute: CSU-Politiker im EU-Parlament: Weber warnt vor "Naivität" gegenüber China
Besuch aus der niederbayerischen Heimat im @Europarl_DE in Brüssel: Die EU hat nur dann eine gute Zukunft, wenn es gelingt, den Spalt zwischen den Menschen und den Institutionen zu überwinden. Danke für den Besuch aus Kreisen Dingolfing-Landau, Landshut und Kelheim. #Niederbayern
Europa braucht endlich eine klare und abgestimmte #China-Politik. Die aktuelle Vielstimmigkeit schwächt uns. Die EU-Staaten machen sich unglaubwürdig, wenn man einerseits Souveränität einfordert und dann jeden Wirtschaftsdeal mit China abschließt.
There is no middle ground between international law and the pursuit of empire by autocrats. To protect our freedom, democrats must stand together in defence of a rules-based world, in Ukraine and in Taiwan. We have to strengthen our alliance with the US!
25 years ago today, the #GoodFridayAgreement brought optimism & relief that violence and conflict would be a thing of the past. The @EPPGroup has always supported peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. @FineGael #GFA25
RT @EPPGroup: Just 25 years ago, the foundations for lasting peace were laid in Northern Ireland. The signing of the Good Friday Agreement ended 30 years of terror. A symbol of conflict resolution was born.
As told by its people, with a deep…
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Bayer & Europäer, EVP-Partei- und Fraktionsvorsitzender, @CSU-Vize - Bavarian & European, President @EPP & Chairman @EPPGroup