📈Terwijl de prijzen door het dak gaan, blijven de lonen achter📉. Een schande en het is tijd voor actie.
❗️De lonen moeten omhoog, want werken moet lonen❗️ Terecht dat vakbonden uit heel Europa 🇪🇺vandaag actie voerden.
RT @FEPS_Europe: What do you think about the EU climate action?
Join us at #BuildersOfProgress to discuss young people’s views on today’s main social/political issues & our latest research.
W/ @thinkyoung & an incredible speakers line up.
Meet the #ClimateAction panel
RT @paultang: Brede steunmaatregelen en gerichte belastingen op hoge vermogens en winsten zijn de enige manier om de hoge inflatie te bestrijden.
Meer lenen - zelfs in EU verband - is de methode van de zachte heelmeesters https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/10/04/de-energiecrisis-vraagt-om-vuurkracht-van-de-eu-begroting-a4144059
RT @TheProgressives: Our call to EU member states:
put an end to speculations on the energy market now and cap gas prices!
@MChahim and Dan Nica have more: https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/newsroom/sds-member-states-put-end-speculations-energy-market-now-and-cap-gas-prices
📅 Deze vrijdag komen Europese leiders bijeen. Wij roepen duidelijk op om snel ferme stappen te nemen. Om zij die het moeilijk hebben te helpen in deze crisis.
Lees hier het persbericht 👇
🇪🇺 Zojuist riep het @Europarl_NL op om verdere maatregelen te nemen om de #energiecrisis aan te pakken. Speculeren op de #energiemarkt moet stoppen 🚫 en we moeten de #toevalswinsten belasten.
@ToineMandersEP Van harte Toine! Wanneer neem je beschuit mee?
@NadiaBouras @SabrS4br Lafaard?
🇪🇺Today we had the 2nd political trilogue on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism #CBAM.
I want to thank the @EU2022_CZ @EU_Taxud @gerass_thomas @PaoloGentiloni for the work done!💪
RT @EU2022_CZ: #TRILOGUE | The second trilogue on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism has just begun in Strasbourg. It will help to prevent carbon leakage and encourage partner countries to establish carbon pricing policies to fight climate change. #…
Good to see that @EUCouncil has reached an agreement in which the climate integrity of EU ETS is preserved.🌿
#RepowerEU should not increase emissions, it should increase our independence from Russian gas.
Looking forward to starting trilogues!
RT @EUCouncilPress: 📣 Agreement reached: The Council reached its position on the #REPowerEU proposal, a plan to phase out the Union’s dependency on Russian fossil fuel imports.
It will boost…
🏭Door #CBAM zullen buitenlandse producenten van geïmporteerde producten dezelfde koolstofprijs betalen als de Europese industrie.🌿
🇪🇺Vandaag hervatten we de onderhandelingen met de lidstaten en de @EU_Commission over de definitieve versie van het koolstof grensheffing mechanisme (CBAM).
Instead we propose to raise the required 20 billion by front-loading allowances that would otherwise be auctioned by the Member States.
This will have a price effect, but at least we respect the cap.
+ None of the revenues from EU-ETS can go to fossil fuel projects.🚫
❗We have to maintain the climate integrity of our EU-ETS❗
Financing RePowerEU is not a reason for extra emissions.
That is why the @EP_Environment adopted its opinion on #RepowerEU yesterday, saying no to auctioning emissions from the Market Stability Reserve (MSR).
RT @paultang: 👇dit dus! Spaanse sociaaldemocraten tonen dé manier om energie betaalbaar te houden, zonder inflatie aan te wakkeren: extra vermogensbelasting!
RT @repasi: Just now, the right-wing majority in the European Parliament has put an end to the internal procedure to raise an action for annulment against the delegated taxonomy act that I initiated in July. A bad day for the protection of Parliament's democratic rights. A short thread👇🏼 1/8
Er bestaan verschillende prijsplafonds. Hieronder een goed en duidelijk overzicht van de verschillen.✅
Het is belangrijk deze scherp te hebben wanneer we het hebben over 'een #prijsplafond'.📊
RT @Bruegel_org: 🇪🇺 PRICE CAP
Given differences in the electricity mix in EU states, the adequacy of this support will depend on whether revenues are collected & distributed to consumers at national or EU level @c_heussaff @…
@rens_philipsen @CafeEuropaEU @annettevansoest @MathieuLLSegers @Esther_de_Lange @Europarl_NL
RT @c_baccianti: New gas supplies arriving in EU with poor energy efficiency in buildings and industry
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🌹Europarlementariër @PvdAEuropa / Vice-president @TheProgressives | European Green Deal en Gezondheid 🍀 | 📍Helmond & Brussel | Vader van 2 👨👩👦👦