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100 days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 100 days of EU strongly supporting Ukraine

100 days causing thousands of deaths and 6.8 million refugees

100 days of senseless destruction with billions worth of damages

100 days of blocked ports & bombed fields, 22M t of grain blocked


100 days of EU assistance, worth €9bn incl €2bn for Ukraine’s armed forces

100 days with 6 sanctions packages, 1.158 people/ 98 entities listed, 90% of Russian oil banned and Russia’s major banks being de-swifted

100 days looking for diplomatic ways out of the war


When it comes to , we know what to do and have the tools to make it happen – what is needed now is follow through.

We need to spend more and do more of that spending together.

Read my @ProSyn op-ed


The stalled Middle East Peace Process is a source of great concern. A perspective for the future is urgently needed, to end the escalation we are witnessing.

Discussed with @AymanHsafadi Jordan’s commendable efforts to maintain stability and the status quo in Jerusalem.


تشرفت بلقاء جلالة الملك @KingAbdullahII.

تطرقنا إلى التأثيرات الجيوسياسية للحرب الروسية ضد أوكرانيا، والوضع في الشرق الأوسط.

يدعم الاتحاد الأوروبي جدول الأعمال الإصلاحي لجلالة الملك، وجهوده الشخصية بشأن عملية السلام في الشرق الأوسط.


Honoured to have had an audience with his Majesty, @KingAbdullahII.

The geopolitical implications of Russia’s war against Ukraine & the situation in the Middle East featured in our exchange.

The EU supports his Majesty’s reform agenda and his personal efforts on the .


Jordan is the first country in Southern Neighbourhood to sign the new Partnership Priorities. We will work together on regional stability, economic stability & rule of law. We will help Jordan address water, energy & food crises. Jordan can count on our friendship & assistance.


يتخذ الاتحاد الأوروبي إجراءات عاجلة لتسهيل الصادرات الغذائية والزراعية من ، وتعزيز البنية التحتية للنقل، كما ندعم بقوة جهود الأمم المتحدة لفتح مسار البحر الأسود والتنسيق لضمان استجابة عالمية شاملة للأمن الغذائي.


The EU is taking urgent action to facilitate food and agriculture exports from , stepping up transport infrastructure and we are strongly supporting UN efforts to unblock the Black Sea route and coordinate to ensure a comprehensive global response.


"مر 99 يوم على حرب ضد أوكرانيا، مع تداعيات كبيرة في جميع أنحاء العالم بما في ذلك في الأردن والشرق الأوسط.

يتسبب بوتين في أزمة غذائية ضخمة؛ حيث تنهب قواته وتدمر صوامع الحبوب الأوكرانية وتغلق موانئ البحر الأسود.'


At a time when it is more imperative than ever for the EU and it’s Member States to reinforce their defence capabilities and capacity to act together, the Danish people have taken a historic decision to participate in .
We stand together for a stronger EU in the world


Jordan is a key ally of the EU in the Middle East. It is the first partner country where we hold an Association Council. Co-chairing with @AymanHsafadi, will reconfirm today the EU-Jordan strong bonds


The EU is taking urgent action to facilitate food and agriculture exports from , stepping up transport infrastructure and we are strongly supporting UN efforts to unblock the Black Sea route and coordinate to ensure a comprehensive global response.


We mark 99 days of the war Russia is waging against Ukraine with major repercussions all over the world including in Jordan and the Middle East.

Putin is triggering a major food crisis with his troops looting and destroying Ukrainian grain silos, and blocking Black Sea ports.


RT @eu_eeas: 🔴 Follow LIVE | Press conference with HR/VP @JosepBorrellF, Jordan MFA @AymanHsafadi and Commissioner @OliverVarhelyi following the 14th EU-Jordan Association Council in Amman


الأردن حليف رئيسي للاتحاد الأوروبي في الشرق الأوسط، وهو أول دولة شريكة نعقد فيها اجتماعات مجلس الشراكة. برئاسة مشتركة مع @AymanHsafadi، سنعيد اليوم التأكيد على الروابط القوية التي تجمع الاتحاد الأوروبي والأردن.


Jordan is a key ally of the European Union in the Middle East. It is the first partner country where we hold an Association Council.

Co-chairing with @AymanHsafadi, we reconfirm today the strong bonds uniting the EU and Jordan.


Denmark has decided to lift its opt-out on

In contact with @JeppeKofod on this historic decision, to congratulate the government and people of Denmark.

Yet another important & timely step towards a stronger EU with an even stronger Common Security and Defence Policy


Rapport @UN_MINUSMA confirme la multiplication exponentielle de violations graves contre la population au , avec la complicité d’éléments russes.

Cela confirme notre suspension de l’entraînement des FAMAs. L’UE appelle à une enquête approfondie des Nations Unies.


EU provides essential geospatial analysis to guide EU foreign, security and defence policy.

This guidance is today a more crucial asset than ever - for EU institutions and agencies, Member States, and our missions and operations.
RT @eusatcen: 🚀 SatCen's 2021 ANNUAL REPORT IS OUT!

2021 has been a year of strategic relevance for , reflected by its 1st Ministerial Level Board, contributions to the


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