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Durante mi reunión con @MarioBucaroGT también he expresado la preocupación de la UE ante la situación del estado de derecho y la importancia de la independencia judicial en Guatemala.


Me he reunido con @MarioBucaroGT y he agradecido las medidas adoptadas y el respaldo firme y enérgico de Guatemala al condenar la agresión de Rusia en @UN @OAS_official


Siempre un placer reunirme con Canciller @RobalsdqAlvarez para reconocer apoyo de República Dominicana al derecho internacional en @UN y @UN_HRC y explorar oportunidades para reforzar cooperación

Hemos tratado desafíos de la región y próxima presidencia de RD de @sg_sica


I thank @ErikaMouynes @sg_sica @EamonCourtenay @CARICOMorg for 1st ever invitation of the EU to your joint meeting

We stand together with our partners in addressing shared challenges, such as economic consequences of Russia’s war, climate change & the pandemic


Apoyamos la integración regional en Centroamérica y el diálogo con @sg_sica

Estado de derecho, institucionalidad democrática y DDHH son necesarios para el progreso económico y enfrentar los desafíos de la triple transicion verde, digital y social.


Today, EU & the Caribbean states relaunch engagement to maximise opportunities and address challenges like climate change and impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

We discussed specific Caribbean vulnerabilities and agreed to hold annual Ministerial consultations.

RT @eu_eeas: On mission to 🇵🇦 Panama, HR/VP @JosepBorrellF met today with Caribbean Foreign Ministers to strengthen relations, underlining the strong hi…


Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine affects global security.

We are working on the 6th package of sanctions which aims to de-swift more banks, list disinformation actors and tackle oil imports.

These measures will be presented to the Council for approval.


I visited to discuss how to boost cooperation with a like-minded partner and a government that has ambitious plans to address political and social challenges in an inclusive way.

My new blog post:!HnrG4b


Free press allows for a democratic, stronger and inclusive society and is instrumental in the protection and promotion of human rights.

The EU stands with journalists and media workers around the world and will continue to fight for press freedom.
RT @eu_eeas: "Russian forces are detaining, abducting or kidnapping and targeting journalists to prevent the world from hearing the truth. Those responsible will be held accountable.…


RT @EUSec_Defence: Russia has committed hundreds of crimes against media & journalists.

Today, on join our conversation w/ @Sanatja @lisovskalana @IAPonomarenko on covering Russia’s war straight from the frontline.

On @TwitterSpaces 3/05 at 12H


Very good meeting with CARICOM chair @EcourtbzeEamon ahead of my meeting tomorrow with Caribbean Foreign Ministers, to relaunch EU political engagement with the region.

@CARICOMorg and EU have jointly upheld international law over Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Honrado de haber sido recibido por Presidente @NitoCortizo.

UE y Panamá están unidos en defensa de la Carta de Naciones Unidas, soberanía de estados y integridad territorial.

Panamá es centro de conectividad, aeronáutico y digital de la región. Reforzamos lazos de cooperación.


Importante reunión con Presidenta de la Corte Suprema, Procurador General y viceministro @MinSegPma sobre desafíos regionales de seguridad, crimen organizado, lavado de dinero.

Cuando los problemas superan fronteras, las soluciones también deben hacerlo.


Exchange with European businesses on opportunities in Panama

European companies are leading investments in the country & contribute substantially to infrastructure development

Through initiatives, the EU plans to contribute to the regional green & digital transition


The Panama Canal is one of our world’s wonders, channeling 6% of global trade.

EU contributed €500M @EIB financing to its expansion, which has reduced global CO2 emissions by 40M tonnes since 2016

Through we will further boost our connectivity w/ LatAm&Caribbean


Inicio visita a Panamá. Excelente reunión con Ministra @ErikaMouynes. Condenamos agresión rusa contra Ucrania y tratamos impacto global

Seguiremos trabajando juntos ante desafíos regionales en América Latina/Caribe. Defendemos democracia y orden internacional basado en normas


Today brings me to Panama, to strengthen our bilateral ties and advance EU with Central America and the Caribbean.

In the face of geopolitical uncertainty we need to work even more closely with our partners.

Together, for global peace and stability.

@sg_sica @CARICOMorg


Mi gira latinoamericana me trae a Panamá para fortalecer lazos bilaterales y avanzar relaciones UE con Centroamérica y Caribe.

Ante incertidumbre geopolítica tenemos que trabajar más estrechamente con nuestros socios. Juntos por la paz y estabilidad global.

@sg_sica @CARICOMorg


Call w/@DmytroKuleba to discuss continued EU support to

Work is ongoing on the next package of sanctions

EU-Ukraine Association Council will be a key moment to advance even further our partnership

Situation in Mariupol is appalling, humanitarian evacuations urgent.


Investing in renewables is crucial for our energy independence and for our security, as Russia’s war against Ukraine sadly reminds us.

The time to diversify our energy sources is now.

The Atacama desert has exceptional conditions with 4.000 hrs of sunlight per year.


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