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No meu op-ed na @Folha de São Paulo saúdo a tomada de posse de @LulaOfficial e apelo ao estreitamento dos laços entre o Brasil e a União Europeia, incluindo a finalização do acordo UE-Mercosur:


In 2022, Russia decided to fully abandon commitments to basic human rights and to attack Ukraine and global security

At the year's end, Putin tries once again to force Ukrainians into darkness with despicable attacks

We are resolved to continue standing by Ukraine, also in 2023


After passing of Pope Benedict my sympathy is with global Catholic community around the globe and the Holy See.

Benedict XVI will be remembered as theological leader striving for a synthesis between faith and reason and his efforts for global peace and justice.


Mon entretien pour @Le_Figaro au sujet de la guerre en Ukraine et de la nécessité pour les Européens d'assumer leur responsabilité stratégique en dépensant mieux pour leur defense en se coordonnant davantage:!yKN4w4


Diplomacy prevailed in de-escalating tensions in north Kosovo. Violence can never be a solution.

Welcome responsible leadership of President Vučić & Prime Minister Kurti.

Great EU, US & @NATO_KFOR teamwork. Thanks to all involved!

We now need urgent progress in the Dialogue.


Yet another senseless and massive Russian missiles attack on Ukraine, indiscriminately destroying infrastructure and medical facilities, deliberately targeting and killing civilians

There will be no impunity for Russian war crimes

Our support to Ukraine will continue, unabated


Taliban deeply irresponsible order barring female NGO employees from the workplace puts at risk millions of Afghans who depend on humanitarian assistance for their survival

The @G7 are in close contact with @UN, who urge the de-facto authorities reverse this decision immediately
RT @eu_eeas: Afghanistan: Joint Ministerial Statement on the Taliban’s Ban on Women Working for National and International NGOs.


Este mundo complicado no me ha dejado acompañar a Serrat en su despedida, pero le he escuchado desde la distancia y quiero agradecerle que haya dado voz a nuestros grandes poetas silenciados y por sus canciones que me han acompañado en tantos momentos alegres o tristes de mi vida


Aquest món complicat no m'ha deixat acompanyar en en el seu comiat, però l'he escoltat des de la distància i voldria agrair-li que hagi donat veu als grans poetes silenciats i a les seves cançons que m’han acompanyat en tants moments, alegres o tristos, de la meva vida.


Constructive phone call with Azeri Foreign Minister @Bayramov_Jeyhun.

Discussed the need for freedom of movement and humanitarian access through Lachin corridor, importance of maintaining stability and EU presence in the region following closure of @EUMCAP


At the Baghdad II Conference in , I stressed that should not be a proxy battlefield and we discussed how to support its sovereignty and security.
I also held several bilateral meetings, focusing on regional issues like

My new blog post:–-mor


EU welcomes UNSC Resolution 2669 on .

The message is clear: end the violence, ensure humanitarian access, release prisoners including Aung San Suu Kyi, & respect the will of the people.

EU is ready to support concrete action now to implement @ASEAN Five-Point Consensus


The European Union condemns the attempted coup in and reaffirms its full support to President @BarrowPresident.

Strengthening a democratic Gambia is in the interest of all.


With brutal attacks on civilian infrastructure, Russia puts Ukraine into darkness and cold.

Millions of people in Ukraine are affected by blackouts and are without electricity or heating in the middle of winter.

We are turning off the lights in
solidarity, to .
RT @eu_eeas: The campaign takes place this Christmas season, with iconic sites around the world turning off their lights.

Russia is trying to veil Ukraine in a long night …


Statement on behalf of the European Union on additional restrictions by the Taliban to the right of education of girls and women:!DvvKdV
RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU strongly condemns the Taliban’s decision to suspend higher education for Afghan women.

A unique move in the world that violates rights and aspirations of Afghans and deprives of women’s contributions to society.

Gender persecution is a crime against humanity


The EU strongly condemns the Taliban’s decision to suspend higher education for Afghan women.

A unique move in the world that violates rights and aspirations of Afghans and deprives of women’s contributions to society.

Gender persecution is a crime against humanity


cannot be a proxy battlefield. It has to be a regional bridge builder contributing to reduce regional tensions. A peaceful & democratic Iraq is essential for its people, Europe & the wider region.
HR/VP @JosepBorrellF at Baghdad II Conference in 🇯🇴


With Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Alzayani, we focused on our bilateral relations and on various aspects of regional security.

Also exchanged on Middle East Peace Process and on our Human Rights Dialogue.


Meeting Omani Foreign Minister @badralbusaidi, I stressed the positive dynamics in our bilateral relations.

We also discussed developments in Iran and related to JCPOA, as well as other regional challenges.


Congratulated Prime Minister Al-Sudani on his appointment at Second for Cooperation and Partnership.

I expressed EU support for new government’s reform agenda, and we discussed how we can contribute to the country’s stability and prosperity.



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