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In meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian @Amirabdolahian we agreed on resumption of negotiations between Iran and US in the coming days, facilitated by my team, to solve the last outstanding issues.


Since I paused the Vienna talks, three months have passed. We need to break the current dynamic of escalation and speed up our work. We need to close the deal now.


My visit to Tehran has one main objective: give new momentum to the negotiations and bring the nuclear deal back on track. (1/4)


This Communication will strengthen our approach to trade and sustainable development.

Together with our partners and based on strong international standards.

Moving forward, we need cohesive efforts of EU institutions and Delegations, Member States and all stakeholders.
RT @Trade_EU: With the Communication that @EU_Commission has just adopted, we are enhancing the power of EU Trade Agreements to:

⏫ Support green and just ec…


Momentous groundbreaking of BioNTech plant in , the first mRNA vaccine production facility in Africa.

Supported by , we accompany this venture towards vaccine equity. Great example of Europe/Africa partnership.



I am travelling to Tehran, as coordinator of the , to meet my counterpart @Amirabdolahian and other relevant Iranian authorities.

Diplomacy is the only way to go back to full implementation of the deal and to reverse current tensions.


During our last Foreign Affairs Council, we agreed on main EU work strands to engage with our partners and defend the rules-based international order threatened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Read my new blog post:


დღეს ევროპის საბჭომ საქართველოსთვის შემდგომი ევროპული პერსპექტივის მნიშვნელოვანი შესაძლებლობა აღიარა.

ახლა ერთად ვიმუშავებთ საერთო გზის ყოველ ნაბიჯზე საქართველოს მომავლის ევროკავშირში ასაშენებლად.


Today, the European Council recognised the momentous opportunity for Georgia's further European perspective.

Now we will work together on every step of the common way to build Georgia’s future in the EU.


S-a făcut istorie. După ce Consiliului European a decis să-i acorde Moldova statutul de candidat UE, țara pornește pe calea sa către un viitor în UE.

Moldova aparține familiei UE și o vom sprijini în fiecare pas făcut pe drumul nostru comun.


History has been made. With European Council decision to grant EU candidate status, embarks on the path towards its future in the EU.

Moldova belongs to the EU family and we will support our partner on every step of our common path.


Україна переможе. Європа переможе.

Сьогодні розпочинається довгий шлях, який ми долатимемо разом.

Народ України належить до європейської родини. А майбутнє України – у ЄС.

Ми разом стоїмо на захисті миру.

Моє звернення спільно з @DmytroKuleba.


Ukraine will prevail. Europe will prevail.

Today marks the beginning of a long journey that we will walk together.

The Ukrainian people belong to the European family. Ukraine’s future is with the EU.

We stand together for peace.

My message with @DmytroKuleba.


The EU is an institution that brings peace and stability.

At , we discuss the EU membership of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

We also address the consequences of the Russia's war against Ukraine and further support to Ukraine.!kNwVkr


The EU integration of the means peace, democracy and prosperity in Europe.

We continue working for it and for keeping the flame of the European perspective alive.!d9dRg6


Stabilité régionale, gouvernance économique, gestion durable des ressources naturelles, promotion des droits humains ont été au cœur de ma rencontre avec le Premier Ministre Makosso du .


Discussed with President Neves our special partnership, the 15th anniversary of which we are celebrating this year.

We want to strengthen our ties even further, based on our alignment on many issues.

is a beacon of stability and democracy.



The earthquake in is yet another disaster, killing 1,000 people and injuring hundreds.

Intl assistance will be needed to help those who lost their loved ones, their homes & need aid. EU will provide assistance

Statement w/


Discussed with His Majesty King Letsie III ongoing reforms and next elections in .

Also with view to his role as @FAO Special Ambassador, we discussed the impact of the war in Ukraine on the global food crisis.


La est un partenaire solide de l’UE dans le .

Avec le Président @CheikhGhazouani, nous avons discuté du renforcement de notre appui pour soutenir les réformes en cours et des projets structurants pour le pays.


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