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Had a phonecall with UN Secretary General @antonioguterres today to discuss ongoing work by the United Nations in finding an urgently needed solution to exporting Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea.

The EU fully supports @UN efforts.


საქართველოს მოქალაქეების მუდმივი მისწრაფებებისთვის - დაიმკვიდრონ კუთვნილი ადგილი ევროკავშირის ოჯახში, დღეს კიდევ ერთი დიდი ნაბიჯის წინ გადადგმა გახდა შესაძლებელი. ყოველი ნაბიჯი ამის რეალობად ქცევას აახლოებს. დღევანდელი მოსაზრების მიღებით საქართველო ევროკავშირის გზას მტკიცედ ადგას


Georgians’ continued aspirations to secure their rightful place in the EU family has made another leap forward possible today. And every step brings it closer to making it reality.

With today’s Opinion, is firmly anchored on its EU path.


Мы услышали желание Молдовы вступить в ЕС и сегодня ответили на него рекомендацией продолжить работу. Я уверен, что молдавский народ сможет в полной мере использовать эту историческую возможность, чтобы продолжить свой многообещающий путь к присоединению к семье ЕС.


Am auzit dorința Moldovei de a adera la UE și astăzi i-am răspuns cu o recomandare de a continua munca. Sunt încrezător că poporul moldovenesc va putea folosi pe deplin această oportunitate istorică, pentru a-și continua drumul promițător spre aderarea la familia UE.


We heard ’s wish to join the EU and today answer it with a recommendation to take work forward.

I am confident that the Moldovan people will be able to fully use this historical opportunity, to continue on their promising path towards joining the EU family.


Ukrainians have proven their determination to meet their European destiny. Today, a new milestone on Ukraine’s EU path was reached

The positive Opinion is a clear message to the courageous Ukrainian people, with whom we are united by values and history.

Together, we are Europe.


Українці довели свою рішучість боронити власну європейську долю.

Сьогодні було досягнуто нової віхи на шляху України до ЄС. Схвальний Висновок Європейської Комісії - це чітке послання мужньому українському народу, з яким нас об’єднують цінності та історія.

Разом ми – Європа


This is a crucial moment for , , and and for the EU. It is also for peace and democracy on our shared continent.

Today’s Opinions are a key step towards fulfilling their European aspirations. The EU will support all reform efforts to make it a reality.


There are Russian troops in Ukraine and no Ukrainian troops in Russia. Who is the aggressor is clear.

Russia’s war exacerbates a global food crisis and all of us have to mobilise to avoid a wave of hunger in the world.

My address at @UN Security Council!V86jYj


Facing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we have to continue working together.

To protect the multilateral system and to put in place a “Global Food Security Response” to address the massive challenge of the global food security crisis.


Responding directly to Russian disinformation, I stressed that EU sanctions do not cause food shortages.

They target Russia’s ability to finance the war, not the conduct of legitimate trade and transportation of agricultural goods or the payment for such Russian exports.


Discussed with African Group of @UN Ambassadors EU-Africa relations , our commitment to multilateralism and the need to jointly address global challenges, including the food crisis caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine and its effects in Africa.


RT @eu_eeas: "Today the multilateral system is under pressure like never before. The world needs this @UN Security Council to be able to take decisions and protect the people whose lives depend on it.”

Annual address of HR/VP @JosepBorrellF at the UN Security Council on EU-UN relations.


RT @eu_eeas: "War has returned to Europe but it hasn’t stopped anywhere else. This is why the European Union continues to help to prevent and solve conflicts and crises around the world.”

Annual address of HR/VP Josep Borrell @UN Security Council on EU-UN relations.


RT @eu_eeas: “In the face of aggression, no one can be neutral. I urge you all to help end the war, restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and ensure that the fallout is contained, especially the food crisis. The EU supports the UN".

Annual HRVP @JosepBorrellF address at the @UN Security Council.


We fully support UN efforts so Ukraine can reopen ports and resume its deliveries of grain to the world.

The easiest way to do this is for Russia to stop its aggression, withdraw its troops from Ukraine and to work with the UN and others to re-open the Black Sea.


No one can live safely in a world where illegal use of force is tolerated.

I urge all nations to help end the war, restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and contain global fallout, especially the food crisis.

EU stands by its partners to deal with global consequences of Russia’s war.


Russia’s war against Ukraine amplified these problems.

Killing tens of thousands, causing millions of refugees and sending shockwaves around the world.

This is not a European war. It is an attack on the foundations of the UN.


In recent years, we have seen more political power competition, more distrust, and more vetoes.

The price paid is problems not solved and wars and conflicts that fester.

The world needs the to take decisions and protect the people whose lives depend on it.


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