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Two months into the war against Ukraine and with UNSG @antonioguterres travelling to Moscow, I make an appeal to the Russian leadership to end its war of choice. Read my new blog post:


In 1986, we saw in Chornobyl one of the most horrific nuclear incidents in history. Today, Russia's aggression in Ukraine jeopardises nuclear safety.

We call on Moscow to return control of Zaporizhzhia plant and refrain from any actions against nuclear facilities.
RT @eu_eeas: 36 years ago today the world faced one of the most horrific nuclear incidents in history.

Chornobyl is not over yet: Russia's invasion of…


The Turkish Court's life sentence for Osman Kavala together with heavy prison sentences for other defendants show maximum harshness.

They ignore the decision of the European Court for Human Rights.

Respecting fundamental rights and freedoms is today more important than ever.


. Particularly today, when the world faces one of the greatest challenges to the global peace architecture.

My statement for :!KmJxmh
RT @eu_eeas: What is ?

👉Abiding by agreed norms & rules
👉Respect for national sovereignty & territorial integrity
👉Accountability for war crimes & human rights violations

Because might doesn't make it right,


The Organization of American States sends a powerful message of support to .

With overwhelming majority and no votes against, the @OAS_official Permanent Council approves a resolution to suspend the Russian Federation as Permanent Observer.
RT @OAS_official: Complete text of the resolution “Suspension of the Status of the Russian Federation as a Permanent Observer of the Organization of American States” adopted by the #…


The EPF's €600 million support to the @_AfricanUnion reaffirms our strong commitment to the partnership.

The adopted Assistance Measure supports African-led Peace Support Operations for peace and security on the continent and African solutions to African problems.
RT @EUCouncilPress: European Peace Facility: €600 million for support to the @_AfricanUnion

Find out more 👇


Je remercie @Sophie_Wilmes, partenaire toujours engagée au service de l’intégration européenne. Je lui souhaite ainsi qu’à sa famille tout le courage nécessaire pour traverser cette épreuve difficile et j'espère continuer à travailler ensemble dans un avenir proche.
RT @Sophie_Wilmes:


My interview with @FRANCE24 on how the EU will continue to support , a possible ban on imports of Russian oil, the investigation of war crimes and the international community's responsibilities.


No queremos ser beligerantes, no queremos que la guerra se extienda y no queremos ser parte de ella, pero queremos ayudar a Ucrania militarmente para que defienda su libertad y su soberanía. Vamos a seguir ayudando.

Mi entrevista para @elconfidencial!Hc3GVR


RT @MAECgob: Desde las 17:00, en directo la conferencia “La nueva Europa de la defensa. la Brújula Estratégica de la UE”, organizada por @Funda_FEINDEF.

Participan el ministro @jmalbares y el Alto Representante UE de Asuntos Exteriores y Seguridad, @JosepBorrellF.


After devastating floods in that have claimed many lives, we mourn the victims and stand by the people of and by the Government of South Africa. @CyrilRamaphosa @DIRCO_ZA


Discussed with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno @Menlu_RI the Russian war against Ukraine and impact on world economy.
Also with view to upcoming @g20org FMs meeting, the world community needs to stand together against the illegal war with vast negative consequences for all.


Chile está abriendo una nueva etapa cargada de esperanza. País clave en la relación transatlántica-sur y volcado hacia el Pacífico.

Juntos somos más fuertes.

Mi artículo en @elmostrador:


Objects of cultural heritage are purposely destroyed in Russia’s war against .

Ukrainian culture is an important part of the European heritage.

The EU supports artists, culture professionals and culture organisations affected by the war.

RT @eu_eeas: The Slovo building in Kharkiv stands as a landmark of 🇺🇦 history and an inspiring literature residence for writers across the world. Its faca…


I condemn continued indiscriminate shelling of civilians & civilian infrastructure by Russian armed forces in .

In touch w/ ⁦@IntlCrimCourt⁩ prosecutor Khan. for war crimes.

Working to support delivery of military equipment.


Attristé par le décès de l'économiste francais et européen convaincu Jean-Paul Fitoussi.

J'avais beaucoup appris de lui dans nos nombreux échanges au sujet de la crise de la zone euro et de l'avenir de l'Union Européenne.
Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches.
RT @sciencespo: Nous avons la très grande tristesse de vous faire part du décès de Jean-Paul Fitoussi, professeur émérite à Sciences Po, économiste brilla…


Spoke to Deputy Prime Minister @StefanishynaO, MoD @oleksiireznikov & MFA @DmytroKuleba today on latest military developments on the ground.

The EU is in close contacts with Member States to accelerate the delivery of essential support to .


Deeply concerned by the clashes at Al Aqsa and by the many violent events of the past weeks in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

I call on all sides to act with the greatest restraint, particularly at this time of religious celebrations for three great religions.


I strongly condemn the unjustified decision by the Russian authorities to expel 18 members of the Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation ⁦@EUinRussia.

This decision only deepens Russia’s international isolation further.


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