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When you flick through the news and see a headline like this before you actually read the story, you know that it’s time for your first beer of the weekend! Have a good one folks. Cheers!


Deeply upsetting to see the aftermath of the attack on Sir Salman Rushdie. Praying that it’s not as bad as we all fear.


With resurfacing work due to begin on Nunnery Lane, we now need ‘GIVE WAY’ signs at the Hillery Rd junction as traffic will be faster & residents won’t be used to the increased speeds. I’d be obliged if any local County Cllr would take this up for me. Best if I don’t get involved


Why deliberately misrepresent the gender of a significant French religious & national icon? And I ask that as a proud Englishmen.
Such artistic interpretation will really upset some people. Depicting any Saint, Prophet or figure in such a way, from whatever faith, is offensive.
RT @The_Globe: Our new play I, Joan shows Joan as a legendary leader who uses the pronouns ‘they/them’. We are not the first to present Joan in this way…


Back in Worcester after four in days in our London office, which is a stone’s throw from Shepherds Market, fast becoming my favourite place to eat and drink, whilst on the capital: Great vibes, and even better, it’s full of independent shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs.


There just has to be a genuine multifaceted approach to energy supply, including nuclear. For those bemoaning this whilst the electricity companies have us all by the ‘short and curlies’, remember the words of the late, great, Robert Nesta Marley: ‘Have no fear of atomic energy’.


In other words, she’s effectively admitting that she’s not fit for purpose. Completely out of her depth. Farcical.
RT @GBNEWS: Priti Patel sparks fury with plan to pay French millions in bid to stop migrant crossings


What is it with all the promises being made by both leadership candidates? Don’t either of them realise that, by effectively promising to deliver more than the Royal Mail, they’re setting themselves up for a fall, before they’ve even started. I await to be convinced.


Watching the is so refreshing - No egos, team spirit second to none, no dodgy rolling around after being tackled, and so apparent that it’s a squad of friends loving the beautiful game and playing it for all of the right reasons.


It’s home! Well done to the Fantastic game, fantastic result. Fantastic team spirit. You showed the gents that it can be done. Superb!!!


It’s never a good sign when you’re on your way to an eye test and you can’t find the optician!


Very sad to wake up to the news that @SirSocks has passed away suddenly. Such an interesting man. My sincere condolences to his loved ones.


I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying the opening ceremony & really hope that these games rekindle our nation’s interest & understanding of this magnificent & superbly diverse organisation. We really are each other’s best friends.


Great to get down to @CrayValleyPM last night & to catch up with many friends. A lot of changes to the squad, but the passion & hunger is clearly there. I’ve got a good feeling about this season. My thanks to all the volunteers who work so hard for our club.


Very sad to read of the passing of Lord Trimble. One of the last few true statesman left. His political journey was a very long, but he and John Hume will be judged kindly by the history books. (One personal observation is that Seamus Mallon never got the credit he deserved).


Away from all the hatred & vitriol on this platform, here’s one of the most important messages I can remember, & exactly what sharing on social media should be about. I’d dearly love to see this one retweeted far & wide. There’s no shame in reaching out for help. Real men do cry.
RT @sportbible: If you listen to anything today, listen to what Paddy Pimblett has to say.

A class message.


Paddy Hemmingway DFC, an extremely brave Irishman. We owe him, & his comrades much more than many people could even have the imagination to think about nowadays . Our sole surviving Battle of Britain pilot, aged 103.


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