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RT @dta60_: Tatilde hangi kitabi okuyayım diyorsun? Buyurun size 2 güzel insandan tavsiye: “Almanya Nasıl Vatan Oldu” Kitabımız Prof. Dr. Uğur Şahin, Prof. Dr. Özlem Türeci’nin biyografisi ve 27 güzel hikayeyle sizi büyüleyecek. Yayınlayan: @OezcanMutlu


RT @SPDEuropa: So wird die Taxonomie zur Mogelpackung!
Eine konservative Mehrheit im EU-Parlament hat für ein Nachhaltigkeits-Label für Gas und Atomkraft gestimmt - ein Rückschlag für den Klima- und Umweltschutz in Europa. 👇


RT @RechargeEurope: RECHARGE encourages the 🇨🇿Presidency to conclude the under its 6-months term. Developing a competitive & sustainable 🇪🇺batteries industry is urgent: it will contribute to & of the economy: 👉


RT @SPDEuropa: Liebe Follower*innen,
unsere Schwerpunkte der heute startenden Juli-Plenarwoche:
🇺🇦 EU-Gipfel - Ukraine gehört nach Europa
🌞Nachhaltig investieren - -Streit um Atomkraft & Gas
0⃣1⃣ Klare Spielregeln für Google, Facebook & Amazon


RT @tgmnue: 🇹🇷 Anne Naciye ve kızı Ayşegül Bayraktar 02.07.2022 tarihinde saat ikide ekmek almak için çıkıp eve dönmemişlerdir. Görenlerin lütfen baba Mustafa Bayraktar’a bildirmeleri rica edilir. Telefon: 0177 3304153 + + +


RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 2 July 1885 | A Czech Jewish woman, Krimhilda Wohryzková, was born.

She was deported to from Ghetto on 23 October 1944. After the selection she was murdered in a gas chamber.


Am 2. Juli 1993 musste die Welt schmerzhaft und schockiert mitansehen, wozu religiös-nationalistischer Wahn führen kann. 37 unschuldige Menschen wurden im verbrannt, weil sie Aleviten waren. Wir werden die Opfer niemals vergessen. @AABFde
RT @tgmnue:

Wir erinnern heute an die Opfer des rassistischen Angriffs am 2. Juli 1993 in . Bei dem Brandanschlag auf das


RT @IntegrationBund: Heute ist der Tag gegen antimuslimschen Rassismus. Denn heute vor 13 Jahren wurde Marwa El-Sherbini von einem Rassisten brutal ermordet. Wir vergessen Marwa nicht. Gemeinsam laut und stark gegen , jeden Tag.


RT @tgmnue: Heute am internationalen Tag gegen antimuslimischen gedenken wir allen Opfern, die aufgrund ihrer religiösen Überzeugung getötet oder angegriffen worden sind.


Lieber @arif_tasdelen, herzlichen Glückwunsch. Glück und Gesundheit wünsche ich dir! 🎁🎂🍀🧿
RT @norimberga: Happy birthday, lieber @arif_tasdelen! 😉


RT @WTourismForum: Tourism leaders come together @ Brussels. We are exited to announce 📣 date of our which will be held on September 6,2022.

Summit will be co-chaired by @IsmailErtug @JRBauza

Partners : @visitbrussels @arivacoin
Media Support by @business @Nasdaq @Yahoo


RT @bulutbagci: Tourism leaders come together @ Brussels. We are exited to announce 📣 date of our which will be held on September 6,2022.

Summit will be co-chaired by @IsmailErtug @JRBauza

Partners : @visitbrussels @arivacoin
Media Support by @business @Nasdaq @Yahoo


Thank you all for coming to the kickoff event of the Industrial Transformation Platform. The exchange between industry and EU will continue on this platform. Looking forward to the next event.


RT @Shell_EUAffairs: Thank you MEP @IsmailErtug for inviting Shell to the launch of the Industrial Transformation Platform.

Our Country Chair NL Marjan van Loon spoke about the 🔑 role has to decarbonise industry.

Shell is committed to playing its part. 1/2


RT @eu_hmg: Kick off event of the Industrial Transformation Platform in the EP today! Technology neutrality and clarity for industry are crucial for successful green and digital transition in Europe and around the world. Thank you @IsmailErtug for bringing all stakeholders together.


RT @RechargeEurope: Today at the Industrial Transformation Platform event in the EP: Commission VP Šefčovič reminded that the 🇪🇺 sector can become the 2nd largest globally by 2025, generating 800k new jobs, while the skills & raw materials gaps are being addressed.


RT @Jonathan_Cutuli: .@Chatzimarkakis CEO of @H2Europe : "Technological neutrality is essential for the future transition" speaking at the Industrial Transformation Platform kick off event @europarl_en @Transport_EU @IsmailErtug @UNIFE


RT @DeHavillandEU: @DeHavillandEU Senior Policy Consultant Christina Kouremenou is happy to attend the @IsmailErtug MEP's launch of Industrial Transformation platform.

Looking forward to hearing how the EU will become more independent from third countries regarding critical material.


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