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RT by @IratxeGarper: The Commission warned that Greece is the worst EU country when it comes to freedom of speech and work of journalists.

We have tried to put this on the agenda in the past, but the EPP has voted against it. Once again, double standards. It seems that defending the rule of law depends on who’s governing the country.


[2024-01-16 16:07 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Nos llama la atención la incoherencia del PP en el debate sobre la directiva de calidad del aire.

Dicen que su prioridad es la salud, pero a la vez votan en contra de una ley que podría prevenir la muerte de más de 300.000 personas al año.



[2024-01-16 13:32 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: 🇭🇺No podemos financiar con más fondos europeos al Gobierno de Hungría, que no respeta los derechos fundamentales.

Necesitamos cambiar los tratados para no permitir que un gobierno bloquee unilateralmente decisiones que afectan a todos los europeos y europeas.



[2024-01-16 13:39 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Today the European Parliament pays tribute to Jacques Delors, a great Socialist who laid the foundations of the European Union we know today.

Follow it live 👇


[2024-01-15 16:03 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: The Union we live in is the Union of Jacques Delors.

The President of the European Commission left such a deep mark on the construction of the European project. @IratxeGarper


[2024-01-15 16:22 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Jacques Delors was a Socialist who believed in peace, democracy, justice, equality and in our power when we act together. @IratxeGarper


[2024-01-15 16:23 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: 🇪🇺La UE en la que vivimos es la Unión de Jacques Delors.

Ahora que hay amenazas que ponen en peligro su legado, debemos explicar a la ciudadanía por qué somos europeístas.

Cómo él decía, "Europa es una construcción que hay que reinventar constantemente".



[2024-01-15 16:44 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Pedro Sánchez: "A mí lo que me resulta bastante interesante desde el punto de vista del análisis político es ver una derecha que se ha quedado congelada en un sistema político que ya no existe". Lee aquí la entrevista completa


[2024-01-14 13:31 UTC]

I socialisti e democratici continueranno a lottare per un'Europa progressista contro la deriva delle destre.
Città eterna e David, nostro Presidente, sempre con noi. 🇮🇹🤍🌹
Grazie a
e al
per averci accolto.


[2024-01-12 12:32 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: La nostra Presidente @IratxeGarper ricorda David Sassoli 👇
David ha sempre saputo che se c’è qualcosa di non negoziabile sono i nostri valori. David è colui che si è battuto per i migranti, colui che ha lottato per la libertà di stampa e contro qualsiasi discriminazione.
Ricordiamo come abbia protetto i più deboli durante la pandemia. Nessuno prima di lui aveva messo il parlamento europeo al servizio dei più vulnerabili.


[2024-01-12 09:13 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: The S&D Group is in Rome today and tomorrow together with @pdnetwork to honour David Sassoli’s legacy and to fight on for a stronger, more just and more progressive Europe.

The next EU elections will be decisive to stop the EPP and far-right attempts to attack the rule of law, fundamental rights, sustainable development and solidarity. ¡No pasarán!


[2024-01-11 12:38 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: At their meeting today, Amb @Ailish_Campbell and @IratxeGarper, President of @TheProgressives Group @europarl_en, focussed on 🇨🇦🇪🇺 cooperation on upholding core values, ensuring peace and security (Ukraine, Gaza), and building the sustainable economies of the future.


[2024-01-10 16:42 UTC]

Great to meet
ambassador. 🇨🇦🇪🇺
We are committed to strengthening our shared values ​​and strategic partnership for a more inclusive and equitable world.
Together we're leading the fight against climate change and supporting Ukraine on its path to freedom and peace.


[2024-01-10 15:47 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: Wir freuen uns, Rolf Mützenich und die Delegation der @spdbt heute zu unserer Gruppensitzung begrüßen zu dürfen.

Gemeinsam werden wir uns weiterhin für ein soziales und gerechtes Europa einsetzen, das niemanden zurücklässt.


[2024-01-10 08:52 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: We're delighted to welcome Rolf Mützenich and a delegation from the @spdbt to our group meeting today.

Together, we will keep working for a social and fair Europe that leaves no one behind.


[2024-01-10 08:57 UTC]

RT by @IratxeGarper: We welcome the exchange with @EnricoLetta on his expected High-Level Report on the Future of the Single Market.

Essential to modernise EU’s Single Market for new challenges - digitalisation, transition to a sustainable economy - while keeping consumer & environmental protection.


[2024-01-09 18:00 UTC]

Entérese Sr.Feijóo.
Esto no va de salvar o no a Pedro Sánchez , va de que su voto es contra la subida de las pensiones , es contra la gratuidad del transporte , es contra recibir 10.000 millones de euros de Europa …En definitiva , su voto NO es contra la gente.


[2024-01-08 21:08 UTC]

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