❌ Ampel weiter „erfolgreich“ mit Blockade des EU-Lieferkettengesetzes!
Neuer Tiefschlag für Glaubwürdigkeit der EU in der Welt - verantwortet durch die Bundesregierung und 🙊🙈🙉-Kanzler Olaf Scholz.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/HelmutScholzMEP/stat

[2024-02-14 15:29 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: 💉 We're fighting to ensure that in future pandemics, 🇪🇺 can bypass intellectual property rights to produce cheap generic medicines & save lives.

But pandemics have no borders, so today we demanded that some medicines can be exported to other countries in need.

The result? 👇

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Left_EU/status/17574

[2024-02-13 15:17 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: 🚫 This basic demand was today rejected in @EP_Legal.

We will continue fighting to remove the export prohibition from 🇪🇺's proposal to facilitate access to affordable medicines for all, not just Europeans.

More info on the topic: euobserver.com/opinion/157894

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Left_EU/status/17574

[2024-02-13 15:17 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: What can be done to achieve a transition❓

📢 Need for and implementation of new supply chain laws by upholding the policy coherence for development principle.

Want to know how? 👉read our policy proposals: fairtrade-advocacy.org/fair-tr

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/FairTradeFTAO/status

[2024-02-13 08:25 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: scrapping off of environmental protection, contrary to the talking points of agribusiness and big landowners, noticeably absent. We support demands to reverse the deregulation policies of the EU, the free trade agreements and the industry-led policies that led to this situation!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/corporateeurope/stat

[2024-02-01 13:13 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: 📣 Morgen stimmt der @EP_Trade über das EU-Chile Handelsabkommen ab. Wieso das Abkommen nicht kommen darf, lest Ihr in unserer neuen Broschüre „Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe? Das Handelsabkommen zwischen der EU & Chile”, die wir heute ab 12 Uhr vorstellen: power-shift.de/termin/eu-chile

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/PowerShift_eV/status

[2024-01-23 08:42 UTC]

🚨 Our societies can’t take another wave of austerity!
Therefore, together with the
I have voted against a mandate for new
rules 💸
...likely to pave the way to an even deeper social crisis ⛺️ & failing a green transition that works for all🚇.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/HelmutScholzMEP/stat

[2024-01-17 14:40 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: Und fordert das Bundesministerium auf, einen Beschlusstext vorzulegen, um das Steuerrecht so zu ändern, wie es der Rechnungshof im Bericht wünscht. Also die Steuerfreiheit aufzuheben. Fakten statt FakeNews!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/bodoramelow/status/1

[2024-01-07 16:03 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: Spannende Debatte über „Weltpolitische Umbrüche: USA – China in Konkurrenz und die wirtschaftlichen Reaktionen Europas“ mit @HelmutScholzMEP von @Left_EU & @st_schmalz von der @unierfurt auf Einladung der @RLS_Thueringen & @RosaluxEuropa im Kunsthaus .

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/wellsow/status/17331

[2023-12-08 17:50 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: "GREEN LIGHT FOR COMPULSORY LICENSING INTA: Tuesday was a health-heavy day in the Parliament, with the trade committee adopting an opinion on the compulsory license regulation."

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/ThiruGeneva/status/1

[2023-11-29 08:56 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: 💥 Today at 3pm @europarl_en will hold a plenary debate on the proposals for 🇪🇺 treaty changes. This 120-page long document prepared by @EPInstitutional is the third in EP's history fully-fledged treaty amendment project (after Spinelli 1984 & Herman 1994 reports) 👇🧐

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/K_Boronska/status/17

[2023-11-21 09:29 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: EU-Neuseeland: Kurs auf nachhaltigen Handel? – Europaabgeordneter Helmut zum Handelsabkommen EU-Neuseeland.
@HelmutScholzMEP @fraupenzer @garydiderich @Euractiv_DE @AnnaSchroedr @bodoramelow @andreasbotsch

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/j_klute/status/17269

[2023-11-21 16:08 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: “We’ve taken important steps in proposing amendments to the EU Treaties following the Conference on the Future of Europe” - @HelmutScholzMEP in

“With this report, the European Parliament is delivering on its promise.”

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Left_EU/status/17269

[2023-11-21 16:23 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: Rechtspopulismus und Rechtsextremismus in Europa auf dem Vormarsch - noch kann
man den Schneeball stoppen!
Hier noch mein Interview dazu bei rtl/ntv gestern: n-tv.de/mediathek/videos/polit

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/bodoramelow/status/1

[2023-11-19 22:11 UTC]

RT by @HelmutScholzMEP: Exploring the state's role in shaping a socially just, green, & democratic Europe with Conny Hildebrant (@transform_ntwrk) @DiegoLGarrido (@funalternativas) Ajda Pistotnik, @lea_bicho (@GreensEFA) @MartaIglesiasLp (@MovimientoxlPaz) and Kevin Le Merle (@FEPS_Europe)

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/_EuropeanForum/statu

[2023-11-11 11:58 UTC]

"The world is watching"
Amb. Blanchett reminded MEPs today in
"May the spirit of hospitality, compassion & championing of human rights that Europe modelled after 1945 & at the birth of the refugee convention continue to provide an example for years to come"

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/HelmutScholzMEP/stat

[2023-11-08 17:12 UTC]

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