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Re @bertnotbob Will investigate
I try not to keep anything in the Cloud because of the waste of server energy


👉🏽 News item 1: @UKLabour and @Conservatives both debating rolling back their green policies
👉🏽 News item 2: tourists sheltering from wildfires in Rhodes
🙄 No link made between the two
😤 No discussion of practical action that could be taken to address the


Message from Uxbridge is about the power of fossil fuel and car lobbies
Not that people don’t care about children dying from dirty air
@Thegreenparty was only party to increase vote share in all three by-elections
Join us to defeat the voices of doom


My heart sank at thought of two right-wingers debating green policy but @IanDuncanHMG and @topnigel made a lot of sense:
🧐 We must not weaponise and lose existing cross-party consensus
🏭 Business supports green transition
🤗 But it must be just - with nobody left behind


A useful summary of the life of the man who led the rise of far right in the UK
His history of racism, support for Putin and crookery is not news
What is extraordinary is how BBC assisted his rise and still offer him so much airtime
And how few journalists have challenged him
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Led By Donkeys: Farage is not a victim


Whole point of a two-party system is polarization and mutual antipathy
As by-election results showed, most likely response of disillusioned Tory voter is to stay at home
Absurd for tactical voting advocates to ignore this
Many voters may vote Green but never Labour - or Tory


.@TheGreenParty got our best ever by-election result last night
Our vote held up because people aren't just voting 'not Tory'
They're choosing a party they know will take action on the climate and ecological emergencies we're facing


In Westminster elections hysterical tactical voting messages squeeze Green vote to the bone
But you can't tell how people how to vote and many people would never vote Labour or Lib Dem
The point about democracy is choosing a policy platform not being told who to vote against
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Allan Andrews: @GreenPartyMolly @CarolineLucas Yeah and you got enough votes at Uxbridge to allow the Tory to get elected. A few hundred votes to the greens rather than labour cost labour the seat. GTTO is what matters not a few hundred votes for the Green Party.


Re @JR_Marketeer I think you are missing the point to be honest. The point is that people choose parties whose policies they support. That's the point of democracy. Not for some parties to tell people how to vote and who not to vote for


More absurd posturing from a government of talentless amateurs
Why don’t you try taking urgent action on the climate crisis - which is actually your job?

<div class="rsshub-quote">
Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP: I’ve written to @Keir_Starmer to request he pays for the criminal damage the Just Stop Oil attacks on the Energy Security Department caused this morning
As the political wing of Just Stop Oil, it is the Labour Party not the taxpayer that should be paying the bill


😖 Yesterday the PM spoke up for Farage’s personal financial difficulties
*Legislation is suggested!*
😤 Shapps wrote a farcical letter to Starmer about Just Stop Oil costs
🤡 These jokers are overseeing our national decline and dangerous inaction on the


Islas Malvinas: EU signs deal using Falklands’ Argentine name
Just one more indication that Brexit has left us with diminished diplomatic power
And has reduced rather than increasing our sovereignty


Crown estate triples pay of CEO in 3 years to nearly £1.6m
A disgrace when so many are struggling with the cost of living crisis
We need to end this medieval anachronism and manage our natural resources for the public good and to achieve sustainability


Very excited to see Sian Berry chosen to fight the Brighton Pavilion seat
She has charisma, intelligence and extraordinary dynamism
I can't wait to see what she'll do in Parliament
<div class="rsshub-quote">
The Green Party: 💬 Green Party candidate for Brighton Pavilion, @sianberry on following in the footsteps of Caroline Lucas 👇


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