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Everything is broken and the world is frying and yet the prime minister finds time to comment on this!
When can we get rid of this bunch of posturing amateurs?

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Rishi Sunak: This is wrong.
No one should be barred from using basic services for their political views.
Free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy.


How can this be reduced to a human interest story?!
Journalists should be asking how we can get fossil fuels out of our economy as quickly as possible
In order to preserve life on Earth
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Sky News: 🌡️ Temperatures across Europe soared to over 44C this week, but what's causing such extreme heat?
@skynewsnial speaks to @hannahtpsky who is in Sardinia, one of the hottest places in Europe. Plus, @t0mclark3 joins the podcast.
🎧 Listen here 👉


Europe’s frying and there is precious little climate action
But decide they’ll dedicate time to Farage’s bellyaching about his problem with his personal bank account
You literally couldn’t make this up
Climate displacement activity writ large


Not only a waste of time but disappointing news that Farage is not following through on his threat to leave the country
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Green💚🌻Molly: Europe’s frying and there is precious little climate action
But decide they’ll dedicate time to Farage’s bellyaching about his problem with his personal bank account
You literally couldn’t make this up
Climate displacement activity writ large


It’s intolerable to hear Rachel leaves say let a Labour govt would be unable to improve our lives ‘because there’s no money’
Aligning Capital Gains Tax with the effective rate of tax on earnings would raise c £16bn per year;
Extending NI to investment income would raise £8.6bn


Re Introducing a wealth tax would raise tens of billions
And the fact that we have a reserve currency means we can also use sovereign power of money creation for public benefit
Intolerable that Labour is telling us they will continue austerity to posture tough on public finances


😲 I remember when I first heard about 'the Rwanda policy': my jaw literally dropped
😰 I couldn't believe it was real
😡 But last night in The Lords Labour failed to block it
🤔 What is the point of an Opposition that won't oppose something so odious and immoral?


What are you thinking of, @FT?
How can you be allowing fossil industry to shape the narrative when they’ve lied, delayed the transition and put human survival at risk?
Advertising slows down our ability to eliminate fossil fuels from our economy, which needs to happen urgently
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badvertising: Today: Big Oil sponsoring @FT's climate journalism again. Articles on record temperatures, extreme weather events, too-slow emissions cuts - alongside promotional 'partner content' by fossil fuel giant @Equinor (currently lobbying hard for *new* oilfield Rosebank) 🌎🔥


Oh dear, @grantshapps has drunk the nuclear Kool-Aid
Nuclear power cannot be installed fast enough to prevent runaway climate change
It is also far more expensive than renewables
Just note delays and additional costs at Hinkley to see the problems


The 21st-century version of Dickens’s hulks - decrepit boats moored on the Thames holding people before transportation
Those people were criminals; we are subjecting vulnerable people escaping war or the climate crisis to these appalling conditions
Shame on the Tories!
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Andy Davies: The Bibby Stockholm barge as it arrives in Weymouth Bay. Later it will dock in Portland harbour where it’ll be used to house up to 500 asylum seekers over the next 18 months. Protests are planned.


'Labour is emphasising two contradictory ideas: it tells us that we cannot go on like this; but it then changes register, and suggests that is exactly what we are going to have to do'
@johnharris1969 on why country is so underwhelmed by @Keir_Starmer


This looks like a species whose obsession with self-publicity and novelty is driving its own extinction
While cheerfully documenting the process
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Reuters: Death Valley in California hit 128 degrees Fahrenheit and many tourists visiting the US national park said they hoped to be part of a potential record-breaking weekend


Morning @MichaelLCrick
Would you be able to follow me or open your DMs? I have a story I think you might be interested in


💚 So true!
We should be ensuring that all university courses include mandatory modules on the climate and ecological emergencies
So much more important than targeting humanities and demeaning our cultural heritage
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ProudTyke⭐️💚🦋🐞🐳🐝🦉🌻 : @GreenPartyMolly Meanwhile Sunak talking down so called 'Micky Mouse University courses'
I suggest compulsory Climate Crisis classes at all our education establishments and work places.


The rise in SUVs has cancelled out emissions reductions by those choosing electric cars
These urban tanks have no place in the climate emergency
Apparently is not a hashtag yet - but it is now!
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Matt Edwards 🌍: 🚙 Paris will charge drivers more to park to tackle and
📈 SUVs in the city has increased by *60% * over the last four years.
⚠️ SUVs are less safe and worse for the environment than a regular cars.
🧵 A short thread /1


The marketization of higher education has destroyed our universities
But in a market the *customers* get to choose what they buy
Government is now stopping students choosing their courses
As productive units of the economy, young people lose the right to choose their learning


Re @martin_westall I’ve lived in a small town with very poor bus services and without any car for some years now
Yes, you have to plan ahead. And sometimes you need to depend on your neighbours
But that is better than making life unlivable for our children


This would claw back just £1.3bn from some of poorest people - poorest children - in the country
This isn’t about fiscal prudence
It’s about signalling to oligarchs and financiers that they can trust Labour
And sacrificing our children to achieve that
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Josh Self: NEW: Yvette Cooper stresses Labour must be “clear about what we can fund” as a row grips the party over the two-child benefit cap
Keir Starmer confirmed yesterday that Labour would keep the controversial policy, introduced under the Conservatives


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