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Quarta vegada que publico aquesta piulada. Les tres anteriors han “desaparegut”. Censura?
RT @GorkaKB: @EP_President, you’ll have a hard work to recover the image of the EP. You could start showing respect to the voice of the citizens. You’ve received a PP candidate whom no one voted for while refusing again and again receiving catalan MEP’s voted by more than 1 milion people.


@EP_President, you’ll have a hard work to recover the image of the EP. You could start showing respect to the voice of the citizens. You’ve received a PP candidate whom no one voted for while refusing again and again receiving catalan MEP’s voted by more than 1 milion people.


@EP_President, you’ll have a hard work to recover the image of the EP. You could start showing respect to the voice of the citizens. You’ve received a PP candidate whom no one voted for while refusing again and again receiving catalan MEP’s voted by more than 1 milion people.


Dues piulades dirigint-me a la presidenta del Parlment Europeu. Cap d les dues apareix al meu Twitter.
Extrany, no?


@EP_President, you’ll have a lot of work to recover the image of the Parliament. You could start showing respect to the voice of citizens. You’ve received a PP candidate whon no one voted for, while refusing again and again receiving our MEP’s voted by more than 1 milion people.


@RobertaMetsola you’ll have a hard work to recover the imatge of the @europarl. Let’s start respecting the voice of the citizens. You’ve received a PP candidate for whom no one voted, while refusing again and again receiving the catalan MEP’s voted by more than 1 milion people.


@lvaro40376029 @Gasteiztar1 Casino Artista Vitoriano-ko eraikina ikusten da. 1967. urtean bota zuten, orain dela 56 urte, beraz.


De qui depén la Fiscalia? (Pedro Sánchez, el del govern "amic" i progresista....)

L’advocacia de l’estat també vol més mà dura contra Puigdemont que no Llarena


Lo del arbitraje en el futbol es preocupante. Ayer el Sevilla debió acabar el partido con 9 jugadores. Una roja directa perdonada y una segunda amarilla clarísima también perdonada. Al @Alaves_eus no le bastó hacer un buen partido.


@Gasteiztar1 Alava Jeneralaren kaletik hartutako argazkia. Loma jeneralaren kalea agertzen da aurrez aurre. Ezker aldera Casino Artista Vitoriano zegoen, ta Ramiro de Maeztu Institutoa, eraberritu ondoren Legebiltzarra bihurtuko zena.


This is Denmark, my friend, not Spain...
RT @angelsclotet: 🔴🔴🔴👇resposta contundent de Dinamarca sobre l’independencia dels pobles…que’l periodista del règim no esperava👋👋👋


RT @jordicabre: 1.- Aquest que camina davant meu com en una coberta de l’Abbey Road és en @boye_g. Camina ràpid, va tres passes per endavant i no està per hòsties. Per això, i també pel que explicaré ara, un dia vaig decidir tenir-lo com a amic més que com a enemic.


@Gasteiztar1 Gaztela kalea. Zubirantzako norabidean, eskuin aldera, Aranzabal fabrika bazegoen, oker ez banago.


RT @AntonStruve: Lorsque les talibans ont pris le contrôle de son pays, la députée afghane Mursal Nabizada a décidé d’y rester.

Elle a été abattue chez elle hier.

L'Afghanistan est un enfer sur terre pour les femmes.


RT @EnekoCompains: .@Osasuna Soy uno de los que aparece en el video y el dueño de las banderas que retiran. Lo ocurrido no es nada nuevo, le ha pasado a mucha otra gente; lo nuevo es que las imágenes trasciendan. [abro hilo] 👇🏾


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