RT @iolandabatalle: Ahir, avui i cada dia, amb la MHP @LauraBorras
RT @_VictoriaAlsina: Hier j’ai fêté le #14Juillet2022 sous invitation du consul général français, qui fait un travail formidable en Catalogne pour rapprocher nos territoires. À nos voisins français, partenaires stratégiques et amis, ainsi qu’à tous les français de Catalogne : bonne fête nationale !
RT @_VictoriaAlsina: 🇵🇹 Els mitjans portuguesos estan interessats en el conflicte entre Catalunya i Espanya. Al diari de referència a Portugal, @expresso, he insistit que només la pressió internacional fa que Espanya reaccioni i he denunciat que l'Estat no compleix les recomanacions del @coe👇
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @epaluzie: "Commissioner @JHahnEU statement on #Pegasus was disappointing: delegating the investigation to member states. Spanish MEPs are trying to block the committee from visiting Spain which will be shameful for the @europarl_en as it is the country with the most cases."
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @epaluzie: "The main difference between #Catalangate & cases of espionage in other democracies is the official response. Nixon resigned as @POTUS after #Watergate. Spanish government replied to us by just recognizing its actions without any consequences nor accountability."
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️@sindicdegreuges R. Ribó: "We cannot depend on a single judge nor partisan majorities to authorize espionage. Spain's Official Secrets Law comes from Franco's period, and the @EURightsAgency has denounced that the Spanish authorities have no intention to change this law."
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @benwagne_r: "I’ve been giving speeches about this topic for 10 years, in Tunis, Cairo or Beirut, which was an extraordinary experience, but our failure to take these problems seriously means now I am having the same conversation in Brussels about #Catalonia and #Spain.”
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @benwagne_r: "The status of vulnerable groups is growing and this has a chilling effect on politics and democracy, with people thinking twice before having a political opinion. All political movements in Europe may be a target now.”
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @benwagne_r: "We are amidsts a surveillance society and it is possible to be spied on in principle, being family of spyware's target may turn you into a victim. That is potentially everybody."
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @epaluzie: "Spanish authorities’ response to their use of #Pegasus against Catalan political dissidence has been as we expected: refusal to create a parliamentary committee and the minister of defence confirming that 18 victims were authorised to be spied on."
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @epaluzie: "The Catalan Gate is the largest political espionage case in Europe's history. 65 people have been infected wih Pegasus spyware: Presidents & members of the @parlamentcat and Catalan government, civil society leaders, their lawyers and families.
RT @assemblea_int: ⬛️⬜️ @JoanQueralt: "The Spanish legislation on wired monitoring is vague and does not foresee the deployment of massive spyware such as #Pegasus, neither includes mechanisms for accountability".
RT @ConsellxRep: 🔴Vicepresident del Consell @toni_comin, al @Mes_324:
"Estarem expectants. El partit s'ha de tornar a jugar. No vol dir que no puguem guanyar. Tenim molt material acumulat per acreditar que hi ha una vulneració de drets fonamentals."
RT @assembleasmxi: Ahir vam fer l'assemblea de membres i simpatitzants de #Sants-Montjuïc per la #Independència, amb la participació de la presidenta de l'@assemblea, @DolorsFeliu.
Seguim, fins a la República Catalana... i una mica més!
RT @llenguacat: 🔊 Quin impacte té l'absència del català als assistents de veu? La vicepresidenta de @llenguacat, @mireiaplana, en parlarà a la Jornada “AINA en acció: resultats, experiències i expectatives de la indústria”.
📆 Divendres 15/7
🕙 10 h
▶️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFn3ids_Avw&feature=youtu.be
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Delegat del Govern de la Generalitat davant la UE 2021/2022. Europarlamentari 1999/2001. Vicepresident del Parlament basc 2001/2005. Cantant. Kantaria.