📢 Upcoming #EuropeDay2023 debate:
Our Head of Office, Dr Mario Sammut, will be delving into the discussion with @jefmalta and @ESOmalta at Lecture Theatre 2 at the @UMmalta this Wednesday, starting at noon.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1655531316425760768
Bis-saħħa tar-regoli l-ġodda tal-UE adottati mill-Parlament, il-kumpaniji se ma jitħallewx jevitaw ir-regoli dwar l-emissjonijiet.
L-imposta l-ġdida se tiggarantixxi li l-UE tibqa’ fit-triq it-tajba biex tilħaq l-ambizzjonijiet klimatiċi biex tipproteġi l-pjaneta. 🌎
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1655520420764983299
THE WALL 🟨⚪ will be uncovered on #EuropeDay2023
Generations of the future: tell us what you want from Europe on campus!
@JEFMalta @ESOmalta @UMmalta
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1655513493909520384
Come over to the European Village on campus at @UMmalta tomorrow! 🇪🇺
Explore the "Wall of Thoughts", where students will be inscribing their views on Europe ⭐️🧱
We'll be there to share some cool promotional items while @jefmalta and @eso run vox pops with students all week.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1655495034232291328
Il-Fond Soċjali tal-UE għall-Klima twaqqaf biex jgħin, fost oħrajn:
🏷️ Titnaqqas it-taxxi u t-tariffi fuq l-enerġija jew il-forniment ta’ forom oħra ta’ appoġġ dirett
🏢 Il-bidla għal sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli fil-bini
🚲 Il-bidla mit-trasport privat għal dak pubbliku
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1655488568511324160
The events which led to Victory in Europe Day meant hope for generations.
A promise of peace, of reconciliation, of living and working together.
Today we renew that promise for our future generations and remember all those fallen heroes who changed Europe’s course.
#VEDay 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_President/status/1655444858021068802
🔵Il-PE🇪🇺 fil-Plenarja 8-11/05
🔹 Dibattitu ta' Olaf Scholz 🇩🇪
🔹 Tikkettar tal-prodott
🔹 Tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet tal-metan
🔹 Patt ta' stabbiltà u tkabbir
🔹 Agrikoltura / tranżizzjoni ħadra
🔹 Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa 🇵🇹
🔹 Appoġġ għall-kummerċ Ukraina
Skopri aktar 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1654810741227290625
🖋️ Today, on #WorldPressFreedomDay, the European Parliament officially launched the call for submissions of entries for the #DaphneCaruanaGalizia Prize for Journalism.
It honours the Maltese journalist killed in a bomb attack in Malta in 2017.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1653772689843027968
🇪🇺 Jum l-Ewropa 2023 🇪🇺
🗓️ Nhar it-Tlieta, 9 ta’ Mejju, se nkunu qegħdin nieħdu sehem fl-avveniment pubbliku ta' kull sena fi Pjazza Ħelsien, il-Belt Valletta 🇲🇹 bejn id-9:00 u s-13:00.
Ingħaqdu magħna!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1653685774146064386
No journalist should live in fear for their life. Our laws must protect them.
Today & every day we remember #DaphneCaruanaGalizia & #JanKuciak & what they stood for & reiterate our call for the release of #EvanGershkovich.
Journalists must not be a target.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_President/status/1653633773773246464
🇪🇺👨💻 L-applikazzjonijiet huma miftuħa għaċ-ċiklu ta' traineeships li jmiss!
Aħtaf iċ-ċans għal esperjenza ta' xogħol li tiswik tul ħajtek kollha.
Ara hawn ⚙️ https://ep-stages.gestmax.eu/website/application-informations
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1653403293236830209
'Alcarràs' follows a Spanish farming family facing eviction from their lands and an uncertain future.
This LUX Audience Award finalist will be showing at @SpazjuKreattiv's cinema on Wednesday 3 May at 19:30.
Watch it for free! Book here 🎦 https://kreattivita.org/en/event/lux-audience-awards-screenings-2022-2/2023-05-03/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1653322019394531338
🇪🇺✨ Europe in full throttle at Villa Rundle Gardens in #Gozo on Saturday!
✳️ Alongside a number of EU-related entities, we welcomed people from all walks of life, giving them a taste of what the #EU does for their lives and what it has to offer.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1653302301380018177
L-UE qed tieħu pożizzjoni favur pagi ġusti u standards ta’ għajxien deċenti! 👷♂️👷♀️
Il-PE qed jappella lill-pajjiżi kollha tal-UE biex jistabbilixxu paga minima nazzjonali.
Wasal iż-żmien li jiġi żgurat li x-xogħol ħabrieki jiġi ppremjat bi ħlas ġust 💪 #LabourDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1652976156642082818
Illum Jum ix-Xogħol. Kont taf li kull ħaddiem fl-UE għandu d-drittijiet? 🇪🇺
L-UE daħħlet fis-seħħ sett ta’ regoli tax-xogħol li jkopru l-pagi minimi, it-trasparenza fil-pagi, is-saħħa, u aktar.
Skopri kif dan qed itejjeb il-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol madwar l-Ewropa 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1652930861434646528
Our support to Ukraine gets stronger.
This week, @europarl_en and @ua_parliament strengthened cooperation to ensure Ukraine's future in our European family.
Thank you President @ZelenskyyUa, Prime Minister @Denys_Shmyhal and Speaker @r_stefanchuk for your commitment to reform.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_President/status/1652265730258206722
📷 WATCH: yesterday's Mini-European Assembly at the Maltese Parliament here 👉 https://c.connectedviews.com/01/SitePlayer/parliamentmalta?session=119204
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1651939159177568257
Tune in for the final plenary session of the Mini-European Assembly this evening at 19:00, livestreamed at 🌐 http://parlament.mt
The debate will be hosted by the Maltese Parliament as this year’s Mini-European Assembly reaches its final plenary session. 🏟️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1651534938594738177
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Keeping the Maltese nation in the loop about the European Parliament 🇪🇺🇲🇹 all the updates and info you need 👇 join our community 🌍 https://together.eu/