"Aħna l-ġenerazzjoni ta' politiċi li jridu javvanzaw il-migrazzjoni b'mod uman ma’ dawk li għandhom bżonn il-protezzjoni, ġust u sod ma’ dawk mhux eliġibbli, iebes mat-traffikanti li japprofittaw min-nies disprati. Kull min għandu rwol irid jaqbel mal-ambizzjoni ta'@europarl_en."
RT @EP_President: We are the generation of politicians who must find a way forward on migration.
One that is humane with those in need of protection, fair & firm with those not eligible,…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1635351135702913024
🔜 Sessjoni Plenarja tal-Parlament Ewropew, 13-16/03
➡️ Aqra fid-dettall dwar xi wħud mis-suġġetti li l-MPE se jkunu qed jiddiskutu din il-ġimgħa!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1635268510422106112
🎙 Stqarrija għall-istampa tal-aħħar minuta dwar is-sessjoni plenarja ta' din il-ġimgħa
🇪🇺 📽 Segwi l-kelliem tal-Parlament Ewropew @jduch għall-aħħar aġġornamenti
🔜 illum fis-16.30 @europarlpress
RT @europarlpress: 🎙️Press briefing on this week’s plenary session
🇪🇺 The European Parliament’s spokesperson will hold a last-minute briefing on the 13-16 March #EPlenary session today at 16.30.
📺🔴Details and livestreaming links here: https://eptwitter.eu/qBwc
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1635265818446684161
Fil-plenarja - Is-suġġetti ewlenin jinkludu:
📌Ir-rendiment tal-enerġija tal-bini
📌Lesti għall-mira ta' 55 %
📌Att dwar id-Data
📌Inizjattiva “Salva n-naħal u l-bdiewa”
📌Dibattitu "Din hija l-Ewropa" mal-President Litwan Gitanas Nausėda
Segwi hawn 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1635193542665465857
Paga ugwali għal xogħol ugwali.
Bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata.
Ngħixu fis-sigurtà.
Wasalna fejn nixtiequ nkunu?
Ara kif il-Parlament Ewropew qed jindirizza l-vjolenza abbażi tal-ġeneru, id-differenza fil-pagi u l-limitu tal-ħġieġ 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1634204301449916417
Il-ġimgħa d-dieħla, il-Parlament Ewropew se jadotta l-pożizzjoni tiegħu dwar l-aġġornament propost tal-qafas Ewropew tal-identità diġitali. Agħfas il-ħolqa biex taqra aktar dwar kif l-eID tiffaċilita ħajtek u x'aġġornamenti qed isiru 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1633754061462724610
Il-Parlament Ewropew jemmen li kulħadd għandu jieħu paga ugwali għal xogħol ugwali. Aqra dwar xogħlu biex dan ikun żgurat 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1633507967470391296
Illum huwa l-Jum Internazzjonali tan-Nisa.
In-nisa jiffaċċjaw l-ostakli kuljum. Ara kif il-Parlament Ewropew qed jindirizza l-vjolenza abbażi tal-ġeneru, id-differenza fil-pagi u s-saqaf tal-ħġieġ.
Wasalna fejn irridu nkunu?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1633394959368822784
🟨 Together with the @MBusinessBureau, we're holding a business session on the Short-Term Rental initiative and its implications for the sector in #Malta. MEP and Rapporteur for the @EP_Transport Committee, @josiannecutajar, will be intervening.
🔗 https://forms.office.com/e/fCf1TFqATe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1633114279531487232
"L-ewwel tefgħu lil żewġha l-ħabs. Imbagħad arrestawha. Issa kkundannawha 15-il sena ħabs in absentia. @Tsihanouskaya qed tbati l-konsegwenzi talli ġġieldet għal-libertà u d-demokrazija.
Ir-reġim ta’ Lukashenko se jinżamm responsabbli. L-ispinta għal Belarussja ħielsa tkompli."
RT @EP_President: First they jailed her husband.
Then they detained her.
Now they sentence her to 15 years jail in absentia.
@Tsihanouskaya is bearing the consequences for fighting for …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1633085461164969984
"L-ewwel tefgħu lil żewġha l-ħabs. Imbagħad arrestawha. Issa jikkundannawha 15-il sena ħabs in absentia.
@Tsihanouskaya qed tbati l-konsegwenzi talli ġġieldet għal-libertà u d-demokrazija
Ir-reġim ta’ Lukashenko se jinżamm responsabbli
L-ispinta għall-Belarussja ħielsa tkompli"
RT @EP_President: First they jailed her husband.
Then they detained her.
Now they sentence her to 15 years jail in absentia.
@Tsihanouskaya is bearing the consequences for fighting for…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632805626807042049
RT @EUAsylumAgency: The activation of #TemporaryProtection ensured a quick & coordinated 🇪🇺 response to provide safety to over 4 Mill. 🇺🇦; showing EU’s capacity to protect those in need
#EUAA's @AnisCassar participated in a panel organised by @Europarl_MT, to share our response to 🇷🇺 invasion of 🇺🇦
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632724946278293504
Last Friday's discussion at the @UMmalta paired tough facts on the exodus from #Ukraine with a resolute determination to fight off the aggressor and secure sovereignty for Ukrainians.
Grateful to the @EP_President and MEPs @DavidCasaMEP and @engerer for having taken part.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632724833938157571
Our #EU Heritage Tour at Fort St Angelo in Birgu was a runaway success! We had a full house of participants excited to join our http://together.eu community and take in new golden nuggets of knowledge about this landmark historical site in #Malta.
On to the next!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632701071775657984
RT @EUAsylumAgency: The activation of #TemporaryProtection ensured a quick & coordinated 🇪🇺 response to provide safety to over 4 Mill. 🇺🇦; showing EU’s capacity to protect those in need
#EUAA's @AnisCassar participated in a panel organised by @Europarl_MT, to share our response to 🇷🇺 invasion of 🇺🇦
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632683404037701632
Last Friday's discussion at the @UMmalta piled tough facts on the exodus from #Ukraine onto a resolute determination to fight off the aggressor and secure sovereignty for Ukrainians.
Grateful to the @EP_President and MEPS @DavidCasaMEP and @engerer for having taken part.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632683305953812481
Our #EU heritage tour at Fort St Angelo in Birgu was a runaway success! We had a full house of participants excited to join our http://together.eu community and take in new golden nuggets of knowledge about this landmark historical site in #Malta.
On to the next!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632678742894968833
"Kien importanti li nipparteċipa fil-Konferenza #United4Justice f'Lviv.
Dawk li wettqu l-atroċitajiet fl-Ukreni se jinżammu responsabbli.
Il-vjolenza sesswali waqt il-gwerra trid tiġi investigata.
L-aggressuri jridu jitressqu quddiem il-ġustizzja.
Il-vittmi jridu jkunu protetti."
RT @EP_President: It was important to participate in the #United4Justice Conference in Lviv.
Those responsible for atrocities against Ukrainians will be held accountable.
Wartime sexua…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632312519036399617
"Il-paċi teħtieġ responsabbiltà u libertà. Tennejt il-wegħda tal-UE li tiżgura l-ġustizzja għad-delitti tal-gwerra Russi lill-Prosekutur Ġenerali tal-Ukrajna.
It-twaqqif taċ-Ċentru Internazzjonali għall-Prosekuzzjoni ta' Delitti ta' Aggressjoni huwa pass importanti."
RT @EP_President: Peace requires accountability and freedom.
I reiterated the EU's pledge to ensure perpetrators of Russian war crimes face justice, to Ukraine’s Prosecutor General @AndriyKostinUa. …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632109347932102658
"Flimkien mill-ġdid fl-Ukrajna.
Għall-Ukrajna. Għall-Ewropa.
Għall-paċi. Għal-libertà. Għall-ġustizzja.
Għall-poplu tagħna kollu.
RT @EP_President: Together in Ukraine again.
For Ukraine. For Europe.
For peace. For freedom. For justice.
For all our people.
Знову разом в Україні.
Для України. Для Європи.
За мир. За свободу. За справедливість.
Для наших народів.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1632010543207792641
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Keeping the Maltese nation in the loop about the European Parliament 🇪🇺🇲🇹 all the updates and info you need 👇 join our community 🌍 https://together.eu/