RT @EP_President: What is happening now in #Kyiv is sickening.
It shows the world, again, the regime we are faced with: One that targets indiscriminately. One that rains terror & death down on children.
This is criminal. They will be held to account. Ukraine will win. Europe will not look away.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1579388221049671680
RT @EP_President: Europe is once again at a decision point. We must face it together.
We must protect our households and businesses, and support Ukraine.
On gas we should learn our lessons: negotiate as a block & stop price speculation.
#EUCO speech 👉 https://eptwitter.eu/q9bM
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1578364150912196609
RT @EP_President: At #EUCO in Prague today, on behalf of @europarl_en, my message is:
⚪ Provide Ukraine with much needed heavy weapons and tanks. Our response must continue to match the threat.
⚪ We should not outbid each other. On energy, we need joint procurement.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1578307424489861121
Parlament esitas nägemuse, kuidas leevendada kõrge energiahinna mõjusid:
🔋 Torugaasi impordile peab kehtestama hinnalae
💰 Energiaettevõtete tulu peab edasi maksustama
💚 Kõik meetmed peavad olema kooskõlas kliimaeesmärkidega
🚫 Vene fossiilkütuste import tuleb keelustada
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1577644377312317440
Poole tunni pärast hakkab parlament arutama Bulgaaria ja Rumeenia ühinemist Schengeni viisaruumiga.
Vaata arutelu otseülekandest 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1577607026141601792
RT @EP_President: Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia - just like Crimea - are and will remain part of independent and sovereign Ukraine.
No sham referenda can ever change this.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1577601315152207872
15 minuti pärast arutab parlament Putini tuumaähvardusi, mobilisatsiooni väljakuulutamist ja libareferendumeid okupeeritud Ukraina aladel.
Loe lähemalt ➡️ http://eptwitter.eu/q8Yy
Vaata otseülekannet ➡️ http://eptwitter.eu/q8Yz
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1577550403184517120
Tunni pärast arutab parlament seadust, mis kehtestaks ühtse laadija mobiiltelefonidele, tahvelarvutitele ja muudele kaasaskantavatele nutiseadmetele. Pärast arutelu toimub hääletus.
Loe lisaks ➡️http://eptwitter.eu/q8WE
Otseülekanne ➡️http://eptwitter.eu/q8WF
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1577176716606574592
RT @EP_President: Nine years ago today, 360 people died in a shipwreck off Lampedusa. Many remain unidentified.
Lives lost and dreams shattered.
We must never allow ourselves to become desensitised to the tragedy.
We must find a way forward on migration. A holistic, humane and European way.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1576997754865586177
RT @EP_President: "Women. Life. Liberty."
Three words that have become a rallying cry for all those standing up for equality, dignity and freedom in #Iran.
Women are leading the charge. They are the change-makers. @europarl_en is with them.
We will not look away.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1576969896516542464
RT @EP_President: Pleasure to welcome Professor @azadeh_kian to Strasbourg.
My message to every woman fighting for their rights in Iran: you are not alone.
@europarl_en stands with Iranians demanding change.
For women, for life, for liberty.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1576945008678408195
Tunni aja pärast, kell 18.00 arutab ja hääletab parlament kokkuleppeid, mille eesmärk on parandada nakkushaiguste ennetust ja kontrolli ning võidelda piiriüleste terviseohtudega.
Loe lähemalt ➡️ http://eptwitter.eu/q8Wp
Vaata otseülekannet ➡️ http://eptwitter.eu/q8Wq
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1576935102579449858
3.- 6. oktoobril toimub Strasbourgis Euroopa Parlamendi täiskogu istung. Vaata videost peamisi teemasid ja hääletusi 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1576618010403655683
RT @EP_President: We do not recognise Russia’s sham referenda.
We do not recognise Kremlin’s illegal annexation.
We #StandWithUkraine 🇪🇺🇺🇦
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575819862580289537
Mida arutatakse järgmisel nädalal Euroopa Parlamendis?
Vaata ülevaadet olulisematest teemadest ja hääletustest ➡ http://eptwitter.eu/q8U2
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575762360199163904
2022. aasta Euroopa Kodaniku auhinna pälvis MTÜ Eesti Pagulasabi.
Auhinnatseremoonia toimub täna kell 16 Euroopa Elamuskeskuses (Rävala pst 4).
➡ http://eptwitter.eu/q8Uq
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575737585216802816
Poole tunni pärast arutab INGE 2 erikomisjon Venemaa sõjaga seotud Ukraina-vastast propagandat ja selle mõju Euroopa Liidu demokraatlikele protsessidele.
ℹ️ Lisainformatsioon (inglise keeles): http://eptwitter.eu/q8Tw
🔴Otseülekanne: http://eptwitter.eu/q8Tv
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575372301851185153
RT @EP_President: Ukraine needs heavy weapons & tanks. And we can help provide them.
Europe must be ready for the next phase. Our response must match the threat.
Tonight in Berlin, I spoke about how Europe must lead & deliver in concrete terms if we want to protect our democracy and way of life.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575204445767729152
RT @EP_President: #FreeNavalny
The fight against corruption, for democracy & human rights in Russia must continue. @navalny must be released.
As we continue to stand with Ukraine, @europarl_en supports further sanctions against Kremlin and oligarchs funding Putin's war & domestic oppression.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575129683326296065
RT @EP_President: Yulia Navalnaya's tenacity & resistance are an inspiration.
Your and @navalny's determination & courage in standing up for a democratic Russia is commendable & impressive.
Because of our common values - peace, democracy, rule of law - @europarl_en welcomes you with open arms.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_ET/status/1575101209572044800
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