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Via the EU Humanitarian Air Bridge, the EU delivered medicines and nutrition to this morning.

28 million need assistance in the next year.

This makes humanitarian cargo provided by @EU_ECHO and trusted humanitarian partners more important than ever.📦✈️


RT @UNOCHA: 🆕 Just in!

In 2023, humanitarians aim to support 230 million of the world’s most vulnerable people with US$51.5 billion.

A grim milestone, this largest-ever funding request reflects growing humanitarian needs around the world:


RT @EU_ECHO: Nobody is happy when they find a mine.

Well, except this demining team in Afghanistan, who celebrate every mine they find and neutralise. Here's why. 👇



In , many families have difficulty to fill their plates, and winter makes it harder to ensure enough food for their loved ones.

Together with our trusted partner @WFP_Europe, the EU continues to provide food assistance to Afghans in need.
RT @WFP_Europe: Mohammad Omar,58, is a father of 7 living in Afghanistan’s northern province of Faryab.

He received food assistance for the fifth time this year.

Thanks to donors like the , @WFP assisted more t…


RT @EUDepAmbAFG: Short morning visit to FMIC (French Medical Institute for Mothers and Children) in . Impressed to see so many patients taken in charge by @chainedelespoir. Last month 400 lifesaving surgeries carried out by CDE/FMIC. 👉🏾Supporting training of female & male doctors is key👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️


RT @EUDepAmbAFG: 👉🏾On International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we orange 🧡 the @EUinAfghanistan and join the call 📢 of the global community to raise awareness and stop the violence ! @unwomenafghan


On today’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the world turns orange 🧡
Join us in condemning all forms of violence and discrimination, including violence against women and girls.


A world where every child can go to school, thrive, enjoy the same rights and live free from discrimination and intimidation of any kind.

That’s our goal – this and every day.


Dialogue, tolerance, patience and moderation are the cornerstones for a peaceful society.

On today’s International we recall to respect diversity and practice tolerance to ensure a safe, peaceful and inclusive society for all .

RT @UN: On Wednesday's & every day, we can all practice tolerance & respect for diversity - values that bring people together and make us all stronger. https://t.c…


RT @matiullahwesa: Had an interesting meeting with @EUDepAmbAFG We discussed the work of @PenPath1 girls education and other social matters. I urged @EUinAfghanistan to support areas where no schools existed and no other facilities. Every Afghan wants their children mainly girls to go to school….


RT @EUDepAmbAFG: "We have to stop the wheel of blood now. Our generation has to learn about dialogue, tolerance, patience, and moderation."

In a meeting with respected leader @mahdavi_jafar today, I agreed & recalled on the EU’s support for a peaceful & inclusive society.


EU Humanitarian Air Bridge ✈️s ensure that humanitarian partners continue providing medical assistance to Afghans across the country.

Great to see such close cooperation between @EU_ECHO and dedicated humanitarians to help people in need.
RT @EU_ECHO: Today, an EU humanitarian air bridge flight ✈️📦 carrying over 36 tonnes of medicines and medical equipment landed in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Learn more about our humanitarian work …


RT @WFP_Afghanistan: A vital contribution of €5⃣0⃣ million from the European Union 🇪🇺 is helping @WFP reach communities in with asset creation activities and marketable skill training for vulnerable, food insecure women & men.



RT @EUatUN: The EU stands with the Afghan people. We are committed to stability, prosperity & sustainable peace in Afghanistan & the region.

Our demands to the Taliban remain clear, including respect for the rights of women & girls.

EU Statement ➡️


RT @JosepBorrellF: Ahead of the Afghan Women Leaders' Forum today, we had the chance to have a substantive discussion on the need to ensure an inclusive political process in , where women and girls have and where are respected.


RT @TOLOnews: جوزپ بورل، مسوول سیاست خارجی اتحادیه اروپا در صفحه تویترش نگاشته است که با شماری از فعالان حقوق زنان افغان دیدار و درباره روند فراگیر سیاسی، حقوق زنان و دختران و حقوق بشر در افغانستان گفت‌وگو کرده است.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Substantive discussion ahead of the Afghan Women Leaders' Forum tomorrow, on the need to ensure an inclusive political process in where women and girls have and where are respected


RT @JuttaUrpilainen: Voices of Afghan women need to be heard.

This afternoon, I had an instructive meeting with Afghan Women Leaders Forum members – engaging on their experiences, expectations for the future.

🇪🇺 direct support for the Afghan people’s basic needs and rights continues.


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