
Reduce, reuse, recycle... repair!

Today we proposed a ‘right to repair’ initiative.

By promoting repairs both within and beyond the legal guarantee, it will:

🔹 reduce waste,
🔹 boost the repair sector and
🔹 make repairs easier and cheaper for consumers. ↓


· · mirror-bot · 1 · 6 · 2

@EU_Commission Standardisation in bicycle industry please. So we don't need to replace a good bicycle because one component fails or wears out and it's no longer available.

@Noordkaapfujin Agreed. We had that standardization until a few decades ago and we could have it again. Bikes from back then are still easier and cheaper to maintain than some newer bikes. The bicycle industry, like other industries, has deliberately made products less maintainable over time.

@hembrow @EU_Commission Also, more standardised components makes it easier to design bicycles for more diverse use cases and for people who are not male athletes 1.80 m tall.

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