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Re After the Lagos meeting, 🇪🇺 LEGAD 🇪🇸MAJ Lorenzo, invited by 🇺🇳@UNODC, participated in the "Meeting on Law Enforcement Tactics and Procedures for the Collection of Evidence at Sea in Piracy Crimes" held in Accra, 🇬🇭Ghana, from 31 July to 2 Aug. (2/2)
@eu_eeas @GhanaMFA


Last week, a technical meeting was held on the platform between @CrimarioII & 🇪🇺 experts. The current & future use of the & an overview of the Regional Maritime Architecture were discussed, highlighting the integrated support to @WFP operations.


On 8 August, the 🇪🇺EUNAVFOR FCDR, RADM Fabrizio Rutteri, was hosted by the Director General of the Royal Omani Police Cost Guard, Ali Bin Saif Al Muqbali.
The meeting was an opportunity to strengthen relations with Omani authorities that guarantee maritime security in the area.


🗓️Mumbai 11 August
EUNAVFOR DCOM 🇮🇹RADM Galoforo visited different authorities to foster partnership in maritime security between 🇪🇺 and 🇮🇳 India.
@EUSec_Defence @EU_in_India @eu_eeas


Re ➡️Distinguished Fellow at @orfonline VADM Luthra.
➡️ @IN_WNC COS VADM Bhalla.
➡️@GatewayHouseIND Founder & Director Ms @ManjeetKrip , in the framework of 🇮🇹IT-🇮🇳IND Seminar.
➡️ Adm. Superintendent, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai, VADM KP Arvindan.


On 12 August, 🇪🇺 DCOM RADM Galoforo took part in the Maritime Security Seminar in 🇮🇳Mumbai, representing EU & . The event was co-organised by IT Embassy & National Maritime Foundation.



Re The Coordinated Maritime Presence was a paramount element of discussion. The framework is the EU’s Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, promoting EU naval assets presence, EU capacity-building initiatives & interaction with regional partners.


On 6 August 🇮🇹 ITS conducted a sea joint training activity with 🇮🇳 INS . The interaction was an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with India regarding maritime security.
Read more about it 👉
@EU_in_India @IndiannavyMedia


Today, 🇪🇺 welcomes 🇫🇷 in direct support of during the following days. Along with EUNAVFOR flagship 🇮🇹 & 🇪🇸, LANGUEDOC will contribute to providing a safe navigation environment in the region.


Check how flagship 🇮🇹 ITS DURAND refuels at sea with 🇺🇸 in the Gulf of Oman.
This joint manoeuvre shows the interoperability and cooperation among allied maritime forces to foster security at sea.
📅 4th of August


📢Save the date! On 11 & 12 October, the 51st international conference will take place in Manama, Bahrein, co-chaired by @CMF_Bahrain & 🇪🇺.
Follow 's social media & website to know all the details!


Last week, 🇪🇺 🇪🇸ESPS 📍
The Support Element of (SEA) coordinated a meeting between the 🇪🇸ESP Marine Corps Team and members of the 🇺🇸 @CJTFHOA, Task Force while NAVARRA was moored in the port of 🇩🇯 Djibouti. (1/2)


Re SEA Djibouti has a close and fluid relationship with 🇺🇸 @CJTFHOA. As a tribute to this partnership, 🇺🇸 CAPT Eric J. Anduze, CJTF-HoA deputy commanding officer, presented 🇪🇸 LT Juan M. Ortega Muñiz with the Joint Service Commendation Medal. Congratulations! 👏


On 1 Aug, during the port visit in 🇴🇲 Duqm, a crew exchange between 🇮🇹 ITS and 🇮🇳 INS took place.
It allowed crews to share experiences and strengthen their cooperation as partners to ensure maritime security in the Indian Ocean.
@eu_eeas @IndiannavyMedia


🇪🇺 has warmly bidden 👋 to our colleagues from 🇨🇾, 🇮🇹 & 🇪🇸. Congratulations to all of them! The 🇪🇺 team sincerely appreciates your job, commitment & support. BZ!
@DefenceCyprus @MinisteroDifesa @ItalianNavy @Armada_esp


The July 🇪🇺 Newsletter is available on our website. All the information about activities is in one single document!
Visit previous newsletters & register on our website to get the next editions in your email.


Last week, two junior officers of the 🇴🇲 Royal Navy of Oman embarked on EUNAVFOR flagship, 🇮🇹 ITS DURAND to take part in the different routines on board with the rest of the crew.
@eu_eeas @ItalianNavy @omaninfo1


Re It was an opportunity for their professional growth and to strengthen the excellent relationship between the European Union through and the Sultanate of Oman.
Read more about it here 👉


During the port visit in 🇴🇲Duqm, Force Commander Rear Admiral Fabrizio Rutteri hosted the Deputy Commander of the Central Naval Area, Commander Al Warty.
The Royal Navy of Oman is a maritime security provider in the area together with 🇪🇺 .


On 30 July, during the port visit in 🇴🇲Duqm, 🇮🇹ITS hosted a delegation of Officers from 🇬🇧 @HMSLANCASTER. Cooperation, experience exchange and collaboration are key points for 🇪🇺.
@MinisteroDifesa @ItalianNavy @DefenceHQ @RoyalNavy @eu_eeas


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