Lors de son déploiement la Lorraine a navigué en zone @FFEAU_ALINDIEN et a participé à l'opération #Sagittaire d'évacuation de ressortissants au Soudan, a opéré pour la mission ATALANTA @EUNAVFOR et s'est entraînée avec la marine 🇮🇳 Bon retour en 🇨🇵 à l'équipage de la Lorraine 👏
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Chef d'état-major de la Marine: La Lorraine est de retour à quai après une mission d'évaluation de ses capacités opérationnelles en Méditerranée, océan Indien et en Asie. Elle a mené des opérations remarquables, de l’évacuation de ressortissants au Soudan, aux coopérations significatives en Indo-Pacifique.⚓️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FFEAU_ALINDIEN/status/1687504942674612224
On 2 August, a technical meeting was held on the #IORIS platform between @CrimarioII & 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR experts. The current & future use of the #IORIS & an overview of the Regional Maritime Architecture were discussed, highlighting the integrated support to @WFP operations.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1687093588465717250
From 25-27 July, 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR supports the #WIOPOLREX hosted by @RCOC_Center & @RMIFCenter. This exercise aimed to strengthen regional & international cooperation in responding to marine pollution incidents & establish a well-tested contingency plan @eu_eeas @commission_coi
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#MASE Programme: #KickOff of the Western Indian Ocean Pollution Regional Exercise #WIOPOLREX today by the @RCOC_Center n @RMIFCenter . 14 States n over 10 international partners are taking part in this simulation exercise . 🇰🇲🇩🇯🇰🇪🇲🇬🇲🇺🇸🇨🇲🇻🇲🇿🇿🇦🇹🇿🇾🇪🇮🇳🇬🇧🇺🇸
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684139454951460864
Re #OperationAtalanta is fully committed to supporting regional maritime security architectures in the #NWIO and #RedSea
@eu_eeas @CrimarioII
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684165799211040770
On 21 July, 🇫🇷FS #SURCOUF and 🇫🇷FS #LORRAINE, both part of 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR, performed a cross-deck to maintain their air operation capability. These activities allow #OperationAtalanta to keep #MaritimeSecurity in the Northwestern Indian Ocean and #RedSea. @eu_eeas @MarineNationale
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684474028054962177
On July 26, the 🇪🇺@OpComd_EUNAVFOR, 🇪🇸VADM Núñez Torrente, received the Combined Task Force (CTF) – 151 Commander, 🇰🇷Rear Admiral Ko Seung-bum. The encounter took place in the Operation Atalanta OHQ facilities in Rota, Spain. Read more at 👉 https://ow.ly/p4Cs50Pmx1F
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684519229670797312
@CMF_Bahrain @eu_eeas
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Combined Maritime Forces: This week, crew members from 🇰🇷 Navy destroyer ROKS Gwanggaeto the Great (DDH 971) of @CMF_Bahrain's CTF 151 conducted a professional exchange with 🇮🇹 Navy destroyer Luigi Durand de la Penne (D 560) of @EUNAVFOR's TF 465, during port visits to Salalah, Oman.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684607057377251328
The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team from 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR Flagship 🇮🇹 Durand #DeLaPenne conducted training on Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). Counter-IED is one of the capabilities of #OperationAtalanta.
@eu_eeas @ItalianNavy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684858831409381377
#OperationAtalanta #morethanships #gofurthertogether
@eu_eeas @CrimarioII
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Regional Coordination Operations Centre: #WIOPOLREX in progress with the participation of 15 States and over 10 #International partners in #MARSEC
🎯 Strengthen national preparedness and response systems 4 effective regional #cooperation during major maritime #pollution incidents @commission_coi
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684891032138174464
On 22 July, 🇪🇸 #NAVARRA and 🇯🇵 #IKAZUCHI conducted a joint activity at sea in the Gulf of Aden. The exercise highlights the excellent cooperation between CTF151 and 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR CTF465 in the North-Western Indian Ocean.
@jmsdf_pao_eng @ModJapan_en @eu_eeas @Armada_esp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1684987730667679745
Today, 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR bids farewell to both 🇫🇷 #LORRAINE & #SURCOUF after supporting #OperationAtalanta to achieve a secure maritime environment in the North Western Indian Ocean & #RedSea
Operation Atalanta appreciates the @MarineNationale's continuous collaboration. BZ! @eu_eeas
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1685208576799748096
On 25 July, 🇮🇹 Durand #DeLaPenne, 🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR flagship, & 🇰🇷 #GWANGGAETO THE GREAT of @CMF_Bahrain's CTF 151 conducted a joint activity in Salalah in 🇴🇲Oman.
The activity was an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with the actors operating in the area.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1685296697549705216
🇪🇺#OperationAtalanta has warmly bidden #farewell👋 to our colleagues from 🇪🇸🇸🇪. Congratulations to all of them! The 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR team sincerely appreciates your job, commitment & support. BZ!
@eu_eeas @Defensagob @EjercitoTierra @Forsvarsmakten
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1685699313115037696
During the visit of 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR flagship 🇮🇹 Durand #DeLaPenne to the port of Salalah in 🇴🇲 Oman, EUNAVFOR Force Commander RADM Fabrizio Rutteri, visited the Southern Command of the Omani Navy, commanded by Cpt Talal.
@ItalianNavy @omaninfo1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1685915761833832448
Re @Cecmed_Off @SuezAuthorityEG @EMASOH_AGENOR @FFEAU_ALINDIEN @EtatMajorFR @MarineNationale @Armees_Gouv @amiralVandier BZ! #GoFurtherTogether
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1685931334978486272
As part of the interactions with the Oman Navy, on 24 July, there was an exchange between the crews of 🇪🇺 #EUNAVFOR flagship 🇮🇹 Durand #DeLaPenne and 🇴🇲 AL MUAZZAR.
@ItalianNavy @omaninfo1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1686014736255623168
RT EU Del in Somalia
Want to know more about the work of the EU in Somalia? Watch this animated video to understand more about the EU past and present. See a longer version on our Facebook page: https://bit.ly/43P5mSJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_in_Somalia/status/1686015591000219648
RT CRIMARIO II: Re @CrimarioII participated in the #WIOPOLREX among other States and Partners in the #IndoPacific. @EUNAVFOR @EU_FPI
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CrimarioII/status/1686065737562013701
A Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) exercise was conducted by 🇮🇹 Durand #DeLaPenne boarding team on board 🇴🇲 AL MUAZZAR to demonstrate boarding capabilities to the Oman Navy teams.
@ItalianNavy @omaninfo1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1686290708171288577
On 26 July, in the port of 🇩🇯 Djibouti, 🇪🇺 EUNAVFOR 🇪🇸 #NAVARRA carried out a Local Maritime Capacity Enhancement activity with the Djibouti Coast Guard.
First aid, damage control & navigation training were conducted.
@UEaDjibouti @Armada_esp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1686669457635123200
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) - Operation ATALANTA is the European Union Maritime Security operation in the Western Indian Ocean #OperationAtalanta