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RT @EU_Commission: It's European Day of Languages!

We have a wealth of languages in the EU, and today we celebrate them all. 🇪🇺

Here are some historical, some quirky and some fun takes on EU languages from our @translatores. 👇


Hola, Salut, Szia! 👋

🎧🗣️ Happy

How do you say 'hi' in your language? Celebrate with us and reply in your language 💭



The 2nd Virtual Café of the is tomorrow!

What comes to our speakers mind when we say ‘multilingualism’?

Here is what it means to Javier, Fanny and Oana.

Would you like to know more? Come to our event!
⏲️ When? 26 Sept, 4-6 PM CET
💻 Where? Online


is here! ✨

@JHahnEU met with young people across Europe at the as part of the

💰 Topic: 'Financing future EU priorities'

We made this this discussion happen with the support in conference management and interpretation.


RT @CalaveraRuiz: At today I emphasised that in line with the green objectives of @EU_Commission, we are working to make DG SCIC more ♻️ green, sustainable, 📲 digital and modern to remain a centre of excellence at the service of the 🇪🇺 European Union


RT @slatornews: closes with a presentation from @EU_Commission’s Genoveva Ruiz Calavera detailing the challenges and opportunities providing 🎙️ in support of the EU-decision making process 🇪🇺 
@CalaveraRuiz @EUInterpreters


📻 1924- Jixxandru għall-ewwel darba programmi bil-Malti fuq ir-radju
🇲🇹 1934-Il-Malti jingħata status uffiċjali
📚Id-dizzjunarju ta’ Aquilina jitfa’ dawl fuq id-diversita lingwistika tal-Malti: 62% tal-kliem huma Sqallin/ Taljani, 22% Għarab u 8% Ingliżi


Jum l-Indipendenza

📻 1924 -1st time Maltese programmes are aired on the radio
🇲🇹 1934 -Maltese is given official status
📖 J.Aquilina’s dictionary reveals the language’s diversity: 62% of its entries are Sicilian/Italian words, 22% Arabic, 8% English


RT @CalaveraRuiz: I’m happy to be speaking alongside language industry experts at today to share the challenges DG SCIC is facing as a public service providing high quality interpretation to 🇪🇺 EU institutions!
@EUInterpreters @slatornews


🌍🗣️ is the next word of our series.

The is on the 26th of September.

🇨🇿 Join us each Wednesday to learn a new word in Czech and next Monday to celebrate



Do druhé virtuální kavárny zbývá necelý týden

Co se vybaví našim řečníkům, když se řekne "vícejazyčnost"?

Pro Lucii to znamená toto

Chtěli byste se dozvědět víc? Přijďte na naši akci!

⏲️ Kdy? 26. září
💻 Kde? online

Více informací 👇!r8bp6R


We have less than a week until the 2nd Virtual Café of the

What comes to our speakers mind when we say ‘multilingualism’?

Here is what it means to Lucie

Would you like to know more? Come to our event!

⏲️ When? 26 Sept
💻Where? Online

More info 👇


🇩🇪 ➡️ 🇬🇧 “I was on Erasmus in England in 1989. Life there was different from Germany. The best part of it was the company of other students, I enjoyed the multilingual & international environment, just like now at work” -our colleague remembers her experience


Why does matter? It welcomes perspectives from different cultures and opens us to new ways of thinking 🤔💡

Read more about it at our 👇!ywfKMX


and ➡️ the theme of the 19th annual conference of

You can find this event and much more if you have a look at the event section in our 👇!bH48Rn


RT @CalaveraRuiz: At CIUTI Conference in @UPCedu in Lima today, I reiterated that @weareCIUTI 's main mission ‘the training of language professionals’ is key for the future.
👉 📚 Knowledge plays an important role in our service too with the Knowledge Centre on Interpretation


RT @CalaveraRuiz: Sharing my experience on at @weareCIUTI conference in @UPCedu today: where the entire consultation process was 👉 This made the Conference on the future of Europe open to everyone, provided transparency and equality between Europeans!


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