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RT @EU_Commission: The EU is united in our ambition to move forward and build on what we agreed in Glasgow. Our message to partners is clear: we cannot accept that 1.5C dies here and today.

Watch @TimmermansEU complete press statements ⬇


RT @TimMcPhieEU: After late night and early morning consultations @TimmermansEU and EU Ministers addressed the press on the state of play at 👇


RT @TimmermansEU: is in overtime. The EU is united in our ambition to move forward and build on what we agreed in Glasgow. Our message to partners is clear: we cannot accept that 1.5C dies here and today.


RT @EU_Commission: We need to reduce emissions faster to avoid the most catastrophic effects that climate change could wreak on our planet.

But we can't forget to respond to loss & damage to protect the most vulnerable.

Mitigation, adaptation, loss & damage –all go together.



RT @EUClimateAction: Great to have had 🇺🇳 @antonioguterres at the EU coordination meeting today.

He welcomed the EU's 🇪🇺 approach & willingness to find consensus in the last hours of

It's a long journey until the end of the process, but we hope we can find enough common ground.


RT @UNFCCC: "The world is watching and has a simple message: stand and deliver."

UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres has returned to Sharm el-Sheikh for the final hours of .


RT @antonioguterres: We are at crunch time in negotiations.

Today I met with representatives from developed & developing economies to urge them to deliver an ambitious result that meets the urgency of the moment.


Great to have had 🇺🇳 @antonioguterres at the EU coordination meeting today.

He welcomed the EU's 🇪🇺 approach & willingness to find consensus in the last hours of

It's a long journey until the end of the process, but we hope we can find enough common ground.


RT @EUClimateAction: The Africa Adaptation Initiative is supporting African countries adapt to & manage the impacts of climate change.

The 🇪🇺 has been a key partner and yesterday we went a step further.

We will give €5 million to scale up adaptation actions & investments in Africa. 🌍


The Africa Adaptation Initiative is supporting African countries adapt to & manage the impacts of climate change.

The 🇪🇺 has been a key partner and yesterday we went a step further.

We will give €5 million to scale up adaptation actions & investments in Africa. 🌍


RT @LeoDiCaprio: Mesoamerica's are home to 7.5% of the planet’s biodiversity. Today at , @UEenCentroAmerica announced a major scaling up of its investments to protect the 5 Forests & their wildlife & support the Indigenous peoples who risk their lives as frontline defenders.


RT @UNFCCC: 🔴 Live from

Stakeout with UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres and COP27 President Sameh Shoukry.

@COP27P | @MfaEgypt |


The Africa Adaptation Initiative is supporting African countries adapt to & manage the impacts of climate change.

The 🇪🇺 has been a key partner and yesterday we went a step further.

We will give €5 million to scale up adaptation actions & investments in Africa. 🌍


RT @antonioguterres: I have returned to to appeal to all negotiating to deliver the ambitious & meaningful we so desperately need.

This is no time for finger pointing.
The blame game is a recipe for mutually assured destruction.

But can make a difference here & now.


It's the last day of side events at the 🇪🇺 Pavilion.

Young people are taking the lead showcasing how they are driving climate action across the world. 🌍

Check the programme and join us 👇🏽


RT @TimmermansEU: The EU has presented a proposal that could see agree to a fund - targeted to the most vulnerable, reflecting the financial realities of 2022. It must go hand-in-hand with higher ambition on emissions reductions.

Here’s what I told the press this morning 👇


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