The #SDGs regional dimension, also called 'localisation' is key, since the achievement of 65 % of the targets is estimated to depend on input from local and regional authorities.
Monitoring #SDGs at the regional level can thus provide a more accurate picture. @trzaskowski_
We need better links between the #SDGs and the national recovery and resilience plans, as funding is the main obstacle to: implement the SDGs for 47% of municipalities and regions. @DrenjaninJelena @EU_CoR #CoRplenary
Now, when we live in a time of big changes and insecurity, it is wise to work strongly towards global, common goals for a sustainable future. Europe and its cities must be engaged and committed to reach these goals. Now it is time to deliver. @sarirautio #SDGs #CoRplenary
The #SDGs are the foundation stone for addressing ongoing crises. Local and Regional Authorities help in implementing these common goals on the ground. We are committed to work with the UN to enhance the #localization of SDGs. @tzitzikostas @EU_CoR