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We have to take our competitiveness into account when it will come to review CBAM: we should not unnecessarily restrict imports from 3rd countries, as this would make EU production & exports more expensive.


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I can only hope will encourage our third country partners to go green, and not to sell their goods exiled from the EU market to countries that are less sensitive to environmentally friendly production.


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This is a necessity, as EU companies are struggling to survive in the face of war, sanctions & protectionist measures by the US.


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 debate today on . I emphasised that greening is not possible without protecting the European industry. I welcomed that at least  as part of Fitfor55 is intending to do that.


Most of this remained in the country, which significantly reduced prices below the level of production costs, causing serious market destabilisation. Market distortions are caused also by the large amount of poultry, eggs & honey exports to the 🇪🇺 market, in addition to grain.


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Let's have a look at the figures behind HU's decision to restrict temporarily € oil crop import: last year the import was 2.5 million tons compared to the usual 40-60 thousand tons per year.


The govt, just like PL, decided to ban temporarily the import of and certain agricultural products, as they - instead of going to third countries - have stuck in the Eastern Member States.

We cannot jeopardise the livelihoods of our farmers.


HU @PM_ViktorOrban: " is the neighbour of . Everything that happens in the war becomes part of our lives the same day.

That is why we remain on the side of ."


L’Europe doit devenir forte pour négocier avec les États-Unis comme partenaire égale.


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Merci à Professeur @PascalBoniface d’être venu à Budapest pour faire un discours sur les défis géopolitiques de l’Europe. Vos messages étaient très clairs : la a toujours été un pays allié, mais pas aligné avec les .


Today, on the 74th anniversary of the founding of , joined the alliance. I trust that it will also strengthen HU-FI bilateral relations as we are now members of another community beyond the EU.


Very important words by HU President @KatalinNovakMP on the anniversary of the slaughter of .
RT @KatalinNovakMP: My message on the anniversary of the terrifying act of . There is only one way to prevent Bucha from ever happening again: an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil, effective peace negotiations in order to ultimately reach a just peace.


Debate conjunto en el pleno del PE sobre el :

El comportamiento de PE es una caricatura de la democracia 👇


En Canarias y Cantabria se investigan casos de fraude con dinero europeo. ¿Cómo es posible que se bloqueen los fondos a Hungría y Polonia mientras en España se considera la malversación un crimen menos grave? Exijo una política europea clara y sin .


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El ES gobierno tiene un afán desmedido de controlar todo a largo plazo, incluso el poder judicial, creando mayorías a su favor en los tribunales. Hay una interferencia total en el sistema judicial, se violan la libertad, la independencia de los jueces y la de la policía judicial.


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En se ha reformado la legislación penal para beneficiar a los socios de la coalición gobernante. Se han bajado las penas a los delitos sexuales, 74 abusadores circulan ya por la calle.


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Debate conjunto en el pleno del PE sobre el Estado de derecho:

El comportamiento de PE es una caricatura de la democracia. Se demuestra que el estado de derecho le importa a la izquierda solo cuando gobierna la derecha. Cuando la izquierda esté al poder, se permite todo.


In the Canary Islands & Cantabria cases of fraud with 🇪🇺 money are being investigated. How is it possible that funds are blocked to & while in Spain fraud is considered a less serious crime? I demand a clear 🇪🇺 policy without double standards.


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