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"Multilevel governance is significant for reaching climate objectives. From decision-making to negotiation, LRAs play a leading role. But funding is an issue – it is so important that climate plans have the accompanying funding"

🗣️@PrzybylskiCez Going Local WG


Green Deal Going Local member Marshal @PrzybylskiCez is in Brussels for today's meeting on:

➡️ Multilevel governance for climate action, sustainable food systems and the green transition

🔴 Follow live!!THwRpR
RT @EU_CoR: 📌 Tune in today for the Going Local Working Group! On the agenda:

🟢 Debating multilevel governance for climate action, sustainable food systems and the green transition
🟢 Innovation Lab with @energycities
🔴 Watch…


RT @marcomarsilio: Abbiamo avuto questa sera un incontro positivo con il Ministro per gli Affari Europei e PNNR @RaffaeleFitto per la nuova programmazione dei fondi europei 21-27.


"Enhorabuena a todos los concejales y diputados regionales electos de @vox_es 🇪🇸 - estamos deseando cooperar juntos para defender nuestra visión de Europa basada en el respeto de la subsidiariedad, la defensa de las tradiciones y en la democracia"

@marcomarsilio Presidente
RT @juan_ggallardo: El Gobierno de Castilla y León ha sido ejemplo y espejo para millones de españoles.

La continúa 🌾🇪🇸

¡Enhorabuena a todos los equipos de campaña y gracias a …


RT @Cebula_Mat: W dniach 24-25 maja 2023 r. w Brukseli odbyła się 1️⃣5️⃣5️⃣. sesja plenarna @EU_CoR 🇪🇺 Wziąłem udział w obradach razem z trójką uczestników programu Young Elected Politicians z innych krajów UE. @ECR_CoR @ecrgroup @ECRparty


RT @juan_ggallardo: Vamos a a seguir defendiendo a nuestros ganaderos frente a las imposiciones arbitrarias que les ahogan.

En Bruselas y en Madrid. Hoy y siempre.

Por nuestro campo. Por nuestro futuro.

Por Castilla y León. Por España 🐂🇪🇸


RT @FrancescoLollo1: Anche il Comitato che riunisce le regioni europee esprime ‘preoccupazione’ per gli alimenti creati in provetta.

Nessuna ideologia, abbiamo il dovere di salvare il nostro modello produttivo, il lavoro, la cultura, la tradizione e tutelare la salute dei cittadini.


RT @juan_ggallardo: Hoy hemos ido a Bruselas para defender a nuestros ganaderos de las imposiciones excesivas en materia de saneamientos, que les están condenando al cierre.

Seguiremos peleando hasta el final.

Ni un paso atrás 🐂🇪🇸


Our First Vice President Władysław Ortyl takes part in the @EU_CoR conference on Strengthening the Role of Local and Regional Governments in 's Recovery and Reconstruction Process, and on the Road to Membership 🇺🇦🇪🇺


ECON Commission 1st Vice-chair @ILPOHeltimoine1 is chairing today’s @EU_CoR meeting

“A high-quality digital infrastructure is an increasingly significant cornerstone of our economies"


"Unilaterally introduced technical and regulatory measures could be contrary to European law and lead to the creation of trade barriers, undermining the smooth functioning of the EU’s single market" 🇪🇺❌

🗣️ Lorenzo Galligani


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"Winemaking is embedded in 🇮🇹 culture providing 1.3 million jobs

The Irish initiative to introduce new health warning labels on wine bottles will mainly impact medium-sized producers, who would have greater difficulty in complying with regulations"

🗣️ Lorenzo Galligani


"Recently, the Italian 🇮🇹 government has made Italy the first country in the world to ban all types of synthetic food, prohibiting the production of food in laboratories. Let's hope other countries follow suit" 👨‍🌾



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"Food systems undoubtedly require a transformation but issues such as food security and environmental challenges should be addressed via agricultural practices, not lab-grown food"



"We represent the voices of our citizens and make sure that they are heard in Brussels. We play an important role for a more direct participation of citizens in EU decision-making processes"

🗣️ @gz_schreiber


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