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ECR members welcome video message of @ZelenskyyUa who expresses thanks for unwavering commitment and support to Ukraine "Let's remember that we are fighting not only for future of Eastern flank of Europe but for Europe as a whole. We will rebuild everything" 🇺🇦🇪🇺


“Grande soddisfazione per l’approvazione del nostro emendamento da parte delle regioni europee contro l'introduzione di alimenti sintetici sui mercati europei, in quanto ciò non garantirebbe la qualità, il benessere e la tutela delle tradizioni”

🗣️ @marcomarsilio Presidente


Day 2⃣ of

📍On the agenda

Marshal @gz_schreiber with @EESC_President
József Ribányi on
🍷Wine labelling & lab grown food with @bianchimatteo79 & Lorenzo Galligani

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RT @EU_CoR: ❓Are you ready for the second day of the ?
Discover the highlights of the day:

🔹Opinion on zero long-term unemployment with @Yonnecpolet
🔹​​Debate on a more resilient, inclusive & democratic Europe with @EESC_President.

View the full agen…


RT @europeanreform: New Direction President @TomaszPoreba congratulates our friends at the @ECR_CoR for 10 years of hard work and success in promoting strong regional voices in Brussels:


“Anziché consegnarci a paesi come la Cina dobbiamo promuovere la decarbonizzazione dei trasporti seguendo il principio della neutralità tecnologica senza mettere a rischio la sovranitá tecnologica europea”

@marcomarsilio Presidente |Intergruppo regionale automotive @EU_CoR


Our Vice President Oldřich Vlasák hosted 🇨🇿 PM @P_Fiala in Hradec Králové

The meeting focused on 🛣️ 🏟️ infrastructure developments and investments which will improve the quality of life for Hradec citizens and ensure better transport accessibility
RT @P_Fiala: Velmi milé setkání s paní primátorkou Hradce Králové Pavlínou Springerovou a jejím týmem.

Vláda pracuje na tom, aby byla dostavěna dálnice D11, která zajistí městu a regionu klíčové napojení na Polsko. Ta…


RT @PiSwPE: 10 lat @ECR_CoR w Europejskim Komitecie Regionów! 🎉🇪🇺

Współprzewodniczący @ecrgroup prof. : „Nie wolno nam zapominać, że bez samorządów regionalnych i lokalnych, które stoją na czele jednych z największych wyzwań społecznych, nie byłoby UE.”


RT @GordonKeymer: @ECR_CoR Congratulations to the ECR CoR Group on your 10th Anniversary and many thanks to all who made it possible. The Group is going from strength to strength


"The EU budget review should:

✅ address evolving needs, funding gaps & allocation delays more effectively

✅increase flexibility & crisis responsiveness"

🗣️Oldřich Vlasák


RT @EU_CoR: 🌐 A future where all Europeans, no matter where they live, have the same opportunities.

The opinion on public sector interoperability has just been adopted by the .

⬇️ The rapporteur @michelepais explains its goal.



"Despite difficult times, Member States are heavily investing in the digital transformation of public administrations. To make interoperability across Europe a reality, LRAs must receive appropriate financial support"

🗣️ Rapporteur @MichelePais1 during


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Congratulations to our @EU_CoR rapporteur @MichelePais1 on the adoption by unanimity of his opinion on interoperability 👏 👏 👏


RT @ecrgroup: Our sister group, ECR Group in the Committee of Regions, is celebrating 10 years in the @EU_CoR!

👏 Congratulations to our @ECR_CoR colleagues!

ECR Co-Chairman Prof Legutko: “We must not forget that without regional and local governments, which are at the forefront of some of…


"We need preventive action to increase resilience to future disasters. Disasters know no boundaries & their frequency & intensity is increasing. My region, Abruzzo, has been on front line to support Emilia-Romagna during the floods"

🗣️@marcomarsilio @JanezLenarcic


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