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"Resilience has become a hot topic for public policymaking and the @ECR_CoR Group is pleased to see it on top of the political priorities. From droughts to floods, climate change will lead to more natural disasters in future – this is a wake-up call"



"It is crucial that the EU does not discriminate against specific minorities. The EU should be a defender of the rights of all, including indigenous national and linguistic minorities"

🗣️Anna Magyar


RT @Kozlowski_W: Gościem specjalnym @ECR_CoR był Poseł do PE, Małopolanin, prof. Ryszard Legutko, z którym rozmawiałem, min. na temat funkcjonowania Europejskiego Komitetu Regionów.


We're live from day 1️⃣ of !

📍On the agenda

🌁 President @marcomarsilio on │ Commissioner @JanezLenarcic
✅Adoption of opinion, Digital interoperability @MichelePais1
👨‍🦽Anna Magyar on disabilities & respect of minorities
O. Vlasák │ MFF

RT @EU_CoR: The 155th starts today! Here are the main debates on the agenda,

🔹promoting equality, diversity & inclusion at local and regional level
🔹preparing for and dealing wi…


"But we must look at negative impacts including gentrification, illegal renting, skyrocketing rents & desertification of city centres. These platforms have to share data with local & regional authorities to inform policy-making & support planning & enforcement of local rules"


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"Short-term rentals have changed the nature of European tourism with more variety, more choice, more authenticity and more tourists, and have helped contribute to revival of rural areas"



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As @EU_CoR spokesperson on the short-term rental sector @venetociambetti has been invited to hearing of @EP_Transport to present his opinion


Marshal W. Ortyl emphasized that the 🇪🇺 Elections in 2024 will be vital for the @ecrgroup in gaining more influence in decision-making:

"Recent 🗳️ in 🇮🇹 🇫🇮 & 🇸🇪 prove that our conservative parties have been resoundingly successful. Let's continue to make our voices heard"


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"Every difficulty faced by the only reaffirms the need for our presence in Brussels, and with the the values we represent it is no coincidence that the European Conservatives & Reformists Group is growing bigger and bigger"

🗣️ President @MarcoMarsilio


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RT @marcomarsilio: 🇪🇺 Il gruppo @ECR_CoR del Comitato europeo delle regioni celebra oggi 10 anni dalla fondazione
Ringrazio i 60 membri per l'instancabile lavoro svolto per promuovere la voce del buonsenso all'intento del Comitato e per difendere le tradizioni e il principio di sussidiarietà.


Today we celebrate 🔟 years of our group in the @EU_CoR 👏

Our President @MarcoMarsilio welcomes our guests of honour - the co-chairmen of the @ecrgroup in the @europarl_en - Prof. Legutko & @NProcaccini for an exchange on achievements, challenges & cooperation


"Life expectancy in our regions goes beyond the European average. We want to bring forward health and sustainability agenda but targets must be scientifically grounded, reasonable and realistic. So much work has been done. Let's not jeopardise our economy"


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"Specific & unique geographical situation of our region must be taken into account. We are at a disadvantage. For 15 years our regions have been putting in place many mechanisms to reduce emissions - our regions have quality of life at heart"

🗣️ @venetociambetti


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President of the Veneto Regional Council @venetociambetti is in @europarl_en to present a memorandum of understanding on the air quality directive signed by 4⃣ Presidents of 🇮🇹 regions


🔹 “Senza l’Europa non ha futuro”

🔹 “Per combattere il declino demografico dobbiamo investire in politiche per la natalitá adeguate”

🗣️ @marcomarsilio, Presidente durante il dibattito su gli aspetti sociali della politica di coesione con @dragos_pislaru



RT @ecrgroup: We stand in solidarity with the political prisoners in , whose courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy inspire us.

We demand their immediate release and call for an end to the oppression.


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