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" as a bordering region with Ukraine plays a key role in helping 🇺🇦 people. Further investments are needed in making railway & road transport more efficient through construction and development of handling terminals"

🗣️ Władysław Ortyl


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First VP Marshal Władysław Ortyl & Marshal @Kozlowski_W share their 🇵🇱 regions' experience one year after Russia's unjustified aggression against 🇺🇦 highlighting the need for continuous support for the people of Ukraine


🗣️"We need to protect tourists, tenants & platform managers in order to counter illegal practices & unfair competition with legal barriers to protect all stakeholders. Over-tourism and gentrification must be tackled without compromising the economic benefits of the STR sector"


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Congratulations to our @EU_CoR rapporteur @venetociambetti on the adoption by unanimity of his opinion on the regulation of the short-term rental sector 👏 👏 👏 🏘️📊


"We must stop illegal migration flows once and for all. EU institutions & Member States should invest in information campaigns to put an end to life-threatening journeys to Europe, & penalise human traffickers running illegal immigration business"



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Two crucial topics for our President @marcomarsilio in today's debate on priorities of Swedish Presidency @sweden2023eu

🔹Protection of Europe's external borders
🔹Ban on the combustion engine


RT @marcomarsilio: 🇪🇺 Comitato Europeo delle Regioni
✅ Il mio intervento su migranti e rinvio stop auto combustibili a motore.


MEPs have just voted to condemn the ongoing repressions against the people of .

You can’t negotiate with . He serves the interest of the Kremlin only.

⬜️🟥⬜️ The ECR Group stands united in support of freedom for Poczobut, Bialiatski and all Belarusian people.


"We welcome EU initiative on Harnessing Talent in Regions. For its success, 2 very worrying trends must be addressed:

🔹Demographic decline👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
🔹Brain drain🧑‍🎓

Otherwise we will have a talent development trap, and ultimately, a slow emptying of regions"

🗣️Anna Magyar


RT @zaiapresidente: 🔵🔵🔵 Sono intervenuto stamattina a Bruxelles in Conferenza della Regioni europee. Nel mio intervento ho sottolineato alcune criticità da risolvere nelle tematiche del PNRR, dell'ambiente e del vino.


RT @marcomarsilio: 🇪🇺 Oggi pomeriggio interverrò a Bruxelles, a nome del Gruppo @ECR_CoR al dibattito della sessione plenaria del @EU_CoR con focus su due argomenti cruciali:
👉 protezione delle frontiere esterne dell’Europa;
👉 divieto di produzione di auto a motore endotermico


RT @Kozlowski_W: 🇵🇱Rozpoczyna się 154. Sesja Europejskiego Komitetu Regionów w Brukseli. Za nami już narada Grupy Politycznej Europejskich Konserwatystów i Reformatorów (EKR), natomiast późnym popołudniem odbędzie się debata nt. pomocy ogarniętej wojną Ukrainie, w której zabiorę głos.


We're live from day 1️⃣ of !

On the agenda:

🚗President @marcomarsilio on priorities of with Minister @ErikSlottner
🏘️Adoption of opinion on short-term rental sector │ @venetociambetti
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Anna Magyar │ Harnessing talent with Commissioner Šuica
RT @EU_CoR: Are you ready? The 154th is here! Check out the main debates on the agenda today 👇

🔹 Harnessing talent in Europe’s regions with @dubravkasuica
🔹 @sweden2023eu priorities…


RT @marcomarsilio: 🇪🇺 Sono arrivato a per partecipare alla riunione dell’Ufficio di Presidenza del @EU_CoR che precede la sessione plenaria del Comitato europeo delle regioni in programma per domani e dopodomani


RT @Donatella_Tesei: Abbiamo dato ufficialmente mandato al nostro servizio di Protezione Civile di redigere l’apposita Relazione per la dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza che sarà valutato dal Governo.


🇱🇹 On this day in 1990, the independence of was restored after decades of illegal annexation by the Soviet Union.

🇱🇹 We stand with Lithuania and all those other states who have suffered at the hands of the Evil Empire.

🇱🇹 Happy Independence Restoration Day!


RT @AlMissionEU: Ambassador @suelajanina , in a fruitful meeting with VP Anna Magyar,
@EU_CoR rapporteur on the Package 2022.


@EU_CoR @SRBinEU @suelajanina @AlMissionEU @HungaryintheEU @eu_near @BerlinProcess 🗣️As local & regional authorities we support EU and we stand ready to assist our partners in this process that will undoubtedly contribute to Europe’s prosperity & security


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VP Anna Magyar, @EU_CoR rapporteur on the Package 2022, continues her bilateral meetings in Brussels:

🇷🇸 Ambassador Ana Hrustanović, Head of Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU

🇦🇱 Ambassador Suela Janina, Head of Mission of the Republic of Albania to the EU


RT @juan_ggallardo: Castilla y León es líder nacional en protección de las familias y fomento de la natalidad 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🇪🇸

Esta es sólo una medida más de todas las que ya hemos impulsado para poner, por fin, a la familia en el centro de nuestras políticas públicas.


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